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Response to Intervention Funding Issues. The Question Is… Can RTI be an allowable part of a federally funded program? NOT Can federal funds pay for RTI?

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Presentation on theme: "Response to Intervention Funding Issues. The Question Is… Can RTI be an allowable part of a federally funded program? NOT Can federal funds pay for RTI?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Response to Intervention Funding Issues

2 The Question Is… Can RTI be an allowable part of a federally funded program? NOT Can federal funds pay for RTI?

3 Federal Programs Which Might Fit with RTI Individuals with Disabilities Education Act – Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Title I, Part ADisadvantaged 21 st Century Learning ELL Programs Title II, Part AProfessional Development Title IIIEnglish Language Learners Other

4 Purpose of IDEA and CEIS IDEA – Provide free appropriate public education to students with disabilities CEIS – Coordinated services for students in K-12 (emphasis on grades K-3) not currently identified as needing special education or related services but who need additional academic and behavioral support to succeed in general education. – May use up to 15% of district grant – Voluntary unless disproportionality

5 Possible Uses of IDEA Funds in RTI Professional development to enable personnel to deliver scientifically based academic and behavioral interventions Provide educational and behavioral evaluations, services, and supports including scientifically based literacy programs

6 IDEA Cautions Once a student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) he/she is not eligible for EIS An IEP may include RTI services but IDEA cannot be used for services all students receive (such as the universal screener) but may be used for additional specialized services for the individual child Using RTI for child find may be supplanting

7 Purpose of Title I, Part A

8 Can RTI be Part of a Title I, Part A Program? Two types of Title I, Part A programs – SchoolwideConsolidates federal, state, and local funds to upgrade the entire educational program – Targeted AssistanceTitle I, Part A services provided only for eligible students

9 Title I, Part A Schoolwide Schools Combine federal, state, and local funds to upgrade the entire educational program of the school – RTI assumes general education has been combined – Caveats Cannot combine most state programs Cannot combine Reading First Migrant--Title I, Part C and Indian EdTitle VII are difficult to combine

10 Title I, Part A Schoolwide Schools Goalensure all children meet standards, particularly those at greatest academic risk Requirements to use the schoolwide model – School has poverty of 40% or more – Schoolwide plan with all ten components

11 Title I, Part A Schoolwide Schools Rank order not required but extra services for academically at-risk must be shown Exempt from program requirements – Some requirements, health, safety, parent, still apply – Intents and purposes must be met RTI could be part of meeting the intents and purposes If coordinated with RTI this must be addressed in the schoolwide plan

12 Title I, Part A Schoolwide Schools OIG Monitoring – Clearly describe how school will implement each of the ten required components – Describe how resources (funding) will be used to implement the plan – List funds/programs combined, amounts and how intents and purposes will be met – Describe how school will provide individual academic assessment results and interpretations in language parents can understand

13 Title I, Part A Schoolwide Schools Schoolwide plan developed over one-year period Parents, community members, teachers, principals and administrators involved in plan development Plan is available to parents and the public in an understandable format Consider Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, Perkins and Head Start when developing

14 Title I, Part A Targeted Assistance Schools Targeted services only for eligible students Must identify eligible students – Students failing or most at risk of failing to meet states student achievement standards, including migrant, neglected and delinquent, homeless, and early childhood (head start, even start, early reading first). Eligibility is not based on poverty.

15 Title I, Part A Targeted Assistance Schools Must identify eligible students (cont) – Multiple, educationally related, objective criteria used to rank order students – Preschoolgrade 2, use teacher judgment of teacher, interviews with parents, and other developmentally appropriate means – Title I, Part A funds cannot be used to identify eligible studentsthis is general education Title I, Part A cannot be used for RTI universal screener

16 Title I, Part A Targeted Assistance Schools How can RTI fit in to a Targeted Assistance Program? – Incorporate into existing planning – Effective methods and instructional strategies based on scientifically based research Extended learning time Accelerated, high quality curriculum Minimize removal from classroom during regular hours Coordinate with regular ed program and other programs Professional development Parental involvement

17 Scientifically Based Research RTI must use scientifically based research for instructional or other methodologies paid by Federal funds – Cannot accept vendors word – Not required to perform own research – ED refers to What Works Clearinghouse but does not endorse

18 Supplement Not Supplant Applies to most federal programs Supplant=displacing 3 presumptions of supplanting 1.Use federal funds to provide services the district is required to make available under other federal, state or local laws 2.Use federal funds to provide services the district provided with state or local funds in the prior year 3.Use federal funds to provide the same services to Title I, Part A or migrant students provided to other students with state or local funds

19 Supplement Not Supplant IDEA – EIS must supplement any ESEA EIS services [34 CFR 226(e)] – No supplement not supplant requirement for state or local funds [34 CFR 226(e)] – Flow through rules Normal non-supplant applies CautionIDEA non-supplant includes federal

20 Supplement Not Supplant ESEA Fundsincludes Title I, Part A targeted assistance – Refer to 3 presumptions of supplanting Schoolwide Programs (SWP) – District must ensure the SWP gets all the state and local funds it would have received were it not a Title I schoolwide school – See also Department of Ed Fiscal Guidance, Feb, 2008

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