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Who’s Your Hero?. Name one person, living now, who you consider to be a HERO. List the characteristics that make him or her “heroic” to you. Does that.

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Presentation on theme: "Who’s Your Hero?. Name one person, living now, who you consider to be a HERO. List the characteristics that make him or her “heroic” to you. Does that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who’s Your Hero?

2 Name one person, living now, who you consider to be a HERO. List the characteristics that make him or her “heroic” to you. Does that person have any characteristics that are NOT positive? List those! Can someone be a role model and still have flaws? How flawed can they be and still be considered a hero?

3  Mike Tyson, boxing champion, is known as “the last great heavyweight” in the world. He is also known as the “baddest man on the planet” – a cocaine and sex addict, a convicted rapist, an abusive husband and a fighter known for biting off a piece of an opponent’s ear.  Watch this short video clip and consider: what characteristics make up a real-life hero? How flawed can a person be and still be considered heroic? Can you even be a real hero and NOT have flaws?  U U


5 Beowulf: the first hero in British Literature Who made HIM a hero? - The Anglo-Saxons! Understand THEM and you’ll understand HIM  The Anglo Saxon period began in 449  The first people to inhabit what we now know as Britain were the Britons.

6  Another group of invaders were the Angles and the Saxons  The Britons were no match for these invaders, but they did not give up without a fight.

7  These Germanic tribes brought with them a common language.  Old English or Anglo- Saxon.  Anglo-Saxon England (Angleland) was said to last until 1066.

8  During the Anglo- Saxon period England was divided.  The most important areas were:  Kent  Northumbria  Mercia  Wessex

9 Anglo-Saxons  During the last century of this period the Anglo-Saxons were compelled to organize themselves to resist further invasion from the Vikings or Norsemen whom they called the Danes.  King Alfred of Wessex (871-899) was able to unite his people and to force the Danes to the northeaster half of England.

10 Although the Anglo-Saxons fought among themselves, they had a great deal in common.  They used a common language  They shared a heroic ideal  They had a set of traditional heroes.  They were loyal to their leaders and tribe.  They held a belief of fierce personal valor.  They admired men of outstanding courage.  Persons of rank were received with grave courtesy.  Rulers were generous to those who were loyal  They had a democratic habit of mind.  They were hardy and brave  They had a passion for fine ornaments.

11 Teach the class about the people who made Beowulf a hero whose legend has endured 1300 years! With the members of your team: Choose a topic Research: (use text book or go online) Create a prezi or powerpoint that illustrates what you’ve learned (15 minutes) Present your work to the class! Your Assignment:

12 Who were the Anglo-Saxons? What did they look like? Where did they come from? How was their society set up? What were their religious beliefs? What kinds of buildings and businesses could you find in an Anglo-Saxon Village? What was Duddas Drenchus? What could an Anglo-Saxon do there? What attracted the Saxons to this place? What were some of the jobs held by individuals in the Anglo-Saxon village? What were some of the more unique positions? Were there slaves? What was the scop? How did the scop help to entertain and educate the Saxon people? What else did the Saxons do for entertainment? How did leisure pursuits differ between the upper and lower classes? Were the Anglo-Saxons a peaceful or warlike people? What interesting types of weapons did they use? On whom? What types of foods did the Anglo-Saxons eat? How were they cooked? When did they feast and when did they fast? What rules of etiquette did they follow? What interesting laws were created by the Anglo-Saxons? What were some punishments for breaking the law? Did they use law to enforce religious beliefs?

13 What was the life expectancy of an Anglo-Saxon? What types of things were likely to kill them? What words or ideas were originated by the Anglo-Saxons that we still use today? How did Anglo-Saxon women and children live? What rights did they have? What was the age of majority for children? What were the rules that governed marriage? What is known about Anglo-Saxon literature? When was it written? About what subjects? How was it communicated? How did their writings survive?

14  ch?v=jLyQUoC8C8Q&feature=r elated ch?v=jLyQUoC8C8Q&feature=r elated

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