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Review of Bioenergetics
SP5005 Physiology Alex Nowicky power point slides: Powers and Howley- Exercise Physiology Ch 3 and 4
What is bioenergetics? Study of energy in living systems what it is?
Where does it come from? How is it measured? How is it produced and used by human body at rest and during exercise? Part of science of biochemistry -studies conversion of matter into energy by living systems
For your own study use any ex physiology text and cover the following:
Energy sources recovery from exercise measurement of energy, work and power This lecture is an overview of these!
Aim: review energy metabolism
Learning outcomes ATP is central to all energy transactions Oxidation (O2) (in mitochondria) central define aerobic and anaerobic pathways - systems of enzymes and their regulation fate of fuels - CHO, fats and proteins- relative yields of useful energy (ATP)
Learning outcomes (con’t)
role of glycogenolysyis, -oxidation, gluconeogenesis indirect calorimetry for monitoring energy expenditure- oxygen consumption- (RER) contribution of fuel supply during exercise (short vs. long duration) role aerobic and anaerobic systems during exercise and recovery
Metabolism Total of all chemical reactions that occur in the body
Anabolic reactions Synthesis of molecules Catabolic reactions Breakdown of molecules Bioenergetics- oxidation (O2) Converting foodstuffs (fats, proteins, carbohydrates) into energy
Cellular Chemical Reactions
Endergonic reactions Require energy to be added Exergonic reactions Release energy Coupled reactions Liberation of energy in an exergonic reaction drives an endergonic reaction
The Breakdown of Glucose: An Exergonic Reaction
Coupled Reactions
Enzymes Catalysts that regulate the speed of reactions
Lower the energy of activation Factors that regulate enzyme activity Temperature (what happens with changes in T?) pH ( what happens with changes in pH?) Interact with specific substrates Lock and key model
Fuels for Exercise Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Glucose
Stored as glycogen in liver and muscle Fats Primarily fatty acids Stored as triglycerides- adipose tissue and muscles Proteins Not a primary energy source during exercise
High-Energy Phosphates
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Consists of adenine, ribose, and three linked phosphates Formation Breakdown ADP + Pi ATP ADP + Pi + Energy ATP ATPase
Model of ATP as the Universal Energy Donor
Carbohydrate w Readily available (if included in diet) and easily metabolized by muscles w Ingested, then taken up by muscles and liver and converted to glycogen w Glycogen stored in the liver is converted back to glucose as needed and transported by the blood to the muscles to form ATP
Fat (triglycerides) w Provides substantial energy during prolonged, low-intensity activity- light weight (little water in storage) w Body stores of fat are larger than carbohydrate reserves w Less accessible for metabolism because it must be reduced to glycerol and free fatty acids (FFA) w Only FFAs are used to form ATP- triglycerides- must be broken down by process of lipolysis
Protein - Body uses little protein during rest and exercise (less than 5% to 10%).
w Can be used as energy source if converted to glucose via glucogenesis (or gluconeogenesis) w Can generate FFAs in times of starvation through lipogenesis w Only basic units of protein—amino acids—can be used for energy- via transamination feed into Kreb’s cycle waste produce is ammonia - must be excreted (as urea)
Oxidation of Fat- FFA via - oxidation
w Lypolysis—breakdown of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids (FFAs). w FFAs travel via blood to muscle fibers and are broken down by enzymes in the mitochondria into acetyl CoA. w Acetyl CoA enters the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain. w Fat oxidation requires more oxygen and generates more energy than carbohydrate oxidation.
What Determines Oxidative Capacity?
w Oxidative enzyme activity within the muscle w Fiber-type composition and number of mitochondria w Endurance training w Oxygen availability and uptake in the lungs
Bioenergetics Formation of ATP Anaerobic pathways
Phosphocreatine (PC) breakdown Degradation of glucose and glycogen (glycolysis) Oxidative formation of ATP Anaerobic pathways Do not involve O2 PC breakdown and glycolysis (lactate) Aerobic pathways- only occur in mitochondria Electron transport system (ETS) -Requires O2 Oxidative phosphorylation
Anaerobic ATP Production
ATP-PC system Immediate source of ATP Glycolysis Energy investment phase Requires 2 ATP Energy generation phase Produces ATP, NADH (carrier molecule), and pyruvate or lactate PC + ADP ATP + C Creatine kinase
What does this show?
