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JACoW Team Meeting Knoxville, TN 7 to 9 November 2004 JACoW and the SPMS: Modus Operandi Theory vs. Practice … Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz, CERN.

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Presentation on theme: "JACoW Team Meeting Knoxville, TN 7 to 9 November 2004 JACoW and the SPMS: Modus Operandi Theory vs. Practice … Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz, CERN."— Presentation transcript:

1 JACoW Team Meeting Knoxville, TN 7 to 9 November 2004 JACoW and the SPMS: Modus Operandi Theory vs. Practice … Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz, CERN

2 1 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN JACoW, A Website and a Collaboration The Website, the aims, and whether they are being met The Collaboration, how it functions, and whether it is structured and has the resources to meet the aims …

3 2 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN The Website: Aims The Aims  Publish conference proceedings on the internet, delivering high performance documents to users.  Provide a custom interface which allows searching the proceedings with boolean searches on keywords, title, authors and in the full text.  Provide templates for the preparation of conference papers.  Provide help and information to authors concerning preparation of documents for electronic publication.  Publish conference meta-data for the Open Archives Initiative (OAI).  Maintain a set of user profiles for accelerator conferences.

4 3 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN JACoW: The Website Published at the Website are  Proceedings  Templates  Information and help for Authors and Editors  Author Profile Repository  JACoW Collaboration Conferences  Composition of the Current Steering Committee

5 4 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN Meeting the Aims JACoW (Website) functions well and globally the aims are met:  30 sets if proceedings are now published, including those scanned back to 1965 (PAC), EPAC is currently scanning back to 1988, and Linac is considering following suit …  The number of collaborating series has increased from 7 to 10 and more are considering joining  Templates are good and their use is widespread, even beyond JACoW collaboration  Instructions to authors are good, the quality of contributions is improving  The JACoW Repository is functioning well

6 5 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN Meeting the Aims Missing to date:  Publish conference meta-data for the Open Archives Initiative (OAI)

7 6 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN JACoW: The Collaboration Since 1996, EPAC’06 in Sitges, a core group of Editors has met at each PAC and EPAC to work and learn together, and to initiate new and often inexperienced Editors into the field of electronic publication The Collaboration is composed of the members of the JACOW Steering Committee: past, current and future Editors of each conference in each of the 10 series: APAC, EPAC, PAC, CYCLOTRONS, DIPAC, ICALEPCS, ICAP, IFEL, LINAC, RUPAC As well as co-opted “Experts”…

8 7 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN JACoW: Membership Membership of JACoW Collaboration:  has to be agreed by the Organizing Committees of the various series that currently support the site  is conditional on a commitment from Organizing Committees that they will publish on JACoW for at least three future conferences  requires adherence to JACoW’s Terms of Reference and Boundary Conditions ….

9 8 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN JACoW’s Terms of Reference Governance The rules for conducting the business of the Sites will be established by consensus decisions of the Organizing Committees of each member series of conferences, via the Chairmen of the Scientific Programme Committees. The Organizers of each series undertake to adhere to the boundary conditions cited below. Changes to JACoW or to its activities should be approved by a simple majority of the Chairmen of the Scientific Programme Committees for the member conferences. It will be the responsibility of the Chairman of JACoW to communicate all proposals for change to the Scientific Programme Committee Chairmen.

10 9 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN Rights of Individual Conference Organizers The existence of the combined site does not detract from the rights of individual conference organizers to publish their proceedings on other web sites, storage media or hard copies of their choice. Proposals for change can be formulated by a member conference, through the Scientific Programme Committee Chairman, or by JACoW Team Members. Editorial Responsibility The Proceedings of each conference are the responsibility of the Editors or Editorial Board of the proceedings, or a person designated by the Chairperson of the Scientific Programme Committee of the relevant conference.

