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1 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO) Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture Update Stakeholder’s Webinar.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO) Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture Update Stakeholder’s Webinar."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO) Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture Update Stakeholder’s Webinar November & December 2013

2 2 Response, Emergency Staging and Communications, Uniform Management, and Evacuation  Incident Scene Pre-Arrival Staging Guidance for Emergency Responders (RESP-STG) 2  Incident Scene Work Zone Alerts for Drivers and Workers (INC-ZONE)  Emergency Communications and Evacuation (EVAC)

3 3

4 4 R.E.S.C.U.M.E. Program Status Phase I (FY12-FY13)  Completed ConOps, Systems Requirements Document, and Test Readiness Assessment Phase II (FY13-FY14)  Prototype Development and Testing □ Develop and test prototypes for INC-ZONE and RESP-STG □ Define an architecture for EVAC and identify institutional issues □ Awarded to Battelle/UMD-CATT team; kickoff 8/28/2013  Impacts Assessment □ Estimate impacts of integrated multi-application deployments using standardized messages and shared communication networks □ Awarded to Booz Allen; kickoff in mid-September

5 5 R.E.S.C.U.M.E. Program Status (cont’d) Phase II Prototype Development Status  Detailed Requirements for Prototype □ Completed  Prototype System Architecture □ Under development now; final by January 2014 □ Your input today on the Phase I System Architecture will be welcome and valuable as we shape the Phase II Architecture  Prototype System Design Document □ Final due in January 2014  Prototype System Acceptance Test Plan & Summary □ Final due in February 2014 □ Testing and results due in March 2014  Prototype Demonstrations □ Go/No-Go decision based on test results. □ If approved, expect demos in late FY14 / early FY15

6 6 For More Information Linda Dodge Chief of Staff & ITS Public Safety Program Manager ITS JPO, USDOT 202.366.8034

7 7 Poll Question 1  Which of the following best describes your role in Connected Vehicles? o Federal Government o State DOT or Metropolitan Planning Organization o Local government o Car maker / OEM o Roadside equipment maker o Consultant o Academic o Other

8 8 Poll Question 2  How familiar are you with CVRIA (check all that apply)?  Attended one of the previous webinars  Visited the CVRIA website  This is my first experience

9 9  These webinars are meant to: □ Familiarize attendees with the Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture (CVRIA) so that they will be equipped to provide feedback on the architecture □ Provide an update on the development of the CVRIA □ Review portions of the CVRIA Website □ Discuss standardization planning and policy analysis  Today’s Speakers □ Linda Dodge □ David Binkley, Ron Ice, Tom Lusco □ Chris Karaffa, Jim Marousek □ Dawn LaFrance-Linden, Scott Smith CVRIA Update Webinars

10 10 CVRIA Update Webinar #7 – Agenda TopicStartEnd Welcome & Background/Overview1:30:40 Introduce Applications of the Day1:401:50 CVRIA Applications1:502:45 Interface Selection / Standardization Planning2:453:00 Pertinent Policy Issues3:003:15 Q&A3:153:30 (All Times Eastern)

11 11 CVRIA Update Webinar – Applications to be Reviewed Applications for WebinarDate V2I Red Light Violation Warning Curve Speed Warning Speed Harmonization (SPD-HARM) Nov 6, 2013 Signal Applications Intelligent Traffic Signal System Emergency Vehicle Priority Eco-Approach and Departure Nov 14 Road Weather Weather Responsive Traffic Management Enhanced Maintenance Decision Support Nov 19

12 12 CVRIA Update Webinar – Applications to be Reviewed, continued TopicsDate Freight & Fleet Operations Smart Roadside Initiative Freight Advanced Traveler Information Systems (FRATIS) Nov 26 Support Applications Data Distribution Communications Support Core Authorization Dec 3 Transit Applications Pedestrian in Signalized Crosswalk Warning Integrated Multi-modal Payment Dec 10 R.E.S.C.U.M.E. Incident Scene Pre-Arrival Staging Guidance for Emergency Responders Incident Scene Work Zone Alerts for Drivers & Workers Dec 17

13 13 Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture (CVRIA) Landscape: Safety, Mobility, Environmental Applications with common supporting infrastructure  Purpose of CVRIA is to identify a framework for integrating connected vehicle technologies and identify interfaces for standardization  By... □ Collecting and aggregating connected vehicle needs/requirements □ Developing a multi-faceted system architecture □ Identifying and prioritizing candidate interfaces for standardization □ Conducting policy analysis around the architecture  Near term uses – Define interfaces/functions/standards to support early deployments, e.g. SE Michigan 2014  Longer term – the National ITS Architecture will incorporate CVRIA to support use of connected vehicle in □ regional ITS architectures/plans □ future transportation projects  So, we need your help: □ Are we capturing the connected vehicle applications adequately? □ Are we including all of the necessary interfaces? □ We’ll show you how to provide feedback via the website?

