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Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss WG 3: Plans for next year COSMO General Meeting, 21 September.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss WG 3: Plans for next year COSMO General Meeting, 21 September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss WG 3: Plans for next year COSMO General Meeting, 21 September 2007 Marco Arpagaus

2 2 WG3: Plans for next year Priority Projects … PP QPF finishes as planned by the end of 2007 (final report & paper). PP UTCS:  Dmitrii

3 3 WG3: Plans for next year Work Packages … All but two WPs ongoing. – New / changed: convection continuation of work started within PP QPF in the framework of a WP (purely) convective cases (~5, mainly underprediction) additional cross-experiments more sensitivity runs coordination: Federico Grazzini implementation of the IFS version of the Tiedtke-Kain- Fritsch CPS (know-how transfer from Silke Dierer to Paola Mercogliano, Massimo Milelli, Davide Cesari). UTCS task 4 ('slowdown of CPS', Tiedtke scheme) all the above work may lead to the formulation of a new priority project until the next General Meeting

4 4 WG3: Plans for next year Work Packages … soil and vegetation extend TERRA stand-alone: implement all available options (Ament) 1d sensitivity studies, comparison with data in Lindenberg, Ferrara, and more (Fluxnet, etc; Vogel) implement most promising changes into the full 3d model (Ament) run 2d TERRA stand-alone (COSMO-2 domain) to obtain ICs for full 3d runs (Ament) run 3d test cases to see impact of changed soil moisture (Ament, Milelli, Mercogliano, …) coordination of all the above: Gerd Vogel Mosaic (Ament) MSMA (Ament)

5 5 WG3: Plans for next year Work Packages … Implementation of sub-grid scale orography (SSO) scheme (Lott and Miller (1997), GME/IFS-code) form drag / blocking & gravity wave drag implementation and provision of external parameters by Jan-Peter Schulz tuning of relevant parameters for the COSMO-EU by Jan- Peter, other partners could (or should!) be interested

6 6 WG3: Plans for next year Work Packages … Why do we have Work Package lists? collaboration coordination communication  let me know:   +41 44 256 93 76

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