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依托区位优势、走国际化道路 Internationalization Attempts based on Regional Advantages of Huangshan Huangshan University.

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1 依托区位优势、走国际化道路 Internationalization Attempts based on Regional Advantages of Huangshan Huangshan University

2 About Huangshan Huangshan occupies the southernmost part of Anhui. Huangshan's history dates back to the time of the First Emperor. The city's current jurisdiction covers much of the historical and cultural region of Huizhou, which together with Anqing formed the name of Anhui Province.Huizhou

3 Huangshan is home to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Mount Huangshan and Hongcun and Xidi, the ancient villages of southern Anhui. It is a leading tourist destination in China.

4 Quick Facts: 2 campuses 118 hectares; 17,000 full-time undergraduates; 12 colleges; 56 majors that include art, science, economy, pedagogy, engineering, agronomy, management, law, and literature. Huangshan University

5 Huangshan University has established sister school relationships with 24 colleges and institutes from around the world. Dozens of international students and teachers have come to the university each year as a result of transfer student, dual degree, and faculty exchange programs.

6 12 美国协和大学德克萨斯分校 Concordia University in Texas 2009 年 11 月 13 韩国大邱大学 Daegu University 2009 年 11 月 14 韩国大邱韩医大学 Daegu Haany University 2009 年 11 月 15 韩国又松大学 Woosong University 2009 年 11 月 16 韩国东明大学 TongMyong University 2010 年 11 月 17 美国特拉华州立大学 Delaware State University 2010 年 11 月 18 台湾地区 台湾新竹教育大学新竹教育大学 Hsinchu University of Education 2012 年 5 月 19 韩国济州汉拿大学 Jieju Hanna University 2012 年 6 月 20 加拿大里贾纳大学 University of Regina 2012 年 7 月 21 美国摩海德州立大学 Morehead State University 2012 年 8 月 22 德国施特拉尔松德应用科技大学 Stralsund University of Applied Science and Technology 2012 年 10 月 2009 年 10 月 台湾实践大学实践大学 Shih Chien University 台湾地区 11 2009 年 4 月 韩国国立安东大学国立安东大学 National Andong University 10 2008 年 6 月 美国西南学院西南学院 Southwestern College, Winfield, KS 9 2008 年 5 月 韩国顺天乡大学顺天乡大学 Soon Chunhyang University 8 2007 年 6 月 马来西亚林国荣创意科技大学林国荣创意科技大学 Limkokwing University of Creative Technology 7 2006 年 10 月 香港理工大学 Hongkong Polytechnic University 6 2006 年 2 月 英国汉曼泰德基金会汉曼泰德基金会 Humanitad Foundation 5 2005 年 11 月 德中经济文化交流促进会 Deutsch-Chinesischer Kultur-und Wirtschafts- forderverban e.V. 4 2005 年 3 月 瑞士松柏格酒店与旅游管理学院松柏格酒店与旅游管理学院 Hotel and Tourism Management Institute Switzerland 3 2004 年 9 月 韩国韩瑞大学韩瑞大学 Hanseo University 2 2001 年 6 月 越南胡志明师范大学胡志明师范大学 HCMC University of Pedagogy 1 签署时间 Date 机构名称 Name of Institutes 国别 / 地区 Country/Area 序号

7 Tourism management, environmental science, and Regional culture research are the school's three major disciplines. These programs benefit from the domestic resources and the advantages of being in a culturally rich region. Internationalization has become the target of our university with lots of attempts being made.

8 International students Education Huangshan University is one of the earliest colleges that start international students education, which helps a lot in our curriculum construction and transformation towards the applied education mode.

9 Huangshan University began enrolling international students in 2006, and in 2013 it was selected as one of the commissioned colleges able to offer the China Government Scholarship to international students. International Education

10 Up till now, we have accepted 137 international students , 6 of them apply for bachelor program. 黄山学院 2006 年 -2012 年长期留学生简表 Years20062007200820092010201120122013 USA67 1134 Korea1 712899 Romania 1 11 Poland 1 Sweden 11 New Zealand 1 France 1 Ukraine 2 Hungary 1 Niger2 Others 323

11 After many years of experience, the university has grow its reputation and special features in the international students’ education, by developing the following characteristics :

12 Characteristics for our International students education:

13 I. Irreplaceable Geographic &Cultural Region Our location at a renowned tourist city with profound tourist resources and regional culture, will appeal to those who are interested in learning about the genuine China. 壹

14 Huizhou Culture, one of the typical representatives of traditional Chinese culture, is well preserved till today. To explore and study the unique Huizhou style architecture and traditional culture heritage would be unforgettable experience for international students in China.

15 II. Home-stay Mandarin Program This program is to find a typical Chinese family for the international students to live with. HU is the only university to offer this program in Anhui. 贰

16 The international students live in the house, having dinner with family members and treated in the Chinese way of hospitality. This special program could have the international students fully immersed into the real Chinese society, which definitely would be a great help for them to adapt to the Chinese ways of living and study. Currently, we have arranged home-stay families for more than 20 international students.

17 III. Focus on the teacher’s training All our Mandarin teachers are the ones who have been sent overseas for professional training. 叁

18 We hold on to ensure the quality of international students’ education by means of small-class sizes and one-on-one tutoring

19 IV. Rich cultural experience activities Besides Mandarin classes, we also offer international students with culture-loaded courses like: Cooking, Kongfu and folk music, etc. 肆

20 International tournaments, Regional visiting, community services and enterprise internships are also available for International students in Huangshan.

21 V. Accommodations International Exchange Center is the unity that takes care of international students and usually international students found their questions responded and solved very promptly. Please mail us to ask questions: 伍

22 International students Building was built in 2010, providing dorms, classrooms, kitchens, and laundry only for international students. It is guarded and served 24-hours so as to ensure the safety of our students.

23 From 2009 to 2013, we have hosted 4 French short- term culture visiting groups and 4 Korean summer camps in Huangshan, in the total of 260 students. 陆 VI. Short-term culture programs and summer camps

24 Besides Mandarin program, majors that related with Tourism Management and Regional Culture Research have attracted visiting and transfer students to Huangshan.

25 End Huangshan University welcomes you in the spirit of hospitality. For more information, please visit our website:

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