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FRBR Basics, AACR & the OPAC. FRBR BEGINNINGS The 1990 Stockholm Seminar commissioned a study to define the functional requirements of bibliographic records.

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Presentation on theme: "FRBR Basics, AACR & the OPAC. FRBR BEGINNINGS The 1990 Stockholm Seminar commissioned a study to define the functional requirements of bibliographic records."— Presentation transcript:

1 FRBR Basics, AACR & the OPAC

2 FRBR BEGINNINGS The 1990 Stockholm Seminar commissioned a study to define the functional requirements of bibliographic records. Worked on by IFLA Study Group on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, 1992- 1995 Approved by IFLA Section on Cataloging, 1997 & published by Saur in 1998 Incorporated into JSC Strategic Plan for AACR 2001/2002

3 FRBR GOALS 1.“to delineate in clearly defined terms the functions performed by the bibliographic record with respect to various media, various applications and various user needs.” 2.“to recommend a basic level of functionality and basic requirements for records created by national bibliographic agencies” that would meet “essential user needs.” 3.FRBR is not a new cataloging code. AACR3

4 ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP MODEL Source: The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (09 FEB 02) entity-relationship model An approach to data modelling proposed by P. Chen in 1976. The model says that you divide your database in two logical parts, entities (e.g. "customer", "product") and relations ("buys", "pays for"). Entity-relationship diagrams can be used to represent a modelling

5 What’s a conceptual model? Abstract depiction of the universe of things being described –The things in that universe (entities) –Identifying characteristics of those entities (attributes/elements) –The relationships among the entities

6 ORGANIZATION OF THE FRBR REPORT Part 1 – Definition of Entities and their Attributes Part 2 – Bibliographic Relationships Part 3 – A national level bibliographic record for all types of materials Part 4 – User Tasks (e.g., Find, Identify, Select & Obtain)

7 ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP MODEL Entities Relationships Attributes Shakespeare Dates Hamlet English Relationship author Entity 1Entity 2

8 FRBR ENTITIES Group 1: The products of intellectual or artistic endeavor:  Work  Expression  Manifestation  Item Group 2: Those responsible for production or custodianship of group 1 entities:  Person  Corporate Body Group 3: Subjects of works:  Concept  Object  Event  Place

9 Group 1 Work A distinct intellectual or artistic creation Expression The intellectual or artistic realization of a work Manifestation The physical embodiment of an expression of a work Item A single example of a manifestation

10 Group 1 Building blocks of the FRBR structure Work: abstract intellectual or artistic creation Expression: version of the work –language, illustrator, translator, performer Manifestation: physical carrier of the expression –published edition Item – single physical representation (copy)

11 FRBR Links Work to Work –Many to many: book to movie Work to Expression –One to many: music to different performances; book in different languages Expression to Work –One to one

12 FRBR Links Expression to Manifestation –One to many: book to different publishers –Many to one: series, analytics, and collected works Manifestation to Expression –One to many: series, analytics, and collected works –Many to one: different publishers

13 FRBR Links Manifestation to Item –One to many: one book to multiple copies Item to Manifestation –One to one

14 Group 1 Work Expression is realized through is embodied in Manifestation Item is exemplified by recursive one many

15 Work Expression Manifestation Item Group 2 many Person Corporate Body is owned by is produced by is realized by is created by FRBR

16 Work Group 3 many has as subject Expression Manifestation Item Person Corporate Body Work Concept Object Event Place has as subject FRBR

17 Vocabulary “Book” –Door prop (item) –“publication” at bookstore any copy (manifestation)

18 Vocabulary “Book” –Who translated? (expression) –Who wrote? (work)

19 19 Examples 1.Leatherbound autographed copy in Rare Books Collection? 2.Digitized version of the Oxford University Press text published in 2008? 3.French translation? 4.London Symphony Orchestra 2005 performance? 5.Three Musketeers? Item Manifestation Expression Work

20 FRBR Entity Levels Work: Expression: Manifestation: The Play Orig. Text Transl. Critical Edition The Movie Orig. Version PaperPDFHTML Item: Copy 1 Autographed Copy 2 Family of works

21 Relationships -Work/Expression w 1 Charles Dickens’ A Christmas carol e 1 the author’s original English text e 2 a Tamil translation by V.A.

