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Comparing Governments: Switzerland V.S. USA By Chad Brubaker.

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1 Comparing Governments: Switzerland V.S. USA By Chad Brubaker

2 U.S. President : Barrack Obama 7 Heads of Departments in Switzerland (Federal Council): Internal Affairs: Alain Berset Foreign affairs: Didier Burkhalter Energy, Traffic, and Environment: Doris Leuthard Defense and Sports: Ueli Maurer (Current Federal President) Justice: Simmonetta Sommaruga Economy and Education: Johann Schneider-Ammann Finances: Eveline Widmer- Schlumpf Type of Gov’t  Elected  4-year terms Requirements:  Must be natural born U.S. citizen  Must be at least 35 years  Must be a U.S> resident for at least 14 years  Elected  Term- Every year a new Head is selected to be the Federal President, no legal limit for being in the Head positions  Terms of Federal Court – 4 years  Requirements: Any citizen with the right to vote, members may not hold another post in the service of the Confederation or a canton

3 U. S. Lawmaking Body: Legislative Swiss Lawmaking Body: Legislative Type of Government cont.  Bicameral  Senate: 100 members  House of Representatives: 435 members  Bicameral  National Council (The Swiss version of the House) 200 members  The Council of States (Their Senate) 46 members (2 from each of the 26 Cantons)

4 U.S. RightsSwitzerland Rights Type of Government cont.  Freedom of Speech/Press (1 st amend)  Freedom of Religion (1 st amend)  The right to bear arms (2 nd Amend)  Freedom of Speech/Press  Freedom of Religion  There isn’t a constitutional right to bear arms, but Switzerland practices conscription.  Conscription is when all able-bodied male citizens keep full-auto weapons in their homes in case of a military call  Every male citizen is required to have at least a few days or weeks of military training per year and have an assault rifle at home

5 U.S.A.Switzerland Political Parties  The U.S.A. political system is a 2-party system with the majority as republicans and democrats.  However there are also third parties that are always attempting to gain popularity  Republicans(R) are pro-life, pro- gun, pro-business, and pro- traditional beliefs  Democrats(D) are pro-choice, pro-gun control, pro-government intervention, and pro- progressive beliefs  They are a multi-party system  There are many parties in Swiss politics, but the main ones are:  The Swiss People’s Party(SVP/UDC)-right-wing national conservatism  Social Democratic Party(SPS/PSS)- leaning left Social Democracy  FDP Liberals(FDP/PLR)- leaning right classical liberalism

6 U.S.Switzerland Elections and Voting  Voting Age:18  Qualifications: Must be U.S. citizen, be a resident, and be registered to vote  Gen. elections are held every 4 years, primaries depend on the decision of the state and local gov’t  Types of elections: Primary, Midterm, General, and some “off-year” elections  Voting Age: 18  Qualifications: Must be a Swiss citizen  Elections are held every 4 years  3 primary election types: parlimentary, executive, and referendums

7 U.S.Switzerland Taxes and Government Fianance  Charges income taxes  Aside from individual income taxes, America makes revenue from custom duties, excise taxes, payroll taxes, and corporate income taxes  Federal spending: 1.Military – 55% 2.Education - 6% 3.Healthcare – 5%  Very low rates of taxation  Charges income taxes  Switzerland also gets revenue from customs and duties and foreign investments (Swiss bank accounts)  Federal Spending: 1.Military –.76% 2.Education and Research – 7.2% 3.Healthcare – 11.4%

8 U.S.Switzerland Law  In 2009 there was a total of 10,762,956 total convictions  In 2010 the incarceration pop. of the U.S. was 2,266,832 people  Use of the death penalty: Legal in 32 States  *Lowest crime rates in the world  In 2009, there were a total of 94,574 total convictions  In 2011 the incarceration pop. of Switzerland was 6,181. Most of which are prisoners from foreign countries  Use of the death penalty: Was outlawed in 1942

9 Current Relations with the U.S.  The current relationship with Switzerland and the United States are bilateral through the U.S.-Swiss Joint Economic Commission (JEC)  Switzerland protects us during interactions with Iran and Cuba  We possess these ties: 1.Anti-money laundering efforts 2.Counter-terrorism 3.Pharmaceutical regulatory cooperation (which is an e-government conference) 4.The Fulbright student/cultural exchange program

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