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May 2009 1. Welcome and Introductions Training Overview Evolution from CSRS to CEDARS (Fri) Submission and Editing Process (Tues) Course Catalog, Student.

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Presentation on theme: "May 2009 1. Welcome and Introductions Training Overview Evolution from CSRS to CEDARS (Fri) Submission and Editing Process (Tues) Course Catalog, Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 2009 1

2 Welcome and Introductions Training Overview Evolution from CSRS to CEDARS (Fri) Submission and Editing Process (Tues) Course Catalog, Student Schedules, Grade History - including phase-in of State Course Codes (Wed) Staff Information, including Certification Numbers (Thurs) Expanded Program data and New Ethnicity and Race codes (Fri) 2 May 2009

3 CEDARS Submission deadline CEDARS Error Processing Reports Overview 3 May 2009

4 CEDARS submissions are required at least monthly More frequent submissions are encouraged OSPI will have your most recent data OSPI will have corrected data Requesting unlocks from Customer Support is NO LONGER REQUIRED OSPI will process CEDARS submissions nightly 4 May 2009

5 Thirteen (13) files are submitted The 13 files come to OSPI in a Zipped (compressed) file using a SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) process Vendors may support the data extract and submission process The SFTP process ensures that the data is sent securely Do not send student data via email (not secure) Contact OSPI Customer Support if you need help sending your data to OSPI at 5 May 2009

6 All files submitted to OSPI must be in text tab delimited format File naming and file layout should be exactly as specified in the Data Manual CEDARS runs overnight Confirmation and errors available next morning 6 May 2009

7 7 Screen clipping taken: 5/19/2009, 4:26 PM May 2009

8 Naming convention for each file: COUNTY-DISTRICT CODE_SCHOOLCODE_FileName_YYYYMMDD.TXT Naming convention for the Zip File: 8 May 2009

9 Resources Customer Support Student Information System Vendors 9 May 2009

10 Submission Validation Error Correction Programs Schedules Grades Courses Staff Student Demographic s Student Enrollment March 2009

11 CEDARS Data Submission consists of 13 data files The 13 files are run through two error reconciliation processes that produce: Process errors Individual File errors 11 May 2009

12 Process errors occur when: Data formats are incorrect Required data elements are missing data or have invalid values The first step in error reconciliation is to review and correct process errors 12 May 2009

13 There is a hierarchical (phased) relationship with the 13 data files. The files are loaded in a defined order An error in one file may cause errors downstream Error reconciliation should be done in the same hierarchical order 13 May 2009

14 14 May 2009

15 Corrections for CEDARS should be done at the source: Student Information Data System Human Resources Data System Special Education Data System Other data collections maintained by the district Data from the source is sent to OSPI OSPI cannot correct source data 15 May 2009

16 CEDARS Corrections are currently processed by resubmitting data files There is no unlock process because submission can be daily Some data elements in CEDARS can be updated using a process similar to Manage Students in CSRS This data editing process is in development and will be available in the fall Just-in-time training will occur in the late summer 16 May 2009

17 17 CEDARS errors are found in EDS. Log in to EDS and select CEDARS from the application list Select Reports/Exception Reports/CEDARS Exception May 2009

18 18 May 2009

19 19 May 2009

20 20 May 2009

21 21 May 2009

22 This is a test environment The screen shots for this presentation are from the test environment As you submit CEDARS 2.1 data you will see your reports populate with that new data. Until then, we have populated these test reports from your April CSRS submission 22 May 2009

23 23 May 2009

24 24 Comprehensive Education Data And Research System Screen clipping taken: 5/19/2009, 11:49 AM May 2009

25 25 May 2009

26 26 May 2009

27 SQL Reporting services has a standardized tool bar that allows you to: See that your report is being generated Export or download into various formats Tab through the pages Additionally, weve added headers, footers, etc. Please send us your comments/suggestions and we will add to the wish list for inclusion 27 May 2009

28 Most recent Date Range (e.g., month) As of (specific) date (e.g., October 1 st, last day of February) These can include enrollment data for that date or range with the student attributes submitted at that time OR include enrollment data for that date or range with the latest attributes for those students 28 May 2009

29 If you have any trouble viewing these reports in Test, please contact Customer Support for assistance: (360) 725-6371 or 1 (800) 725-4311 29 May 2009

30 This presentation and session recording will be posted to the K12 web site at aspx aspx We will also post questions and answers: That are asked/answered during the session That we did not get to during the session That we receive after the session 30 May 2009

31 Customer Support (360) 725-6371 or 1 (800) 725-4311 Data Manual and Appendices and Supporting Documents Feasibility Study report to the Legislature DataFeasibilityReport.pdf 31 May 2009

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