22 Relationships - Work/Expression/Manifestation w 1 J.S. Bach’s Goldberg variations e 1 performance by Glen Gould in 1981 m 1 recording released on 33 1/3 rpm sound disc in 1982 by CBS Records m 2 recording re-released on compact disc in 1993 by Sony m 3 digitization of the Sony re-release as MP3 in 2000

23 ... many expressions of the work... Three manifestations of the expression ItemItem Entity relationships: Work … Item

24 000cam a 0012465968 008821108 s 1912 gw 0 0 0 0 ger d 035‚a (OCoLC)ocm08935092035 040‚a ZIH ‚c ZIH ‚d PUL 041‚a ger ‚h eng 100‚a Shakespeare, William, ‚d 1564-1616. 24010‚a Hamlet. ‚l German 24510‚a Hamlet, Prinz von Dèanemark / ‚c von William Shakespeare ;èubersezt von Heinrich Voss. 260 ‚a [Dèusseldorf : ‚b E. Ohle, ‚c 1912] 300 ‚a 145 p. ; ‚c 28 cm. 500 ‚a Number 141 of an edition of 200 copies. ‚5 NjP 563 ‚a Bound by Carl Sonntag jun. in Leipzig. ‚5 NjP 7001 ‚a Voss, Heinrich, ‚d 1779-1822. 8528 ‚b ex ‚h 3925.342.11 876‚a 32101037428800 MARC

25 000cam a 0012465968 008821108 s 1912 gw 0 0 0 0 ger d 035‚a (OCoLC)ocm08935092035 040‚a ZIH ‚c ZIH ‚d PUL 0411‚a ger ‚h eng 1001‚a Shakespeare, William, ‚d 1564-1616. 24010‚a Hamlet. ‚l German 24510‚a Hamlet, Prinz von Dèanemark / ‚c von William Shakespeare ;èubersezt von Heinrich Voss. 260 ‚a [Dèusseldorf : ‚b E. Ohle, ‚c 1912] 300 ‚a 145 p. ; ‚c 28 cm. 500 ‚a Number 141 of an edition of 200 copies. ‚5 NjP 563‚a Bound by Carl Sonntag jun. in Leipzig. ‚5 NjP 7001 ‚a Voss, Heinrich, ‚d 1779-1822. 8528 ‚b ex ‚h 3925.342.11 876‚a 32101037428800 Field data: Work Expression Manifestation Item Record MARC: FRBR mapping

26 Relationships - Work/Expression/Manifestation/ Item w 1 Lost treasures of the world e 1 the interactive electronic resource m 1 the CD published in 1994 by Follgard CD-Visions i 1 first copy held by Calgary Public Library i 2 second copy held by Calgary Public Library

27 Objectives of a catalog: display All the works associated with a person, etc. All the expressions of the same work All the manifestations of the same expression All items/copies of the same manifestation Collocation Shakespeare Hamlet Romeo and Juliet English French German Swedish Stockholm 2008 Columbia University Copy 1 Green leather binding

28 Pathways to Related Works Hamlet Stockholm 2008 English Swedish French German Shakespeare Library of Congress Copy 1 Green leather binding Romeo and Juliet Stoppard Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead Text Movies … Derivative works Subject

29 Collocation by Works Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.  All’s well that ends well  As you like it  Hamlet  Macbeth  Midsummer night’s dream  …

30 Collocation by Family of Works and Expressions Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Hamlet. +Texts +Motion Pictures +Sound Recordings

31 Collocation by Expressions Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Hamlet. +Texts – Danish +Texts – Dutch +Texts – English +Texts – French +Texts – Spanish +Motion Pictures – English +Sound Recordings - English

32 Collocation of Manifestations Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Hamlet. - Motion pictures – English + 1964 Director, Bill Collegan + 1990 Director, Kevin Kline, Kirk Browning + 1990 Director, Franco Zeffirelli + 1992 Director, Maria Muat + 1996 Director, Kenneth Branagh + 2000 Director, Campbell Scott, Eric Simonson

33 FRBR Display - Serial  Atlantic monthly  Atlantic monthly (Boston, Mass. : 1993-)  Atlantic (Boston, Mass. : 1981-1992)  Atlantic monthly (Boston, Mass. : 1971- 1980)  Atlantic (Boston, Mass. : 1932-1970)  Atlantic monthly (Boston, Mass. : 1857- 1931)

34 FRBR Display - Serial  Atlantic monthly  Atlantic monthly (Boston, Mass. : 1993-)  Online  Paper  Microfilm  Atlantic (Boston, Mass. : 1981-1992)  Atlantic monthly (Boston, Mass. : 1971-1980)  Atlantic (Boston, Mass. : 1932-1970)  Atlantic monthly (Boston, Mass. : 1857-1931)

35 Circulation: Place holds at “Work” or “Expression” level rather than only at manifestation level (VTLS and OCLC demonstrate this) Hamlet English FRBR Benefits

36 Database/format Scenarios Bib record (flat-file) Author: Title: Content type: Carrier type: Provenance: Subject: Lee, T. B. Cataloguing has a future Spoken word Audio disc Metadata Donated by the author Name authority record Name: Subject authority record Identifier: … Label: Identifier: … Bib record (description) Item information Manifestation information Expression information Work information FRBR record RDA content type registry Label: Identifier: … Spoken word RDA element registry RDA carrier type registry Future record ONIX FRBR registry Based on Gordon Dunsire’s slide Work title: Cataloguing has a future

