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Workshop on “Country Partnership Models with Central Asia” Ministry of Economy and Antimonopoly Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on “Country Partnership Models with Central Asia” Ministry of Economy and Antimonopoly Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on “Country Partnership Models with Central Asia” Ministry of Economy and Antimonopoly Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic

2  Major Macroeconomic Indicators for 2011  Background  Role of TA in social and economic development in the Kyrgyz Republic  TA Statistics since 2007  Participation of donor communities in priority sectors of the Kyrgyz Republic  Recommendations for country partnership modalities  Conclusion

3 Nominal GDP Real GDP growth rate GDP DeflatorInflationForeign Debt 273,1 bln. soms 5,7 % 117,3% 5,7% 2,8 bln. USD Major Macroeconomic Indicators for 2011

4 After getting independence, the Kyrgyz Republic has opened its border to many donor organizations

5 Technical assistance is a vital element of Kyrgyz Republic’s development strategy. Through technical assistance operations, donor communities assist Kyrgyzstan in:  identifying, formulating, and implementing projects  improving the institutional capabilities of governments and executing agencies  formulating development strategies  promoting the transfer of technology  fostering regional cooperation 5

6 Technical assistance projects are directed to:  Project preparatory technical assistance for the preparation of feasibility studies and detailed engineering for bankable projects  Project implementation technical assistance covering consulting services for project implementation and initial operation, including the training of project personnel  Advisory technical assistance supporting institutional strengthening, sector and policy studies, and non-project- related human resource development  Regional technical assistance addressing issues of interest to the region or a subregion or a group of individual developing member countries.




10 Technical Assistance Project Sector Amount in mln. USD 1 Development potential to introduction of Islamic banking Finance 0,290 2 Development potential for NGO «Meerim»Capacity Building 0,170 3 Development potential of the State Committee on Property and Direct Investment Capacity Building 0,220 4Feasibility study for the route Taraz-Talas-Suusamyr Transportation 0,330 5 Feasibility Study for the Bishkek-TorugartTransportation 0,340 6 Feasibility study for electricity exportEnergy 0,290 7 Emergency aid for flood victimsEmergency 0,200 8The curriculum of Arabic writing Education 0,020 9 Islamic Institute and 4 schools to study the KoranEducation 0,310 10 Help the victims of the earthquakeEmergency 1,140


12 In the Sphere of Economic Reforms In Social Sphere In the sphere of Infrastructure Development Participation of donor communities in priority sectors of the Kyrgyz Republic

13 TAs in the Kyrgyz Republic are:  Non-integrated to the budget;  More supportive rather than integral; Important challenges:  Harmonization with government priorities;  Close cooperation with the government’s Public Investment Policy institutions;  Increasing of accountability of TA projects to the government.

14 Free Trade Energy Transport Infrastructure

15  Human Resources Development;  Consultations and Capacity Building;  Harmonization of Technical Standards between OIC countries  Preparation of Feasibility Studies for Transportation and Energy Projects  Promotion of Halal Industry Sector in Central Asian Countries  Development of Public-Private Partnership mechanisms in infrastructure projects.

16 Central Asian Countries Sustainable Reginal Development Technical Cooperation Joint Actions OIC Member States and IsDB Conclusion

17 Thanks for your attention!!!

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