14 14  With what area of the connected vehicle program are you or your stakeholders primarily interested? o Safety o Mobility o Environment o Support Poll Question 3

15 15  This site uses Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) to produce diagrams that are crisp and support hyperlinks from the graphical elements to the detailed descriptions □ Different web browsers support SVGs in different ways (some not at all). Try viewing the site with browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari for best results. □ As an alternative to SVGs all graphics are also available Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format. You may have to click on the PNG option to see it.  This site is still under construction, many pages are updated on a fairly regular basis. Make sure you are looking at the latest version of a web page by clicking “Refresh” or “Reload” within your browser. CVRIA Website Users Guide

16 16 Applications Tab Architecture Viewpoints Tab Let’s focus on an application What else is here? Start here What’s the overall layout? Physical Tab (objects, flows, comm) Standards Tab How do I learn about an app? Comment on Page Comment on Page Enterprise Tab (4 phases) How do I provide feedback? What about standards? Web Tour Road Map JPO / Stds / Activities / CVRIA JPO / Stds / Activities / CVRIA Start / Home vria/ vria/ Start / Home vria/ vria/ Functional & Requirements Tabs Resources / Glossary

17 17 Let’s Begin the Tour Go To Website Or At conclusion of webtour Skip to Use of CVRIA Slides

18 18  Which of the Architecture Views presented interests you the most? o Communications o Enterprise o Functional o Physical Poll Question 4

19 19 Uses of CVRIA SE Michigan 2014Future Connected Vehicle Projects  CVRIA ‘Mini-Tool’ allows developers to use the CVRIA Visio Drawings  Customize physical view drawings to describe future projects using same ‘language’ and format  Supports multi-layer approach □ Layer 0 – high-level objects and interconnections □ Layer 1 – project specific physical, application objects □ Layer 2 – application level (just like the application drawings on CVRIA website) Connected Vehicle projects can be defined as collections of applications from CVRIA and use the same ‘language’, interfaces, standards Now that you’ve completed the ‘tour’ of the website, let’s talk about some ways that CVRIA can be used...  Provide platform for interoperability between vendors, operators and solution providers by developing V2I data exchanges □ Field and Back-Office functions  Developing Architecture Views using CVRIA: □ Physical (What) ▪Multi-layer diagrams □ Enterprise (Who) □ Communications

20 20  November / December □ Gathering feedback from webinars and website □ Incorporate inputs □ Update tools  Ongoing □ Maintain CVRIA  2014 / 2015 □ Monitor usage in Test Beds, Demos, Early Deployments ▪Updating architecture, tools as needed □ Merge / Incorporate CVRIA into Nat’l ITS Arch CVRIA Next Steps

21 21 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO) Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture: Standards Development Strategy and Plan

22 22 CVRIA and Standards The USDOT’s Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO) is developing a standards plan to guide ITS standards-related efforts and activities in support of the USDOT ITS connected vehicle research program, and to support broad deployment of connected vehicle (CV) technologies This plan will be a living document that will evolve as ITS technologies, implementation strategies, and policies develop The plan will help the USDOT bridge the “standards gap”

23 23 Standards Plan Approach Once interfaces are identified and defined, they must be prioritized and associated with standards, which will then be prioritized Standards Plan The standards prioritization will be applied to those gaps to develop the standards plan. The CVRIA will identify and define interfaces within the connected vehicle environment (CVE).