37 Author: Title: Content type: Carrier type: Provenance: Subject: Lee, T. B. Cataloguing has a future Audio disc Metadata Donated by the author Name authority record Name: Subject authority record Identifier: … Label: Identifier: … Item information Manifestation information Expression information Work information RDA content type registry Label: Identifier: … Spoken word RDA carrier type registry Linked Data Work Title: Cataloguing has a future Cataloguing has a future

38 Author: Title: Content type: Carrier type: Provenance: Subject: Lee, T. B. Cataloguing has a future Audio disc Metadata Donated by the author Name authority record Name: Subject authority record Identifier: … Label: Identifier: … Item information Manifestation information Expression information Work information RDA content type registry Label: Identifier: … Spoken word RDA carrier type registry Package for Data Sharing Lee, T. B. Metadata Spoken word Audio disc Work Title: Cataloguing has a future Cataloguing has a future Communication format record

39 Current Practice We currently catalog by manifestation (piece in hand) –describe the manifestation –access points for the work and expression Can’t easily group by expression Can’t see relationships Many separate records for same work

40 Possibilities Group related versions of works for easy identification and selection Place holds at different levels of display –work –expression –manifestation –item

41 Problem Areas Need to identify roles of Group 2 entities (persons, corporate bodies) –same person with different roles –different persons with same roles Expressions are difficult to locate and define Do we need a “Super work” –Gone with the Wind (book) –Gone with the Wind (movie)

42 FRBR Benefits for Users Easier to find information as a single search retrieves all related materials Easier to see all the different expressions of a single work Easier to find all manifestations OPAC becomes simpler to navigate and understand Place holds at “Work” or Expression level rather than only at the manifestation level Better understanding of relationships among related works or expressions

43 FRBR Benefits for Librarians Reduction in cataloging load –Work has to be cataloged only once for all expressions under it –Expression has to be cataloged once for all manifestations under it Easier to find information as a single search retrieves all related materials Better logic and organization to catalog

44 “FRBERIZING” AACR2 A new interest in cataloging Resource Description and Access (RDA) will use FRBR model

45 “FRBERIZING” A RULE 1.5A3 If an item is available in different formats (e.g., as text and microfilm; as sound disc and sound tape reel), give the physical description of the format in hand. 1.5A3 If manifestations of a work are available in different formats…

46 “FRBERIZING” RELATIONSHIPS Collocation When is a work or an expression a new work or expression? Relators Authority Control in RDA

47 Same Expression New Expression Work New Work B. Tillett Dec. 2001

48 Relationships Inherent among the Group 1 entities Content relationships among works/expressions Work Expression Manifestation Item Whole-Part Accompanying Sequential Derivative

49 FRBR & THE OPAC OCLC Fiction Finder RLG RedLightGreen VTLS Virtua

50 OCLC FICTION FINDER Prototype system for searching and browsing fiction Clustered at the work level Organized by work and expression

51 Fiction Finder result set display

52 Fiction Finder record display

53 RedLightGreen and FRBR NOT a FRBR implementation –Realities of the Rock and the Hard Place FRBR Group 1 Entities invaluable during planning –Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item –Common language –Precisely defined concepts FRBR and RedLightGreen in a nutshell –Mission: Make the Union Catalog relevant to undergraduates –Reduce the number of editions on the results screen –Use FRBR concepts such as Work, Expression and Manifestation to discuss how records should cluster –

54 RedLG: Title Cluster

55 RedLG: Editions ~ FRBR Manifestation –“With the entity defined as manifestations we can describe the physical characteristics of a set of items […] enabling users to choose a manifestation appropriate to their […] needs” (FRBR 22)

56 Get it [at your library] example

57 VIRTUA BY VTLS Separate records for work, expression, manifestation & item in a tree structure "peaceful co-existence" of a FRBR and non-FRBR records Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL) went live in Jan. 2004

58 A Super (or Supra) Work is a record that has other works (sub works) related to it –For example, the novel Beau Geste by P. C. Wren is one FRBR Work, and the several movies that have been created from the book are also separate FRBR Works. The Super work is an artificial creation that links all these related works together Super Work

59 The Work record for the “ Super ” Work of Beau Geste

60 Super Work The tree expanded to show the “ sub works ” of the Super Work The Work record for the novel (a sub work of the Super Work)

61 Super Work The tree expanded to show the Expression and Manifestations of the 1939 movie The Expression record for the 1939 movie





66 “FRBR-ized” OPAC Displays Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Hamlet. [Text] Translation. French. 1770. Manifestation Work Expression Item

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