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The Amazing Rainforest

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Presentation on theme: "The Amazing Rainforest"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Amazing Rainforest
ED565-Introduction to Instructional Technology Megan Bishop

2 Rainforest Menu Rainforest Layers Rainforest Animals
Rainforest Peoples

3 The Emergent Layer The highest layer in the rainforest.
Birds live in this layer Menu

4 The Canopy Primary Layer Forms the roof
Many animals live in this layer. Menu

5 The Understory Little sunshine reaches this layer
Leaves grow larger to catch the sunlight Insects are predominate in this layer Menu

6 The Forest Floor Almost no sunshine reaches this layer
Things decay quickly in this layer Giant Anteaters live in this layer Menu

7 Rainforest Animals Birds – Toucans Large Cats – Ocelot Snakes
Insects and Frogs Menu

8 Rainforest People Did you know that there are about 50,000,000 tribal people living in the world’s rainforest. These people depend on the forests for their food and shelter Menu

9 What is the primary layer of the rainforest?
Rainforest Question 1 What is the primary layer of the rainforest? The Canopy The Emergent Layer

10 Compare and contrast the layers of the rainforest.
Rainforest Question 2 Compare and contrast the layers of the rainforest. Microsoft Word

11 Let’s Try Again….

12 Excellent!!!

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