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“Holiness of Conduct” Leviticus 17-20. “in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” Announcements Text.

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Presentation on theme: "“Holiness of Conduct” Leviticus 17-20. “in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” Announcements Text."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Holiness of Conduct” Leviticus 17-20

2 “in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” Announcements Text

3 “in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” Prayer List Text

4 Leviticus WeekDateTopic 108 Sep 10Leviticus Introduction 215 Sep 10Sacrifices: Leviticus 1-7 322 Sep 10Priesthood of Aaron: Leviticus 8-10 429 Sep 10Ritual Cleanliness: Leviticus 11-15 506 Oct 10Day of Atonement: Leviticus 16 613 Oct 10Holiness of Conduct: Leviticus 17-20 720 Oct 10Holiness of Priests: Leviticus 21-22 827 Oct 10Sabbath and Feasts: Leviticus 23 903 Nov 10Preparation and Punishments: Leviticus 24 1010 Nov 10Sanctification of the Land: Leviticus 25 1117 Nov 10Promises and Warnings: Leviticus 26 1224 Nov 10Thanksgiving 1301 Dec 10Vows and Redemption of Tithes: Leviticus 27

5 Today’s Objectives Review the previous week’s lesson Transition to an emphasis on everyday life and conduct of the Israelites Learn about God’s commands concerning sacrifice of animals and consumption of blood (Ch 17) Learn about laws concerning sexual relationships (Ch 18) Review various laws covering conduct of the Israelites (Ch 19) Learn about punishment directed by God for violating commands outlined in Leviticus 17-19

6 Last week Reviewed the previous week’s lesson Learned about the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur Learned about the ceremonies that the high priest conducted in order to take part in the Day of Atonement Learned about the duty of the people Learned about the promise God made to the people Reviewed Hebrews 9 and learned about Christ’s atonement for our sins

7 Tabernacle Altar of burn offering Laver Ark

8 Altar



11 1875 BC Jacob Moves to Egypt 1845 BC Israelites Enslaved 1446 BC Exodus Mosaic Covenant 1395 BC Conquest of Promised Land 400Years of Bondage (Gen 15:13, 16; Acts 7:6) About 450 Years of bondage, wandering, and conquests (Acts 13:19-20) 430 Years in Egypt (Ex 12:40-41; Gal 3:17) Early Israelite Timeline

12 Key To Studying Leviticus We must examine the messages and determine what the passage represents in order to see the riches God has for us Does the passage provide a spiritual truth? –Is this passage or verse a picture of New Testament spiritual truth that we obey today? –If it is, is that its only importance? –If this answer is yes, once we have determined the meaning of the picture, our interpretation is finished –If not, then we ask if it is a moral or physical command

13 Key To Studying Leviticus Is it a moral or physical command: –Why did God give this verse/passage to the Israelites? –Is the command reflective of God's moral nature, and therefore one we need to follow, even today? –Did he want them to be different from the people around them? –If so, is the specific command relevant for us today, so that we might be different? –Did God give the command to them for health reasons? If so, is it relevant today? If we conclude that the specific command is not relevant for us, we must ask, What is the principle behind the commands of God? How does the principle apply to us?

14 Sacrifices To God God designed these offering to –Enable the Israelites to worship God –Taught the Israelites conditions necessary to restore and maintain the believers’ communion with God in view of their sin and defilement Each offering involved three objects –The person bringing the offering –The object being offered (animal, for example) –The mediator (priest) Differences in offerings –Each offering was different from the other offerings –Within each offering there were different options of what the offerer could present and how he could present it

15 Laws and directions pertain to all the people –Priests and people (vs. 1-2) God did not permit Israelites to slaughter sacrificial animals anywhere but before the altar of burn offering (vs. 3-7) –Meat was not a common food staple for the Israelites –Not to offer sacrifices to the goat idols (or demon) Laws regarding burnt offering sacrifices not brought to the temple apply to aliens as well (vs. 8-9) God prohibited ingesting blood (vs. 10-14) God prohibited eating clean animals that had died without slaughter (vs. 15-16) Holiness of Food (17:1-16)

16 Focus shifts from ceremonial uncleanness to foundational principles of social morality Marriage was (and is) considered the cornerstone of human society Deviation from this standard caused all sorts of social ills and societal breakdown Vile practices of the Egyptians and Caanaites and exhortations to obey God (vs. 1-5) Provides an outline of 12 prohibited sexual relationships (vs. 6-18) –Marriage is considered a social institution and is regarded throughout as the cornerstone of a nation – its purity and integrity must be protected at all times Holiness of Marriage (18:1-30)

17 God condemns other kinds of unacceptable behavior –Adultery (vs. 20 and Rom 13:9) –Homosexuality (vs. 22, Rom 1:27, 1 Cor 6:9) –Bestiality (vs. 23) Sacrifices to Molech were a violation of God’s law (vs. 21) Sexual immorality defile the land as well as the people who practiced it (vs. 24-30) –Punishment was death (vs. 29) Reminds the Israelites that the basis for these laws was the character of Israel’s God (vs. 30) Holiness of Marriage (18:1-30)

18 Holiness principles (vs. 1-18) –21 laws, broken up into 7 units by the phrase “I am the Lord your God” –Various laws concerning the Sabbath, idolatry, social behavior with others, and proper attitude Statutes and judgments (vs. 19-37) –Again, contains a list of 21 laws broken into sevens –God calls to honor the order of nature by not mixing things (vs. 19) –Upheld the rights of slaves (vs. 20-22) –Avoid pagan practices like the Canaanites (vs. 26-32) God calls to practice honesty in judicial matters and exhortations (vs. 33-37) Holiness of Behavior (19:1-37)

19 Content of Leviticus 18 and 20 very similar –Leviticus 18 addresses would-be offenders –Leviticus 20 addresses the Israelite community, who were responsible for administering punishment –Chapter consists of 14 laws followed by an appeal for holiness Violation of idolatry (vs. 1-8) –Execute a Molech worshiper by stoning Illegal sexual relations (vs. 9-21) –Punishment usually by death Exhortations and warnings to obey God (vs. 22-27) –Israel would possess the Promised Land to the extent they maintained their holiness Punishment for Sin (20:1-27)

20 Review Reviewed last week’s lesson Transitioned our lesson to an emphasis on everyday life and conduct of the Israelites Learned about God’s commands concerning sacrifice of animals and consumption of blood Learned about laws concerning sexual relationships Reviewed various laws covering individual conduct of the Israelites Learned about punishment directed by God for violating commands outlined in Leviticus 17-19 Next week: Leviticus 21-22

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