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23.4.2013 10 Years of WF-HEINET FIRST Network Tampere University April 23, 2013 Helli Kitinoja Manager of International Affairs, Seinäjoki UAS.

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Presentation on theme: "23.4.2013 10 Years of WF-HEINET FIRST Network Tampere University April 23, 2013 Helli Kitinoja Manager of International Affairs, Seinäjoki UAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 23.4.2013 10 Years of WF-HEINET FIRST Network Tampere University April 23, 2013 Helli Kitinoja Manager of International Affairs, Seinäjoki UAS

2 West Finland HEInet = West Finland Higher Education Institutions Network Combines international affairs expertise and resources of five universities in three cities: Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) Tampere University of Technology (TUT) University of Tampere (UTA) 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

3 West Finland HEInet Aim of the co-operation is to: offer Finnish lessons for foreign students (virtual UUNO prog.), offer internationalisation and language training for academic and other staff members since 1998, administrate various projects (Leonardo etc.), organize the annual orientation for the outgoing exchange students (400-500 students) since 1999, organize seminars (Double degree, working life co-operation etc.), presentations in the seminars, invited speakers (CIMO etc.) share knowledge and experiences, peer-support, benchmarking, support student unions in their co-operation and tutoring, maintain the FIRST-network and project with Russian partner universities 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

4 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

5 Meeting of Student Unions 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

6 West Finland HEInet meeting 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

7 West Finland HEInet was founded in 1997  presidents / rectors signed the agreement the start of the network was inspired by the initiative of the Rector of the University of Tampere, Mr Uolevi Lahtinen, who wished to increase regional co-operation the network began operating in the so-called Tampere Million District with the aim of developing the regional co-operation in educational matters was the first regional network in Finland (universities + UASs) regular meetings 5-6 times per a year, autumn seminar 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

8 FIRST - Finnish-Russian Student and Teacher Exchange Programme (CIMO) The aim is to promote -the mobility of students and teachers between higher education institutions in Finland and in North-Western Russia -the organization of joint intensive courses The FIRST Program is coordinated and financed by CIMO (The Center for International Mobility) in Finland FIRST activities are organized within networks of higher education institutions from Finland and Russia 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

9 WF-HEINET FIRST project 2004-2013 Partners multi-disciplinary network of 6 (former 8) Finnish and 18 Russian partner HEIs covering nine different subject areas The West Finland FIRST network has successfully operated for 10years already Partnes have also bilateral agreement and other project activities Shared coordination (has to be in Finland) TAMK University of Applied Sciences 2004-2007 Tampere University of Technology 2007 – 2010 Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences 2010 – 2013 Tampere University 2013 - 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

10 WF-HEINET FIRST Partners in Russia Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Karelian State Pedagogical Academy, Murmansk Humanities Institute, Murmansk State Technical University, North-West Institute of Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administrat, Petrozavosk State University, St. Petersburg University, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, St. -Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg Medical College No 1, St. Petgersburg State Forest Technical University, St. Petersburg State Technological University of Plant Polymers, Syktyvkar Forest Institute, Kaliningrad State Technical University, St.-Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, Petersburg State Transcport University, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

11 WF-HEINET 5th Intensive Course 2013 (3 ECTS) Sustainable Dimension in Business Cooperation (Former: Finnish-Russian Business Cooperation Practicies) Length: 10 days Participants: 18 students from Russia and 18 students from Finland, 4 teachers from Russia and 5 teachers from Finland Time: April 2013 Place: St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Subject area: Business studies and management sciences, multi- professional approach In 2012-2013 in total 25 Networks and 13 IPs were financed by CIMO 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

12 Intensive Course – Content Russian and Finnish Business Practices, Behaviour and Cultures in General Russian and Finnish Cultural Aspects Related to Cooperation Similarities and Differences in Russian/Finnish Business Practices Business Environment Changes in the Future: Sustainable Development and Green Economics Business Environment Today: Consumers’ Behaviour and Choices from the Point of Sustainable Development 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

13 Student Selection Criteria -students should be the 2 nd or 3 rd year undergraduate students (BSc) -the relevant fields in which the intensive course is accepted by the responsible teacher at home university (i.e. business, tourism, media, politics, history or technology) -Finnish students should possess the basics of Russian language and be fluent in English -students must be known as reliable, active and well-mannered by their teachers and fellow students, good motivation 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

14 How to organize a succesfull Intensive Course? -Strong partnership -Important topic to everyone -Committed teachers and administrative staff -Share of information -Share of responsibility -Planning the programme together and before enough of the IP -Good premises (housing, meals etc.)  quality assurance is important 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

15 WF-HEINET mobility 2004-2013 Student mobility -Outgoing students around 100 -Incoming students 200 Teacher mobility -Outgoing teachers 50 -Incoming teachers 50 Intensive Courses -Students participating in the IPs totally around 170 Shortage of scholarships 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

16 Benefits - WF-HEINET FIRST Multidimensional co-operation Co-operation with the working life and companies Sharing the knowledge and expertise Knowledge about business culture in Russia and in Finland Russian language skills Lectures from Russia to Finland Development of double degree programmes IPs are motivating for the longer student exchange periods Joint seminars Etc. ……. 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

17 Future and Challenges - WF-HEINET FIRST Double degree programmes, international programmes / modules Financing for joint RDI activities Joint articles and publications increased student mobility (more Finnish students to Russia) Recognition of the studies Distance learning Russian degree students are welcome to Finland BRICS countries – Finland as a Gateway to Russia Industry – HEI partnerships Russian language and culture education Future of the programmes Erasmus for All and FIRST Continuity of co-operation – WF-HEINET FIRST as a strategic alliance? 23.4.2013Helli Kitinoja

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