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Environmental Health & Safety Tulane University Police Department (TUPD) Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Health & Safety Tulane University Police Department (TUPD) Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Health & Safety Tulane University Police Department (TUPD) Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

2 Objectives To familiarize TUPD with the following procedures –OEHS Overview & Contact Information –Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) –Fire Safety & Portable Fire Extinguishers –Hazardous Materials & Spill Response Procedures –Fire Pack Information –Asbestos Awareness –Reporting & Response Procedures Hazards, Injury/Illness, Bloodborne Pathogens –Note: This does not replace other OEHS required training.

3 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Overview Technical advisory department for all TU departments & facilities –At the Tulane Medical Center (TMC – hospital & clinics) – OEHS provides services only in the field of Radiation Safety. Assist with regulatory compliance (OSHA, DEQ, DHH, State Fire Marshal, fire department, etc.) Contact OEHS immediately if a representative from one of these agencies contacts you or shows up on campus

4 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) OEHS Offices/Website Office Locations: TUHSC (Main Office) Tidewater Suite 1156 (TW-16), 504-988-5486 Uptown campus: Central Building, Room 105D, 504-865-5307 TNPRC: Occupational Health Trailer, 985-871-4811 OEHS website:

5 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Reportable Emergencies Contact OEHS for any of the following incidents: –Fire/Explosion –Structural collapse –Flooding –Serious injury or accident involving students, employees and visitors –Food poisoning –Disease outbreak –Hazardous material (biological, chemical or radioactive) spills or leaks

6 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Contacting OEHS During normal work hours, contact the OEHS main office at 504- 988-5486 To contact OEHS for after hours emergencies, contact the on-call OEHS staff member by dialing 504-239-6063. Only TUPD may use this number. –If the on-call person cannot be reached, then contact the designated on-call person at their home number. –As a last resort, if the on-call person cannot be contacted, then call any OEHS staff member listed in the posted on-call list.

7 Incident Reports OEHS receives TUPD Incident reports for the following: –Reportable emergencies –Environmentally induced injuries involving faculty, staff, students and visitors Send reports to OEHS by one of the following methods: –TUHSC & TNPRC: Hand deliver to Suite 1156, Tidewater Building –Uptown Campus: Email to Karen Douglas ( –Campus Mail (TW-16) –Fax: 504-988-1693 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

8 Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) Evacuation plans for each building Describes building fire alarm system Designates an assembly location for each building DSRs report staff accounting/dept evacuation status to ranking TUPD Police Officer Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

9 Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) For EAPs, go to: See Section C of each EAP for assembly areas Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

10 Fire Safety If you discover a fire – Follow the acronym, ESCAPE –Evaluate the situation –Secure the area –Close doors to contain the fire –Activate the building fire alarm system (use nearest pull station or use voice notification) –Phone or contact dispatcher –Extinguish the fire

11 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Fire Safety – Response Procedures Check area to confirm emergency & determine the need for response Advise occupants to leave the building using the nearest exit & report to the designated assembly area Extinguish fire using a portable fire extinguisher, if possible Assist First Responders (fire department, police, OEHS, etc.)

12 Fire Safety – Response Procedures (cont’d) If applicable, ensure the fire alarm public address system is used to communicate with the building occupants, as needed. (Normally, Facilities Services will make the announcement.) Do not silence the fire alarm until: –Building evacuation has been completed or –False alarm incident has been verified or –Fire has been extinguished or –Fire department instructs you to silence it Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

13 Fire Safety – Response Procedures (cont’d) Assist in directing occupants to the assembly area Maintain crowd & traffic control Contact responsible TU persons of incident per your departmental procedures Allow occupants to re-enter the building when it is safe & fire alarm system & automatic sprinklers have been fully restored. Complete & disseminate the Police Incident Report

14 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) General Classification of Fires Portable fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish small fires based upon the fire classification. Type K – grease fires in commercial kitchens. sodium, magnesium, zirconium, potassium, titanium, lithium

15 Portable Fire Extinguishers Class ABC (dry chemical) – for combustible materials, flammable or combustible liquids, and energized electrical fires –Can be found in the hallways Class BC (carbon dioxide) – for flammable or combustible liquids and electrical fires –Can be found in electrical & equipment rooms & laboratories Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