24 24  Scoring process and criteria are not absolute  They are one factor, among many, in determining how to allocate resources to support standardization activities  They may be adapted to evolving goals and objectives Using Prioritization Prioritization Criteria USDOT Policy Leadership Direction Standardization Activity Support

25 25 Next Steps  Currently □ The CVRIA viewpoints/database are being analyzed now to identify and define interfaces within the architecture.  Feedback □ Feedback on applications or other aspects of the architecture will help us to refine: interface identification and definition; scoring; interpreting results.  Second Public Workshop □ Presentation of findings and results of interface and standards prioritization □ First opportunity to share results of the interface and standards analyses □ Tentatively planned for the San Francisco Bay Area, February 19-20, 2014

26 26  Are these views clear and stable enough to start interface analysis for standards? o Yes o No o Unsure Poll Question 5

27 27 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO) Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture and Connected Vehicle Policy Scott Smith USDOT / Research and Innovative Technology Administration / Volpe National Transportation Systems Center December 2013

28 28 When we say “Policy”… Issue Areas Include (1/2)  Certification………………….what certification is required?  Communications……………what technologies are preferred? □ When is DSRC necessary or desirable?  Credentialing…………………who has access to CV systems? □ Who may have access to on-board or roadside equipment for maintenance. What training / certification is needed?  Data governance……………who may access the data? □ Privacy (movement tracking) concerns □ Use of data for enforcement □ Use of data to establish liability  Governance………………….what are the roles of the participants? □ Who runs the various systems □ How to avoid road user distraction (driver or pedestrian)

29 29 Policy Issue Areas (2/2)  Intellectual Property………..what are the risks for exposure?  Interoperability………………how is data exchange handled? □ Between onboard, roadside, and personal DSRC equipment, which may come from a variety of manufacturers  Liability……………………….who is responsible for bad outcomes?  Privacy………………………..what information to protect?  Resiliency…………………….what are the failure modes? □ Dependence on reliable map and roadway geometry information  Security……………………….how to we prevent inappropriate usage? □ OBE and external data sources (RSE, maps) □ Security of links to RSE  Social equity……………… are benefits distributed? □ Safety/mobility impacts on non-connected vehicles □ Safety/mobility impacts on other road users

30 30 Incident Scene Pre-Arrival Staging Guidance for Emergency Responders

31 31 For each application:  Identify information flows □ Primarily from physical view □ Some enterprise  Look for policy issues Policy Process (1/2)

32 32 Policy Process (2/2)  Write brief summaries of each issue  One information flow may apply to multiple applications

33 33 Incident Scene Pre-Arrival Staging Guidance for Emergency Responders Application Specific Issues  Certification and Interoperability □ Interoperability with institutions (e.g., hospitals) whose primary mission is not transportation  Data Governance □ Are some of the data items (medical records, care facility status) available?  Governance □ Who designs and tests the routing and staging algorithms?  Privacy □ Handling of medical records □ Carriers may consider their vehicle cargoes to be proprietary  Social equity □ Ensuring that smaller service providers (e.g., a volunteer fire department or private ambulance) has access to the benefits Most Relevant Universal Issues  Communications □ When is DSRC really needed? □ Speed and reliability of safety-critical communications  Data Governance □ Enforcement □ Liability  Governance □ Avoid driver distraction  Liability □ Failure to follow advice from the system □ System gives bad advice  Interoperability between roadside equipment (RSE) and onboard equipment (OBE)  Security of links between external data sources (Maps and RSE) and vehicle OBE; security of links to RSE

34 34 Incident Scene Work Zone Alerts for Drivers and Workers

35 35 Incident Scene Work Zone Alerts for Drivers and Workers Application Specific Issues  Certification and Interoperability □ What requirements apply to personal information devices (PIDs)  Communications □ Size, weight and power constraints on PIDs □ Speed and reliability of safety-critical communications  Data Governance □ Vehicle movement data from this application could conceivably be used to improve future response to incidents, in terms of traffic management. What are the rules for using the data?  Governance □ Education on worker’s use of these systems and their limitations  Social equity □ Ensuring that smaller service providers (e.g., a volunteer fire department or private ambulance) has access to the benefits Most Relevant Universal Issues  Communications □ When is DSRC really needed?  Data Governance □ Enforcement □ Liability  Governance □ Avoid driver and worker distraction  Liability □ Failure to follow advice from the system □ System gives bad advice  Interoperability between personal information devices (PID) roadside equipment (RSE) and onboard equipment (OBE)  Security of links between external data sources (Maps and RSE) and vehicle OBE; security of links to RSE

36 36  Do you plan to visit the CVRIA website and add comments by the end of December? o Yes o No o Unsure Poll Question 6

37 37 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO) Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture Update Q&A + Final Thoughts

38 38  This concludes today’s webinar.  Check out the T3 site and the CVRIA website ( for the next webinar or to view archives of previous webinars.  Keep those comments coming! □  For other questions on CVRIA or the connected vehicle program: □ – 202-366-1603 □ – 202-366-0278 Thank You!

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