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76.4115 Software Development project 2nd Iteration demo Supporting Collective and Collocated Use of Contextual Media.

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Presentation on theme: "76.4115 Software Development project 2nd Iteration demo Supporting Collective and Collocated Use of Contextual Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 76.4115 Software Development project 2nd Iteration demo Supporting Collective and Collocated Use of Contextual Media

2 Agenda  Project status (20 min) Goals Tasks Hours Used work practices Risks Next iteration  Work results (25 min) Quality assurance and assessment Architecture Demo

3 Introduction to the project – Goals Functionality  Integrating Context Awareness in mobile group communication  Multimedia messages with sound and videos  Bluetooth network  Visual codes Create a system that enhances mobile media sharing with context awareness and features for collocated interaction Create a system that is unique with no commercial or academic substitutes Create a robust system that can be trialed in the field with at least 8 users ‘Supporting Collective and Collocated Use of Contextual Media’ Quality  Implement immediacy (instant messaging)  Interaction design  Crossmedia: access to media also through the web  Research logs IP1

4 Project status

5 In this iteration:  All 8 set goals have been achieved, some of which still need to be reinforced in I2  Three functionalities delivered Context messaging Multimedia messaging Permanent message storage  Planned tasks have been mostly realized to a reasonable extent and some new tasks added  All members have spent quite many of their hours and everybody worked hard. We had a rush hour at the end of the iteration.

6 Detailed status of IP1’s goals GoalStatusNote Finish technical designokCommented by the customer Form two developer teams and divide implementation tasks in the two teams okTeams were divided on 19.10.2005 right after Design Phase demo Di/Magnus – Team1 Jimmy/Lucas – Team 2 Focus on organized implementation works in order to realize all the milestones for this iteration okBi-weekly demo with customer about agreed milestones Three demos done Major milestones delivered Context messaging postponed to the last week Deliver two required system functionalities to the customer with good quality: Context messaging and Multimedia messaging PartialDi/Magnus – Multimedia messaging,UI, database Jimmy/Lucas – Context messaging and message storage Bugs yet to be fixed

7 Detailed status of IP1’s goals GoalStatusNote Finish or partially finish Permanent media content storage okAn ’invisible ’ feature Decide SEPAs topics and finish half of SEPAs at the end of this iteration okLiang/Tomas – monitoring & control Di/Magnus – static methods Jimmy/Lucas – refactoring Integrate SEPAs practices into the software development process with an attempt to improve the process okAll SEPA doers have used time during IP1 to practice what they want to write about Finish all the other deliveries for this phase with high quality work and communicate the contents to all the group members ok  QA plan/Test report/ Test cases  Project plan/Re. Spec Updated  UI specification  Progress report

8 Deliverables status DeliverablesStatusNote QA Planok Technical specificationokApproved by customer Test plancancelledQA plan = Test plan Test reportokWith test charter SEPA diariesok3 SEPA diaries delivered Progress reportok Updated project planok Updated requirements specification okSome new requirements added Meeting minutes/memook6 memo delivered for IP1 Bi-weekly demo for milestones to the customer ok3 milestone demos held with customer Context feature postponed to the last week

9 Realization of the tasks Managerial TasksStatusRealPlanDiff QA plan writing and reviewingOk1810+8 Test plan writing and reviewingcancelled012-12 Support RM for QA plan and Test plancancelled05-5 Iteration plan preparation, writing and reviewingOk5.56-0.5 Update Project planOk34 Write Progress reportOk13.510+6.5 Support/help PM in iteration plan, project plan updating /progress report writing Ok710-3 Update Requirement SpecificationOk94+4 Mentor meetingOk816-8 Customer meetingsOk25.5-- Internal meetingsOk46.548-1.5 Writing meeting minutesOk56 Writing SEPAOk1316-3 Personal SE practiceOk1216-4

10 Realization of the tasks (continued) Managerial TasksStatusRealPlanDiff Other project management (Project manager)Ok1915+4 Other project management (group members, if applicable) Ok18.5-- Plan the next iterationOk08-8 Technical TasksStatusRealPlanDiff GUI designOk118+3 UI specification writingOk78 Technical design specification writingOk5715+31 Support tech. design/writingOk62+4 Studying the last year implementation 4h/week*4 weeks Ok51.548+8 Study the requirements of the whole project and pervious year implementation Ok2226-4 Quality assuranceOk54+1 Technical implementation (Tomas)Cancelled020-20

11 Realization of the tasks (continued) Technical TasksStatusRealPlanDiff Technical implementationOk209128+80 Details  Context Awareness: Implement parser for ContextPhone log Implement ContextCue database structure Implement ContextCue delivery format from server to the clients Integrate context cues into GUI components  Multimedia content: Implement control mechanism for recording & playing media Implement sound recorder & player Implement video recorder & player Implement methods for attaching media content to messages  Permanent media content storage: Implement data storage structure for MMC cards Implement media content download mechanism Implement media story, message & user database structure (server) Implement new content advertiser on server Implement client-server handshake modelImplement data-management tools

