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“The Compassion Campaign”

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1 “The Compassion Campaign”
Lesson 25 Vocabulary “The Compassion Campaign” A readers’ theater script

2 loathe What kind of food do you loathe?
If you loathe something, you hate it. What kind of food do you loathe? Turn and tell your partner. Form your sentence like this: “I loathe _____because _______.”

3 bland Something that is bland is dull and unexciting.
What makes food LESS bland? 1. mixing water in with it 2. sprinkling salt or pepper on it

4 mentor A mentor is a trusted person who gives someone helpful advice.
What makes a person a good mentor? 1. They are knowledgeable and helpful. 2. They like to read books.

5 dilapidated A dilapidated building looks worn out and run down.
What might a dilapidated car look like? 1. old and rusty 2. shiny and new

6 coordination Coordination involves organizing the different parts of something so that they work well together. Why does cooking and serving a holiday meal for many people take a lot of coordination? Turn and tell your partner. Begin your sentence like this: “It takes a lot of coordination to cook a holiday meal because _______.”

7 altruism Altruism is being concerned about others before worrying about oneself. How might someone show altruism after a natural disaster, like a hurricane or tornado? 1. being concerned only about what they lost 2. helping others in a time of need

8 sensibility A sensibility is a special awareness in a certain area; for example: a person can have an artistic sensibility or a musical sensibility. What activities might a person with a musical sensibility choose? 1. texting their friends 2. writing songs

9 advocacy What do advocacy groups do?
Advocacy is giving support to a person, idea, or cause. What do advocacy groups do? 1. help people in serious situations 2. read and discuss books

10 mistreated How might a mistreated animal behave?
If something is mistreated, it is used in a way that harms or hurts it. How might a mistreated animal behave? Turn and talk to your partner. Form your sentence like this: “A mistreated animal might _________.”

11 compassionate A compassionate person would probably ___
A compassionate person is kindhearted and understanding. A compassionate person would probably ___ 1. be concerned about others. 2. be selfish and uncaring.

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