The Two Phases of Glycolysis
Glycolysis: Energy Investment Phase
Glycolysis: Energy Generation Phase
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Molecule accepts electrons (along with H+) Reduction Molecule donates electrons Nicotinomide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) NAD + 2H+ NADH + H+ FAD + 2H+ FADH2
Production of Lactic Acid
Normally, O2 is available in the mitochondria to accept H+ (and electrons) from NADH produced in glycolysis In anaerobic pathways, O2 is not available H+ and electrons from NADH are accepted by pyruvic acid to form lactic acid
Conversion of Pyruvic Acid to Lactic Acid
Aerobic ATP Production
Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) Completes the oxidation of substrates and produces NADH and FADH to enter the electron transport chain Electron transport chain Electrons removed from NADH and FADH are passed along a series of carriers to produce ATP H+ from NADH and FADH are accepted by O2 to form water
3 Stages of Oxidative Phosphoryl-ation
The Krebs Cycle
Glycogen Breakdown and Synthesis
Glycolysis—Breakdown of glucose; may be anaerobic or aerobic Glycogenesis—Process by which glycogen is synthesized from glucose to be stored in the liver Glycogenolysis—Process by which glycogen is broken into glucose-1-phosphate to be used by muscles Gluco(neo)genesis- formation of glucose from lipids and proteins via intermediates (lactate, pyruvate, amino acids)
Relationship Between the Metabolism of Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates
The Chemiosmotic Hypothesis of ATP Formation
Aerobic ATP yield from glucose
Summary- Oxidation of Carbohydrate
1. Pyruvic acid from glycolysis is converted to acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA). 2. Acetyl CoA enters the Krebs cycle and forms 2 ATP, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. 3. Hydrogen in the cell combines with two coenzymes that carry it to the electron transport chain. 4. Electron transport chain recombines hydrogen atoms to produce ATP and water. 5. One molecule of glycogen can generate up to 39 molecules of ATP.
Summary (con’t) - Oxidation of Fat
w Lypolysis—breakdown of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids (FFAs). w FFAs travel via blood to muscle fibers and are broken down by enzymes in the mitochondria into acetic acid which is converted to acetyl CoA. w Acetyl CoA enters the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain. w Fat oxidation requires more oxygen and generates more energy than carbohydrate oxidation.
Stop for 10 min break Any questions?
Kilocalorie and other units (SI)
w Energy in biological systems is measured in kilocalories. w 1 kilocalorie is the amount of heat energy needed to raise 1 kg of water 1°C at 15 °C. 1kcal= 1000cal Work - energy - application of force through a distance Should be using SI units 1 Joule (J) = 1 N-m/s2 1 kg-m = 1kg moved through 1 metre 1kcal = 426 kg-m = 4.186kiloJoules (kJ) 1 kJ = kcal ( 1kcal = 4.186kJ) 1 litre of O2 consumed = 5.05kcal= kJ (1ml of oxygen = .005kcal) - useful conversion factor
Power to perform uses up energy- how much oxygen consumption to supply energy?
Power - work/time (Watts or hp) 1hp = 745 watts= 10.7kcal/min 1L of oxygen/min consumption= 5.05kcal/min= 21 kJ/min 1MET = 3.5ml oxygen/kg/min= kcal/kg/min 15 kcal/min= ? Oxygen/min (can you do this?)
CARBOHYDRATE vs FAT 1 gram of CHO--> 4 kcal 1 gram of FFA (palmitic acid)--> 9 kcal
Body Stores of Fuels and Energy
g kcal Carbohydrates grams kcal Liver glycogen Muscle glycogen ,025 Glucose in body fluids Total 375 1,538 Fat Subcutaneous 7,800 70,980 Intramuscular ,465 Total 7,961 72,445 Note. These estimates are based on an average body weight of 65 kg (143 lb) with 12% body fat.
Oxygen consumption for Carbohydrate (glucose from glycogen)
(C6H1206)n + 6 O2 --> 6 CO2 +6 H ATP 6 moles of O2 needed to break down 1 mole of glycogen 6 moles x 22.4 l/mole oxygen = l 134.4l/39 moles of ATP = l/mole ATP at rest takes about min, during max exercise takes about 1 min ratio (RQ) carbon dioxide/oxygen = 6/6 = 1
Aerobic ATP yield from FFA (free fatty acid - palmitic acid (16C)
16C 7 Acyl coA 7 acetyl coA (C16H3202) + 23 O2 --> 16 CO2 +16 H ATP 23 moles of O2 needed to break down 1 of palmitic acid 23 moles x 22.4 l/mole oxygen = l 512l/130 moles of ATP = l O2/mole ATP ratio of carbon dioxide/oxygen = 16/23 = 0.7 15% more oxygen than metabolising glycogen, but advantage is light weight (little water) storage
How do we determine efficiency of ox phos- respiration (metabolism of glucose)?
38moles ATP x 7.3kcal/mole ATP 686 kcal/mole glucose = 0.4 x100% = 40% (60% lost heat) how does this compare to mechanical engine?