12 Realization of the tasks (continued) Technical TasksStatusRealPlanDiff Test case design/documentingOk16.520-5.5 Test execution/fixing and report bugsPartial56.550+2.5 Testing UsabilityOk54+1 Preparing for demoOk98-5 Unplanned TasksStatusRealPlanDiff Setting environmentOk8.5- Adopting toolsOk4- Context phone searchOk2.5- Context phone meeting with MikaOk2- TOTAL676531+141

13 Working hours by person – Realized hours in this iteration MembersRealPlanDiff Liang Fang6855+13 Teppo Helles52 0 Jing 7152+19 Jimmy Kjällman10282+20 Tomas Martelin9974+25 Magnus Sandberg9072+9 Lucas Vikström9772+25 Di Zhu9772+25 Total676531+145

14 Plan in the beginning of this iteration vs. Latest Plan (realized hours) PPIP1ΣIP2Total Liang Fang 565511159170 Teppo Helles 52 10446150 Jing 52 10446150 Jimmy Kjällman 10829278170 Tomas Martelin 517412545170 Magnus Sandberg 387211060170 Lucas Vikström 327210466170 Di Zhu 327210466170 Total3235318544661320 PPIP1ΣTotalLeft Liang Fang 68 13617034 Teppo Helles 52 10415046 Jing 527112315027 Jimmy Kjällman 1010211217058 Tomas Martelin 289912717043 Magnus Sandberg 189010817062 Lucas Vikström 159711217058 Di Zhu 209711717053 Total2636769391320381

15 Latest Plan (realized and left hours in chart)

16 Reasons for discrepancies  Changes to the project New requirements from the customer Customer provided a new solution to the system – Mika’s contextPhone – waiting time 2 weeks  Developers need time to understand the previous year system.  Bugs from previous system took many time to be fixed. Many new bugs found during last test session and took time to fix.  Context messaging features are new to us, it turned out to be more complicated than expected to our developers after the functionalities are detailed.  Busy schedule of group members. LD went on business trip when the system design and implementation work was at its critical moments.

17 Reasons for discrepancies  Monitoring and control efforts not enough: tasks checked every week, but to what extent?  Communication takes time, and distributed software development surely makes this problem more obvious.  Jing took Tomas’ role while he was away. She spent more time than planned.  Jimmy spent a large amount of time on the server side because it is very complex and the source codes are bad commented and documented.  The skills and experience among our developers are at different level.  GUI is important in this project because every thing our developers had worked so hard on had to be shown through GUI. Our GUI was implemented on the previous year’s codes, our developers first had to spend time understanding those codes.

18 Used work practices  Weekly time report Time report sent to PM on Sunday Time summary by person uploaded on server regularly Tasks redistribution after time review in internal meetings  MSN & e-mail as the major channels for communication Emails exchanged on daily basis: e.g. number of emails MSN used for minor issues or instant answers Telephone used for urgent issues  Weekly meeting held to communicate within the group 1h meeting going through what has been done since last meeting and what will be done before next meeting Task list distributed by PM to all the group members Discussion of common problems and some updated issues concerning the project

19 Used work practices (continued)  Bi-weekly demo held with customer to get a better control of the progress Milestones agreed at the beginning of the iteration Participants mainly from management group Customer feedback solicited during demo Communicating to the developers in the next internal meeting  Quality assurance Code review Intensive group testing sessions Group integration testing session  Risk management Jing took Tomas’ role voluntarily while he was away Communicating with mentor for advice Contacting customer/technical advisor if needed Increasing internal communication via phone calls or msn  SEPAs practices in programming Refactoring Static methods

20 Risks and possible actions taken RiskAction taken Vague work division among the developer teams  Clearer task lists made in internal meeting and list sent out to group members after meeting (checked in the next) Technical design cannot be completed on time  Proper pressure from the whole team  Seeking help from technical advisor Requirements change or addition  Frozen requirements with customer as early as possible The previous application has bugs or bad documentation  Nothing much can be done.  Seeking help from technical advisor Critical bugs found in last testing session & no time to fix them all  More active unit testing  Fix some bugs during winter holiday Devices do not work properly  Contacted customers in time Not all required functionalities can be delivered on time  More monitor and control needed  Checkup regularly on how developers are proceeding Key member was not available  Other members took the role when things were critical The measurements on outcomes are not defined well  We didn’t realize this risk and no effective actions had been taken The functionalities required by the customer are very demanding to us  We have tried our best