11 10 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN Web and Mirror Sites JACoW is located at CERN, with possible equivalent mirror sites in North America, Asia and elsewhere, at institutions agreeing to support the full functionality and content of the primary JACoW site. The Organizations hosting these sites undertake to provide the necessary hard- and software, backup and maintenance. JACoW Steering Committee The JACoW Steering Committee is involved in all aspects of the electronic publication of proceedings (for example, it agrees on templates, promotes author education, develops new techniques for processing papers etc.). In principle, it meets during the PAC and EPAC Conferences but meetings may also be called by Steering Committee Members.

12 11 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN JACoW Boundary Conditions The acceptance of a measure of standardization (for example adherence to the basic requirements for publication on JACoW); A collaborative approach to template preparation and software to be supported; A collaborative approach to the selection of Acrobat software for the CD-ROM to ensure backward compatibility; Attendance of at least the technical people at JACoW Steering Committee meetings during each PAC and EPAC Conference; Attendance at annual JACoW Team Meetings; To continue and possibly expand the international collaboration in electronic publication To encourage publication of post mortems.

13 12 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN Theory vs. practice Essentially, the Terms of Reference and Boundary Conditions are met by the members of the Collaboration, however with difficulty concerning the requirement to send at least the technical people to - Steering Committee Meetings, and to - Team Meetings.

14 13 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN The reason for these requirements are: - to promote the education of editors - in electronic publication techniques (through hands-on experience in the PAC and EPAC Editorial Offices and at the technical Team Meetings) - in JACoW publication requirements to ensure smooth and efficient publication on the JACoW site - to ensure that experience is shared and passed on - to share the overall burden among the whole Collaboration

15 14 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN Steering Committee Steering Committee Meetings: Lunchtime meetings scheduled during PAC & EPAC Attendance in theory:  all Steering Committee members, SPC Chairs may also attend Attendance in practice:  editors working at PAC/EPAC, often paid on conference budgets EPAC’04 funded >100 man-days of per diem for Editors… (conference series supported: PAC, ICALEPCS, LINAC, CYCLOTRONS, DIPAC, RUPAC)

16 15 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN Team Meetings Team Meetings: Once per year, end of year, alternating between Europe and the US - though could be elsewhere - entirely at cost of individual, i.e. laboratory where the Editor is working - as opposed to the Conference Budget of PAC or EPAC in the case of the Steering Committee meetings …. Attendance in theory:  all Steering Committee members, co-opted members and experts, SPC Chairs may also attend Attendance in practice:  Not all conferences or even conference series are represented…

17 16 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN If attendance at these meetings is considered necessary, how do we ensure that all conferences are represented?

18 17 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN Questions for Discussion Steering Committee meetings:  Do we need to formalize/publicize the PAC-EPAC rôle in the education of Editors  Should the Editors invited to PAC and EPAC be the result of consultation between the two series?  Do we need to formalize a procedure?  Do we need to extend the hands-on education of editors to other series to share the cost?  Do we actually have any means of “persuasion”?

19 18 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN Questions for Discussion Team Meetings  Do we need to formalize a procedure, or set up guidelines for inviting Editors?  Should the cost be the responsibility of the laboratories of Editors, or of the conference series’?  Should JACoW contact Programme Chairs of each series, to initiate the formalization of the requirement, and the method of funding?  Do we have any means of “persuasion”?

20 19 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN Modus Operandi: SPMS Repositories The Repositories: Individual Profiles and Affiliations  Compiled from PAC & EPAC previous conferences - several man months of effort in 2003: 3500 profiles (without accounts) 600 affiliations  In principle, maintenance by individuals …  EPAC’04 running in: Increased to 5500 profiles (1500 accounts) 700 ?? Affiliations

21 20 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN The Repositories are delivered with the SPMS The Repositories can be used by the Editors of Conferences to e-mail conference announcements, etc. The privacy statement mentions that: This data will, under no circumstances,  Be used for any other purpose than in relation to the organization of a conference participating in the JACoW Collaboration  Be provided to any external body for any commercial purposes whatsoever.

22 21 JACoWJACoW 9 November 2004JACoW, 2004 Team Meeting, Knoxville, TN Questions for Discussion How to ensure that the repository data is not used for any other purpose than in connection with conference announcements, and conference organization? How to ensure that repository data is not used years after a conference for other purposes?

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