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November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting1 NASTF Service Information Standards Agreement Charlie Gorman.

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Presentation on theme: "November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting1 NASTF Service Information Standards Agreement Charlie Gorman."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting1 NASTF Service Information Standards Agreement Charlie Gorman

2 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting2 The Agreement We have met one of our major goals as an organization We have an agreement that when signed by each OEM binds them to a series of NASTF processes Information Request Process Information Request Review Process Arbitration Process We have clearly defined how NASTF will work in the future and empowered its diverse membership to solve problems.

3 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting3 The Document Broken into three sections Definitions Automotive Service Information Standards Information Request and Resolution Process

4 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting4 Definitions There are 12 definitions, most are definitions you’ve seen before. There are a few worth talking about briefly OEM Tools – Same as EPA definition, but covers non- emissions as well Tool Information – Same as EPA definition, but covers non-emissions as well. The following definitions are included to further define Tool Information Bi-directional Control Data Stream Information Indirect information

5 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting5 Service Info Definition What it is What it is: Service Information - means any Motor Vehicle diagnostic, service, repair or maintenance information that has been made available to authorized dealers, including initialization information as referred to in Section II. B. 5. a) and b). Service Information includes information contained in repair manuals, wiring diagrams, technical service bulletins (TSBs), training information, and similar information communicated to authorized dealers.

6 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting6 Service Info Definition What it Isn’t Information exchanged between individual authorized dealerships and OEMs for the purpose of better understanding and defining a technical or quality issue for which the need for a general remedy has not yet been defined or developed. Information related to the administration of Motor Vehicle warranties, service contracts, or recalls under Federal or state law. Dealership hot lines or tech lines. Customer information. Information related to the repair history of specific Motor Vehicles. Access to training classes or sessions conducted by or for OEMs for authorized dealership personnel. Information not made generally available to authorized dealerships by an OEM.

7 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting7 Service Information Standards Goals Make OEM Information and Tools available to the aftermarket Make Tool Information available to central repositories and/or equipment and tool companies

8 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting8 Standards Implementation Each OEM agrees to provide info to the same level as EPA requirements for emissions-related info. Each OEM agrees to provide information to the aftermarket in the same or reasonably equivalent manner they provide information to their dealers. Provide website access Establish a response process consistent with these standards Provide indirect information to tool & equipment companies Commit to working on a process to provide vehicle security information to professionals.

9 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting9 Request & Resolution Process Information Request Process Information Request Review Process Arbitration Process Timeframes allowed for each step are detailed in the agreement. Timeframes vary by committee. There is too much detail involved to cover in the presentation

10 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting10 Information Request Process Information request form: Similar to what we have now, but with more information required from the requester. New website not connected to iATN Contracts require at least two parties. Anyone filling out this form is agreeing to the terms of this agreement. Once form is filled out it goes through a series of stages involving the NASTF Director, the OEM and the requester. If the issue is solved here, it is closed, If it is not solved here it is elevated to the Information Request Review Process. In either case it is posted on the website for all to see.

11 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting11 Information Request Review Process If there is no resolution in the previous process, the Director will elevate the issue to the appropriate Review Subcommittee Each Technical Committee will have a Review Subcommittee Each Subcommittee is made up of 7 individuals from OEMs and the aftermarket. The Review Subcommittee will decide in favor of one or the other party according to a time table. If both parties agree and comply with the committee’s finding, the issue is closed. If either party disputes the decision, they can elevate the issue to the next and final level, binding arbitration. In either case the results will be posted on the website.

12 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting12 Special Note 1 Due to the potential complexity and sensitivity of Indirect Information, the non-binding final decision of the appropriate Information Access Review Subcommittee will be the appeal process of last resort in cases regarding this kind of information. Primarily this includes Tool Information and vehicle security information. Although not bound by this process, OEMs agree to provide requested Indirect Information when possible and to make every effort to positively change policies, procedures and future plans so that Indirect Information can be made available on later model year vehicles.

13 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting13 Special Note 2 All disputes involving a NASTF IR decision are eligible for the binding arbitration level of the NASTF Dispute Resolution Program except those disputes that involve availability or accessibility of service information covered by EPA and/or state service information rules and regulations. Unresolved disputes involving regulated information must be referred to the appropriate federal or state agency.

14 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting14 Arbitration Process A Party disputing the decision of a NASTF Information Request Review Subcommittee must notify NASTF and the other Party of its intent to do so no later than 15 business days after receiving a copy of the Information Request Review Subcommittee decision report, and must also select one of the following ADR organizations: National Arbitration Forum ( American Arbitration Association, ( J.A.M.S./Endispute, ( Better Business Bureau (http://dc- Any other established ADR organization the Parties agree to.

15 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting15 Arbitration Process The arbitration shall take place in Loudon County, Virginia, USA, or such other location as the Parties agree. Each Party shall be responsible for its own attorney, expert, and other expenses. The losing party is responsible for the ADR organization’s fees. There can only be one arbitration per specific service information issue.

16 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting16 Arbitration Process The arbitrator shall either uphold the decision of the NASTF Information Request Review Subcommittee or find it to be in error. The arbitrator’s decision shall be based on: a review of the Director’s report The NASTF Automotive Service Information Standards Document All other relevant information presented by the Parties. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final and binding on the Parties, and may not be challenged by any other person.

17 November 4, 2008 NASTF General Meeting Meeting17 Signed OEMs BMW Honda Kia Nissan Toyota VW/Audi Ford Hyundai Mazda Subaru Volvo Suzuki

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