21 Plan for next iteration Functionality  integrating Context Awareness in mobile group communication  Multimedia messages with sound and videos  Bluetooth network  Visual codes Quality  Implement immediacy (instant messaging)  Interaction Design  Crossmedia: access of media also through the web  Research logs  We need a group review meeting for members ’ feeling after 2 iterations  Freeze requirements for two last functionalities, focus on Bluetooth and Visual code  Technical design must be finished at the beginning of IP2  More system level testing as well as customer acceptance testing  Finalizing Context and Multimedia features and fix bugs according to severity  Deliver all the required documents on time IP2

22 Results of the iteration

23 QA Plan Testing Area: Context Awareness, Multimedia Content, Permanent storage and updating Testing activities: Planned activity: - Integration testing - System testing: functional & usability testing - Acceptance testing: at the end of the iteration Realized activity: - integration testing: 2 sessions - system testing: usability (1 session), functional (2 session) - acceptance testing: this week Review document review – carried out for most of the release document code review – to bring everyone up to the same level Bug fixing many existing bug in mGroup new bugs in CoMedia

24 Quality metrics  Blocker Bug: Users view freezes, blocker User’s details / single member view not working, critical message viewing not fully working, critical other QA metrics  Planned Test Cases / Proposed Requirements: 100%  Tested Test Cases / Planned Test Cases: 100%  Fixed defects / Reported Defects: 27%  New developed code / total lines of code: 17.5% I1I2Total Reported41-21 Closed11- Open30- Bug metrics Blocke rs Critic al Majo r Norm al Mino r TrivialEnha nce Tot al Total open1211941230 This iteration reported 14161161241

25 Quality assessment  quality Evaluation the of the different functional areas of the system effort that has been put on test execution: 13% of total hours full coverage specified, not all tested the quality result of CoMedia is not satisfactory during the testing session all the bugs detected at the moment are based on the current implementation which is not yet completed. -> more bugs existed when the development can be finished.  The quality of the current CoMedia application is under the quality goal specified for this period. Functional areaCoverag e Qualit y Comments Context Awareness 2  Many bugs (blocker, critical & major) in this area, mainly on the GUI level Multimedia Content 3 Some minor bugs reoccurred after fixing Permanent storage and updating 3  A few major bugs (mainly from mGroup) Legend Coverage: 0 = nothing 1 = we looked at it 2 = we checked all functions 3 = it’s tested Quality:  = quality is good  = not sure  = quality is bad

26 System architecture  The system consists of client mobile devices and a server application with a MySQL database

27 System architecture  The added functionality in Iteration 1 Multimedia Content  Added Audio and Video components to messages Local Storage  Added local serialization of content data Context Awareness  Added functionality for retrieving and distributing information about the environment of users

28 System architecture  Multimedia Content Audio  Views for recording and playing audio, featuring timer  MIDP Audio playing objects Video  Views for recording and playing video  MIDP Video playing objects

29 System architecture  Local Storage FileConnection interface to memory card PacketSerializer Store stories and messages + meta-data locally New server-client communication, message cues Achieve off-line mode

30 System architecture

31  Context Awareness MySQL database with added tables for user, story, message contexct information Server-Client communication, context reports and context updates Context Logger Symbian application  Writes context information in XML format to a socket

32 System architecture

33 Use cases  Adding a sound file to a Message and play the sound  Adding a video file to a Message and play the Video  Stories and Messages Update and Permanent Storage  Delete Media Message  CoMedia server advertises new content  All subscribed members’ context information on the client  Message reading events are logged and displayed  Current users in a Story displayed  User context information: location, phone usage, CoMedia in foreground, Bluetooth visible users

34 Software size in Lines of Code (LOC)  Added functionality, more LOC Multimedia content & Local storage more client side Context awareness required work on both sides refactoring reduced LOC KXML library added to the client/lib directory is not counted here PPI1Added Total (NCLOC + COM)28 54734 586 PPI1Added Client12 91517 106 Server15 63217 480

35 Software size in Lines of Code (LOC) ClientPPI1I2 /633735 /connection12401329 /contextinfo0929 /localstorage499974 /proto444 /protocol12481439 /researchlog460 /storage15651821 /ui68267742 /util1233

36 Software size in Lines of Code (LOC) ServerPPI1I2 /71947317 /dal38914404 /protocol38414548 /protocoltest475 /tests147 /util84

37 Demo  Start CoMedia  Demonstrate the developed software first tell briefly to the audience what you are going to demonstrate  distributing a demo script to the audience helps following the demo concentrate on new functionality

38 Demo script  Multimedia message content Log in on CoMedia Create story – invite others to the story Create message with multimedia content  Text  Picture  Audio  Video

39 Demo script  Local storage of media content Messages are stored locally When updated, only new messages are sent Delete message, after update the message should not appear

40 Demo script  Context awareness Story context  How many users are currently viewing the story  Who wrote the last message and when  Are there unread messages?

41 Demo script  Context awareness User context  Check the user list CoMedia in foreground Phone usage Location Bluetooth visible users

42 Demo script  Context awareness Message context  Reading events

43 Thank you! Q & A?

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