Control of Bioenergetics
Rate-limiting enzymes An enzyme that regulates the rate of a metabolic pathway Levels of ATP and ADP+Pi High levels of ATP inhibit ATP production Low levels of ATP and high levels of ADP+Pi stimulate ATP production Calcium may stimulate aerobic ATP production
Action of Rate-Limiting Enzymes
Control of Metabolic Pathways
Interaction Between Aerobic and Anaerobic ATP Production
Energy to perform exercise comes from an interaction between aerobic and anaerobic pathways Effect of duration and intensity Short-term, high-intensity activities Greater contribution of anaerobic energy systems Long-term, low to moderate-intensity exercise Majority of ATP produced from aerobic sources
Maximal capacity and power of three energy systems
System moles ATP/min power capacity phosphagen anaerobic glycolysis aerobic (from glycogen) at rest - aerobic system supplies ATP with oxygen consumption about 0.3L/min, blood lactate remains constant
Contribution of energy systems
Rest-to-Exercise Transitions
Oxygen uptake increases rapidly Reaches steady state within 1-4 minutes Oxygen deficit Lag in oxygen uptake at the beginning of exercise Suggests anaerobic pathways contribute to total ATP production After steady state is reached, ATP requirement is met through aerobic ATP production
The Oxygen Deficit
Differences in VO2 Between Trained and Untrained Subjects- Why?
Recovery From Exercise: Metabolic Responses
Oxygen debt Elevated VO2 for several minutes immediately following exercise Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) “Fast” portion of O2 debt Resynthesis of stored PC Replacing muscle and blood O2 stores “Slow” portion of O2 debt Elevated body temperature and catecholamines Conversion of lactic acid to glucose (gluconeogenesis)
Oxygen Deficit and Debt During Light-Moderate and Heavy Exercise
Factors Contributing to EPOC
Metabolic Response to Exercise: Short-Term Intense Exercise
High-intensity, short-term exercise (2-20 seconds) ATP production through ATP-PC system Intense exercise longer than 20 seconds ATP production via anaerobic glycolysis High-intensity exercise longer than 45 seconds ATP production through ATP-PC, glycolysis, and aerobic systems
Metabolic Response to Exercise: Prolonged Exercise
Exercise longer than 10 minutes ATP production primarily from aerobic metabolism Steady state oxygen uptake can generally be maintained Prolonged exercise in a hot/humid environment or at high intensity Steady state not achieved Upward drift in oxygen uptake over time
Metabolic Response to Exercise: Incremental Exercise
Oxygen uptake increases linearly until VO2max is reached No further increase in VO2 with increasing work rate Physiological factors influencing VO2max Ability of cardiorespiratory system to deliver oxygen to muscles Ability of muscles to take up the oxygen and produce ATP aerobically
Changes in Oxygen Uptake With Incremental Exercise- explain?
Estimation of Fuel Utilization During Exercise- from overall equations
Respiratory exchange ratio (RER or R) VCO2 / VO2 Indicates fuel utilization 0.70 = 100% fat 0.85 = 50% fat, 50% CHO 1.00 = 100% CHO During steady state exercise VCO2 and VO2 reflective of O2 consumption and CO2 production at the cellular level
Exercise Intensity and Fuel Selection
Low-intensity exercise (<30% VO2max) Fats are primary fuel High-intensity exercise (>70% VO2max) CHO are primary fuel “Crossover” concept Describes the shift from fat to CHO metabolism as exercise intensity increases Due to: Recruitment of fast muscle fibers Increasing blood levels of epinephrine
Illustration of the “Crossover” Concept
Exercise Duration and Fuel Selection
During prolonged exercise there is a shift from CHO metabolism toward fat metabolism Increased rate of lipolysis Breakdown of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids (FFA) Stimulated by rising blood levels of epinephrine
Shift From CHO to Fat Metabolism During Prolonged Exercise
Interaction of Fat and CHO Metabolism During Exercise
“Fats burn in the flame of carbohydrates” Glycogen is depleted during prolonged high-intensity exercise Reduced rate of glycolysis and production of pyruvate Reduced Krebs cycle intermediates Reduced fat oxidation Fats are metabolized by Krebs cycle
Sources of Fuel During Exercise
Carbohydrate Blood glucose Muscle glycogen Fat Plasma FFA (from adipose tissue lipolysis) Intramuscular triglycerides Protein Only a small contribution to total energy production (only ~2%) May increase to 5-15% late in prolonged exercise Blood lactate Gluconeogenesis in liver
Effect of Exercise Intensity on Muscle Fuel Source
What does this graph show?
Effect of Exercise Duration on Muscle Fuel Source- summarise
Summary Aerobic and anaerobic systems
What regulates metabolic pathways? What is the RER? Describe how fuel utilisation is affected by intensity and duration of exercise What happens during recovery from exercise? A note about ATP yield- some sources say 38 some say 36 with aerobic resp
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