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Parent/Teacher Night French V Honors Madame Gross

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1 Parent/Teacher Night French V Honors Madame Gross

2 Senior Year Textbook: Imaginez: le francais sans frontières Short films on contemporary issues Selections that feature current musicians from the francophone world “Galeries de Créateurs -> important cultural, artistic, and scientific figures from around the world Grammar review Vocabulary !! ( English – French and French-French)

3 La Question du jour ?? Seniors have an very different high school experience -> college is on the horizon !! “La question du jour” allows students to express themselves every day on topics which touch them directly Examples: Where are you in the application process? What region do you prefer and why? Do your parents agree with your choice of region? Do you prefer a large or a small school? Why? Have you always lived on the North Shore? From where are your ancestors? These questions are discussed in a seminar format – each student speaks for as long as he/she wishes.

4 Assessments Homework is nightly - important due to sequential nature of language study - missed homework results in lowered grade as well as an office detention (if absent, email me or classmate) There are approximately two written quizzes a week, one test a month. Regular oral proficiency assessment: presentations to the class, dialogs and skits All major Chapter Tests include Listening, Reading, Writing, and Cultural information *Make up policy for quizzes below 70% *Effort/participation Test Grade

5 Other Projects, etc Students will do short research projects which are pertinent to our short movies Students will watch one-three full length movies Students will also invent a Utopia where they discuss and design the laws of governance and means to take care of their populations ( reading excerpts from the French Enlightenment philosophers: Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Diderot, etc.

6 Technology in the classroom DVD’s Online interactive sites – Grammar review – Imaginez supersite – Richard Ladd Au dela Songs and videos from Youtube (song lyrics)

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