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RADI-JRC Collaboration on Earth Observation Joint Conference Promoting Excellence through Enhanced EU-China Researcher’s Mobility and Cooperation 7 Sept.

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Presentation on theme: "RADI-JRC Collaboration on Earth Observation Joint Conference Promoting Excellence through Enhanced EU-China Researcher’s Mobility and Cooperation 7 Sept."— Presentation transcript:

1 RADI-JRC Collaboration on Earth Observation Joint Conference Promoting Excellence through Enhanced EU-China Researcher’s Mobility and Cooperation 7 Sept. 2015 Wu Bingfang

2 Mission: Exploring leading technologies in Earth observation, geospatial information science, and the mechanisms for acquiring and distributing remote sensing information; Constructing and operating national Earth observation infrastructures ; Enhancing capacity to provide resource-environmental spatial information at the regional and global levels by creating a digital Earth science platform. Adv.-tech. Camp. Olympic Vil. Camp. An independent research institute of CAS focusing on EO Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences

3 1200 Employees and students 303 Senior scientists &technicians 37 Average age and Ph.D. 43.98% 4 International organizations 3 China Satellite Ground Stations 2 Cessna Citation S/II RS Aircrafts 2 New ARJ 21-700ER RS Aircrafts 6 Research departments 2.5 million scenes satellite data Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences Cessna Citation S/II

4 International Cooperation International Center on Space Technology for Natural and Cultural Heritage under the auspice of UNESCO (HIST) International Program Office of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR IPO) International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE) & International Journal of Digital Earth (IJDE) CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence on Space Technologies for Disaster Mitigation (SDIM) 4 International Organizations affiliated to RADI: Worldwide networking & international programs:

5 UN Big Data Climate Challenge winners show how big data can drive climate action 2 September 2014 (NEW YORK) – The United Nations today announced the winners of the “Big Data Climate Challenge” as part of the buildup to the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Summit on 23 September at UN Headquarters in New York. RADI’s Research Team of Big Earth Observation Data for Global Change is one of them in the list.

6 Academic Exchange & Joint Seminar and Project:  MoU with IPSC was signed in 2008  Joint projects, Global land cover 2000, Illicit fishing vessel detection for inland water (2003-2005), etc.  Frequent exchanges between experts in RADI and JRC Institutes since 2008  Participated in the joint workshops such as DE Vision Seminar, ISDE6, etc.  JRC experts contribute to the ISDE & IJDE as members or editor Earthquake Monitoring & Data Sharing:  JRC provided high resolution RS data both in the Wenchuan Earthquake (2008) and Yushu Earthquake (2010), and assisted in the assessment of house collapse Cooperate in the framework of GEO:  Conduct joint research in GEO task groups, incl. Digital Earth study, human settlement, and global urban monitoring and assessment A quick review of RADI-JRC Collaboration Analysis of urban expansion DE Vision Seminar Wenchuan Earthquake monitoring Landcover2000 of China

7 EU-RADI collaboration best experiences  Both RADI/CAS and IES/JRC have more than 15 years cooperation on crop monitoring with remote sensing and have national mandates to operate global agricultural monitoring systems (respectively CropWatch and MARS)  Both, as co-chairs, contribute to the GEOGLAM flagship initiative to build a system of systems  Project cooperation- Stimulating Innovation for Global Monitoring of Agriculture (EC FP7 )  Full time visiting Prof. Rene Gommes (FAO/JRC) in RADI

8 Collaborative Research Arrangement signed during EU-China Summit in late June, witnessed by Chinese Premier LI Keqiang, President of the European Council Donald Tusk and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker Six major areas for collaboration: 1.Human settlements analysis 2.Agricultural monitoring 3.Air quality 4.Land cover mapping 5.Land and soil degradation 6.Digital Earth science platforms Future prospect of EU-China collaborations

9 Earth Observation for Belt and Road

10 Agriculture monitoring  Crossing validation of CropWatch and Mars products especially on crop type area estimates and yield estimates, through sharing or exchange of ground datasets (field observation from China and Europe territory)  Provide mutual access to new satellite data from China (GF 1/2/8) and Europe (Copernicus Sentinels 1&2) and develop mechanism to facilitate access and use to the data and toolboxes for crop monitoring  Jointly design and testing of algorithm for operational crop monitoring by use of these new satellite datasets using innovative big Data processing capability and collaborative analysis tasks  Developing on a ad hoc case basis, any join force on third country of mutual interest, coordinating effort or expertise for better assessment of food insecurity, or the building of national capacities in the field of crop monitoring and yield forecast using satellite earth observation

11 Air quality  To improve satellite retrieval of atmospheric components in order to better quantify their amounts JRC: evaluating satellite retrievals using data from ACTRIS project and JRC Ispra station RADI: improve algorithms of satellite retrieval of aerosols, trace gases and greenhouse gases  To evaluate sources of air pollution and greenhouse gases, crucial for developing and implementing mitigation action plans JRC: emission inverse modeling of greenhouse gases and exploring inverse modeling for trace gases RADI: exploring use of satellite data for source apportionment studies  To investigate interaction between climate change and air pollution JRC: providing technical support of numerical modeling; sharing experience on policy choice impacts RADI: investigating interactions between haze pollution and climate change based on multiple satellite data Sulfate NO 2 SO 2 CO AOD CO 2

12 Monitor Global Extreme Atmospheric Events from Geostationary Satellites  Aerosol Optical Depth-AOD (PM2.5/PM10) products at 1 hours temporal resolution and 3km spatial resolution from Geostationary satellites (MSG/Sentinel-4, FY4 and GOES-R)  Over 35 years, global AOD products over land(AVHRR, MetOp, Sentinel-5 Precursor, Sentinel-5)  Arctic Region – Aerosol Pollution (SENTINEL-3 SLSTR data)

13 Land cover mapping  Cooperation since 1999  Classification system and object-oriented based automatic method  Cooperation of remote sensing and in situ data  Classification, modification and validation

14 Global Human Settlement Working Group A new generation of global settlement measurements and products will be developed to support the UN Third Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III, 2016) and the concurrent post- 2015 processes on sustainable development, climate change and Hyogo framework for disaster risk reduction. Global Human Settlement Layer Pesaresi & Guo., 2013, IEEE JSTARS.

15 Potential : CropWatch Satellite Constellation  Spacecraft(S/C)  Mission Control Center (MCC)  Data Reception station(DRS)  User Segment(US)  Application domain: Global Food security, Global change, Water crisis, Emergency responses  Objective Parallel flights of the two spacecrafts, allowing observation of the planet from different angels Daily global coverage of all land masses and coastal areas Imaging at 100m spatial resolution for all 7 bands Innovative remote sensing products and service mode –Joint CropWatch bulletin –Cloud computing platform for global users


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