16 Portable Fire Extinguishers (cont’d) Class D for combustible metals –Can be found in designated laboratories where such metals are used or with spill response supplies Class K for grease fires – located in kitchens with appliances which use vegetable or animal oils and fats –Can be found in commercial kitchens where deep fat fryers are used. Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

17 Portable Fire Extinguishers (cont’d) To use a portable fire extinguisher, remember PASS: –Pull the pin on the handle –Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire –Squeeze the handle of the fire extinguisher and –Sweep the nozzle from side to side

18 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Procedures – Using Portable Fire Extinguishers Before entering a closed room or area where a fire may be located, feel the door with the back of your hand. If it is warm or hot to the touch, do not enter the room. Immediately leave the area. If the door is not warm or hot, slowly open it. Proceed if the fire is small & confined (not spreading) and you have an unobstructed escape route behind you.

19 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Procedures – Using Portable Fire Extinguishers (cont’d) Identify the location of the fire and apply the extinguisher to its base. Start 10 feet away and move in closer as needed. Do not turn your back on the fire even if it appears to be extinguished. It may re-ignite. Get out of the room and close door behind you

20 Procedures – Commercial Kitchen Grease Fires Use a Type K fire extinguisher –Place the fire extinguisher about 5-10 feet away from the fire. –Do not direct the nozzle of the fire extinguisher into the container with the burning grease. –Blanket the fire with the extinguishing agent. Do not disturb this blanket after the application. –Do not remove the pan from the stove as it is still hot. –Turn off gas/heat (if possible) Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

21 Procedures – Commercial Kitchen Grease Fires (cont’d) Other Option –If small fire, cover the pan with a lid if readily available For a large fire –Manually activate the hood extinguishing system over cooking area Activate labeled pull station in cooking area Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

22 Portable Fire Extinguisher – Agent Discharge The chemical agents used in dry chemical extinguishers (ABC or D types) are generally a fine, yellow powder. This material is a respiratory irritant. After using these extinguishers, get out of the room and ventilate the area. For further information on the extinguishing agent used, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or contact OEHS. Have Facilities Services replace all discharged fire extinguishers. Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

23 Hazardous Material Spills Hazardous = toxic, flammable, biological, radioactive, corrosive, etc. Contact OEHS and provide: –Provide exact location of spill (building, floor, room #) –Chemical or product name and quantity, if possible –Name & contact info of responsible party (if known) Attempt to confine/contain spill –Cover with absorbent material (paper towels, etc.) –Turn off any apparent open flames or sources of ignition –Ventilate if possible (fully open sash to fume hood, etc.) –Close door to spill area

24 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Hazardous Material Spills (cont’d) Do not attempt to clean up the spill. Warn others in immediate area. Evacuate as needed – Activate the fire alarm, if necessary Standby to act as liaison for OEHS, responsible party, and/or First Responders Contact OEHS prior to contacting the fire department unless the situation is deemed critical. Complete Police Incident Report

25 Hazardous Material Spills (cont’d) Sources of information on the hazardous materials –Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Use as reference for emergency spill response Available at Chemical labels – found on the containers –Door signs – contains hazardous material symbols, principal investigator’s name & telephone #, etc. Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

26 Gasoline or Diesel Fuel Spill Contact OEHS immediately. If the spill involves a motor vehicle, contact owner and advise them of the incident. DO NOT: –Apply sand as absorbent material. –Contact the fire department unless the situation is deemed critical. –Attempt to clean up the spill DO: –Keep area free of ignition sources –Block storm drains that may be affected by spill –Place absorbent pads around perimeter of spill

27 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Cryogenic Liquids These are liquefied gases that are kept in their liquid state at very low temperatures and have boiling points below -240°F. –Argon, nitrogen, oxygen, helium and hydrogen Dewars are specially designed containers for transporting, storage and dispensing of cryogenic liquids –Can be found in clinics and laboratory areas –Types Open to the atmosphere - used only within the lab areas Closed – with pressure relief valve

28 Cryogenic Liquids Dewars Open TypeClosed Type Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

29 Cryogenic Liquids (cont’d) Hazards –Extreme cold – can freeze flesh, causing painful blisters. Prolonged exposure can cause frostbite –Asphyxiation – can displace oxygen in enclosed area –Requires special handling – personal protective equipment Normal Conditions –Formation of some ice or frost at the top of the Dewar is normal. –All Dewars vent to reduce inside pressure

