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Professional Learning Community What did you do this summer? Salmen High School’s administrators and teachers learned this summer.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Learning Community What did you do this summer? Salmen High School’s administrators and teachers learned this summer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Learning Community What did you do this summer? Salmen High School’s administrators and teachers learned this summer.

2 PLC- Celebrate!!!! Mrs. Wortmann, principal: PLC, Common Core, JPAMS, Compass, AED/CPR, Cultural Competency, Literacy Mrs. Blackman-Stokes, assistant principal: Special Education Discipline Laws, Common Core, PLC, Compass, JPAMS, Cultural Competency, AED/CPR Mr. Monson, assistant principal: Common Core, Compass, JPAMS, Cultural Competency, AED/CPR Mrs. Rich, assistant principal: PLC, Common Core, JPAMS, Compass, AED/CPR, Cultural Competency

3 PLC- CELEBRATES TEACHERS Ms. Armand- Perfectly Prezi Ms. Bearden- WebPams, Librarian’s workshop Mr. Boone- 9 th Grade Academy Retreat, Common Core Ms. Bratton- JPAMS Ms. Brown- Writing IEPs Ms. Calderone- Common Core- Social Studies Ms. Canty- Kagan, Library of Congress Primary Sources Mr. Chuter- Guest Speaker at Tri-Parish Association, Football Officials Training/Clinic

4 PLC- CELEBRATES TEACHERS Mr. Clemons- PLC Leadership Training, JPAMS Trainer Training, Next Generation Science Standards Ms. Courtwright- Common Core- Math, JPAMS Mr. DuBuisson- Poverty Summit, Outlook, Video Projects, JAG Conference Mr. Galiano- Advanced Active Inspire Mr. Guth- JPAMS Ms. Hailwood- Classroom Behavior Management Ms. Harding- New Teacher Induction Ms. Hawkins- JPAMS, Special Education

5 PLC- CELEBRATES TEACHERS Mr. Johnson- Kagan, 9 th Grade Academy Retreat Ms. Kemp- Prezi, PLC Team Leader Training Mr. Larson- ESL Update Mr. Leonard- JPAMS, Tri-Parish Officials Training Clinic Guest Speaker, AED/CPR Ms. Lonardo- Achieve 3000 Ms. Marks- Achieve 3000 Ms. Maddox- Common Core- Math Ms. Marshall- PLC Team Leader Coaching, Common Core- Math

6 Ms. Morgan- New Teacher Induction, Special Education, 9 th Grade Academy Retreat Mr. Morris- 9 th Grade Academy Retreat Mr. Muller- Common Core- Social Studies, JPAMS Ms. Pearson- Poverty Summit, LA. Resource Center Ms. Pittman- AED/CPR Mr. Rainey- JPAMS Ms. Reese- PLC Leader Training, JPAMS Ms. Semere- JPAMS, 9 th Grade Academy Retreat Trainer

7 PLC- CELEBRATES TEACHERS Ms. Skinner- Writing SLTs- Science, School to Work, Prezi Mr. Stevens- AED/CPR Sergeant Terry- JROTC training, Curriculum Management Ms. Theaux- Harry Wong’s classroom management Ms. Troullier- AED/CPR Ms. Watson- AP English & Composition Training, JPAMS, Common Core- English

8 PLC- CELEBRATES TEACHERS Ms. West- TAP music Colonel Wilson- JROTC training, Taught classroom teaching strategies and curriculum management Ms. Wilson- New Teacher Induction, 9 th Grade Academy Retreat, Special Education training


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