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Powerpoint Jeopardy Nutrient Knowledge I am nutty for Nutrients Nutrient Nonsense Na Na Nutrients Necessary Nutrients 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Powerpoint Jeopardy Nutrient Knowledge I am nutty for Nutrients Nutrient Nonsense Na Na Nutrients Necessary Nutrients 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Powerpoint Jeopardy Nutrient Knowledge I am nutty for Nutrients Nutrient Nonsense Na Na Nutrients Necessary Nutrients 10 20 30 40 50

2 Although there are more than 40 different nutrients, they are grouped into just ___ categories 6 Categories.

3 True/False Nutrients work together as a team. True

4 True/False Food choices you make today will not affect your long-term health. False

5 The ______ system processes food so that your body can use the nutrients it contains. digestive

6 The _______ carries food from the mouth to the stomach. Esophagus

7 True/False All people use the same amount of energy. False

8 How much you need of each Nutrient depends on your Age, size, gender and ________ ________. Physical Activity

9 True/False The effects of some nutrients Deficiencies take a long time To become apparent. True

10 True/False As a teen, your nutrients needs are lower now than they will be any other time of your life. False

11 Not getting enough calcium when you are young could lead to __________________ when you are older. Osteoporosis

12 ______ is often a result of Food shortages or poverty. Malnutrition

13 True/False Even people who have enough food to eat can develop malnutrition if they make poor food choices. True

14 _____ ______ are nutrient amounts used in food labeling Daily Values

15 _________ means a shortage of a nutrient. Nutrient deficiency

16 _______ are units used to measure energy. Calories

17 _____ ________ ______ Is the amount of energy used for basic body functions. Basal metabolic rate

18 Serious health problems caused by A continuing lack of nutrients. Malnutrition

19 _________________ should provide 25 to 35% or less of your calories. Fats

20 Fats provide _____ calories per gram. 9 calories

21 ______ Build new body tissue and repair worn-out body cells. Protein

22 Provide 0 calories per gram. Vitamins, Minerals & Water

23 Should provide you with 45 – 65% of your calories. Carbohydrates

24 _______ do not build body tissue but help regulate this process. Vitamins & Minerals

25 ______ should provide 10 to 35% of your calories. Proteins

26 How many calories in one pound? 3500 calories

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