30 Cryogenic Liquids (cont’d) How to recognize a problem - Abnormal Conditions If leaking, you will see –Vapor cloud or –Lots of ice on side of the Dewars Continuous venting is not normal Contact researcher Will make a hissing sound for a few minutes and then stop Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

31 Fire Pack & HazMat Info – TUHSC (Downtown) Developed for all of the buildings at the TUHSC as per the NOFD & maintained by Facilities Services Contains keys & information on the building fire alarm, fire suppression systems, special hazards, etc. Located at each building and at TUPD Downtown Medical District Dispatch Make the pack available to NOFD upon request After use, make sure that all contents have been returned to the pack. Contains the complete chemical inventory for Tulane University on the memory stick Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

32 Hazardous Material Information – Uptown Campus Memory stick contains the complete chemical inventory for Tulane University Stern Hall in Room MB001 inside the fire pack cabinet, eastside Israel Building in Room 220 in the fire pack cabinet Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

33 Asbestos Management Asbestos or asbestos-containing material (ACM) IS present in many older Tulane facilities (pipe insulation, floor tiles, ceiling tiles, etc.) BUT, asbestos poses no threat as long as it is maintained in good condition and is not disturbed. Each building is periodically inspected for ACM & results documented in Asbestos Management Plan kept by OEHS. Heed asbestos warning signs/labels; do not disturb “Authorized personnel” do not include TUPD!

34 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) & Blood Exposure BBP Exposure Control Plan (ECP) is available online at OEHS website ECP covers TUPD who have the potential for occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens or other potentially infectious material (OPIM) –Initial and annual training –Offered Hepatitis B vaccine (series of 3 shots) If you have direct contact with blood or OPIM, you must complete a “First Report of Occupational Injury/Illness “ May need immediate medical treatment (Preferably within 4 hrs) Report exposures to OEHS Bloodborne Pathogens Coordinator ASAP (504-419-1391)

35 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Hazard Reporting During routine rounds, report hazards or unsafe conditions to the appropriate department, Facilities Services or OEHS. If serious or imminent safety hazard is found, contact OEHS immediately. If defective equipment is noted, contact the department or Facilities Services –Remove from service if practicable –Tag it or label as defective or damaged – DO NOT USE

36 Hot Work & TUPD Involvement Hot Work = welding, soldering, torch cutting, brazing HW Permit prepared by Facilities at least 24 hrs before work commences Permit faxed/hand-carried to OEHS & TU Police TUPD must patrol project area to check for smoldering fires from hot work Patrol project area every day for duration of hot work permit Conduct patrol ~ 1 hour AFTER hot work activities are completed for the day Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

37 Odor Complaint & Procedures Contact Facilities Services for response If it is a chemical odor, Facilities Services will contact OEHS If it is an electrical burning odor, then the problem could be from a fluorescent light ballast –One or more fluorescent tubes could be out or flickering –Switch off light fixture in area –Contact Facilities Services

38 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Injury/Illness Reporting Employees –Report incident to Supervisor –Complete “First Report of Occupational Injury/Illness” (FROI) at the OEHS website (home page) : –Contact Worker’s Compensation (504-988-2869) –Provide healthcare provider with a copy of the FROI –Do not use personal health insurance –In case of serious injury, TU Police will arrange for an ambulance for medical transportation.

39 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Injury/Illness Reporting (cont’d) Students –If related to campus activities or unsafe condition, students are advised to notify TUPD and course instructor Examples: illness due to working with chemicals, cut or burned in Art Class –If serious injury, TUPD will arrange for an ambulance.

40 Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) Injury/Illness Reporting (cont’d) Visitors –When notified, TUPD will Arrange for ambulance or medical care Generate a TUPD Incident Report Send a copy of the Incident Report to OEHS

41 911 Procedures In case of 911 emergency notification and response: –Standby at the main entrance to the building –Brief First Responders on the incident –Direct First Responders to the scene –Provide requested assistance –Serve as Incident Commander until relieved by highest ranking officer –Maintain crowd control Tulane University - Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

42 Tulane University Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) 1430 Tulane Avenue (TW-16) New Orleans, LA 70112 Uptown: 504-865-5307 TUHSC: 504-988-5486 TNPRC: 985-871-4811 If unable to proceed to quiz, type the link below into your browser Proceed to Quiz

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