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Statistics to Support Policies on Work and Life Balance Kyunghee Kim Employment Statistics Division Statistics Korea.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics to Support Policies on Work and Life Balance Kyunghee Kim Employment Statistics Division Statistics Korea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics to Support Policies on Work and Life Balance Kyunghee Kim Employment Statistics Division Statistics Korea

2 Aspects of Korean Society Initiatives Taken 3 2 Statistics on Work and Life Balance 4 Korea in the World 1 Future Plan 5 Contents

3 Human Development Index & Gender Inequality Index 2 CountryHDIGII Norway0.955 0.065 Australia0.938 0.115 U.S.A.0.937 0.256 Netherlands0.921 0.045 Germany0.920 0.075 New Zealand0.919 0.164 Ireland0.916 0.121 Sweden0.916 0.055 Switzerland0.913 0.057 Japan0.912 0.131 Canada0.911 0.119 Korea0.909 0.153 Source : UNDP Report(2012) 1. Korea in the World

4 Total Fertility Rate Trend Country197019952011 Norway2.501.871.88 Australia2.861.821.88 U.S.A2.481.981.89 Netherlands2.571.531.76 Germany2.031.251.36 New Zealand3.171.982.06 Ireland3.871.852.04 Sweden1.941.741.90 Switzerland2.101.481.52 Japan2.131.421.39 Canada2.331.621.61 Korea4.531.631.24 Source : OECD Family Database(2012) 3 1. Korea in the World

5 Total Fertility Rate and Employment Rate Country2011 TFR 2012 Women(15-64) Employment rate(%) Norway1.8873.8 Australia1.8866.6 U.S.A.1.8962.2 Netherlands1.7670.4 Germany1.3668.0 New Zealand2.0667.0 Ireland2.0455.2 Sweden1.9071.8 Switzerland1.5273.6 Japan1.3960.7 Canada1.6169.2 Korea1.2453.5 Source : OECD Employment Outlook(2013) 4 1. Korea in the World

6 Source : OECD Family Database(2012) 3 19802010 Total Fertility Rate and Employment Rate 5 1. Korea in the World

7 Employment Rates and Gross National Income Country 2012 Women(15-64) Employment rate (%) GNI per capita(US$) Norway73.8 98,860 Australia66.659,570 U.S.A.62.250,120 Netherlands70.448,250 Germany68.044,010 New Zealand67.030,620 Ireland55.238,970 Sweden71.856,210 Switzerland73.682,730 Japan60.747,870 Canada69.250,970 Korea53.522,670 6 Source : World Bank(Atlas method, current US$, 2012) 1. Korea in the World

8 GNI and Hours Actually Worked CountryGNI per capita(US$)Average annual hours Norway 98,8601,420 Australia59,5701,728 U.S.A.50,1201,790 Netherlands48,2501,381 Germany44,0101,397 New Zealand30,6201,739 Ireland38,9701,529 Sweden56,2101,621 Switzerland82,7301,636 Japan47,8701,745 Canada50,9701,710 Korea22,6702,090 7 Source : OECD Employment Outlook(2013) 1. Korea in the World

9 Notable Aspects of Korea-1 8 Socio-cultural background  Gender role ideology  Outside for men and household for women  Husband’s honor to keep their wives at home  Housework burdens on women Socio-cultural background  Gender role ideology  Outside for men and household for women  Husband’s honor to keep their wives at home  Housework burdens on women 2. Aspects of Korean Society

10 Notable Aspects of Korea-2 9 Dual income couplesNon dual income couples WifeHusbandWifeHusband 2 hours 38min.24 min.4 hours 11min.19 min. Spend time doing household chores Source : Statistics Korea, Time Use Survey(2009) 2. Aspects of Korean Society

11 Notable Aspects of Korea-3 10 Low labor force participation rate of women 2. Aspects of Korean Society Source : Statistics Korea, Economically Active Population Survey(2012)

12 Notable Aspects of Korea-4 11 Long working hours  Socializing after work Low fertility  Spending more on education per child Women’s wage is about 70 percent of men’s wage Long working hours  Socializing after work Low fertility  Spending more on education per child Women’s wage is about 70 percent of men’s wage 2. Aspects of Korean Society

13 Notable Aspects of Korea-5 12 2. Aspects of Korean Society Employed by Status Source : Statistics Korea, Economically Active Population Survey(2012)

14 13 Labor Standards Act(Protection for pregnant women, Childcare time) Framework Act on the Promotion of Women’s Status(1995) Framework Act on the Preparedness for Low Birth Rate and an Aging Society(2005) Act on Equal Employment for Women and Support for Work-Family Balance(2007) Act on the Promotion of Economic Activities of Career-Interrupted Women(2008) Labor Standards Act(Protection for pregnant women, Childcare time) Framework Act on the Promotion of Women’s Status(1995) Framework Act on the Preparedness for Low Birth Rate and an Aging Society(2005) Act on Equal Employment for Women and Support for Work-Family Balance(2007) Act on the Promotion of Economic Activities of Career-Interrupted Women(2008) Legal Authority 3. Initiatives Taken

15 14 Agencies Involved ① Ministry of Strategy and Finance ② Ministry of Health and Welfare ③ Ministry of Employment and Labor, ④ Ministry of Gender Equality and Family ⑤ Statistics Korea Agencies Involved ① Ministry of Strategy and Finance ② Ministry of Health and Welfare ③ Ministry of Employment and Labor, ④ Ministry of Gender Equality and Family ⑤ Statistics Korea Polices on Work and Life Balance-1 3. Initiatives Taken

16 15 Planning of Development of Statistics on Work and Life Balance(November, 2010) Policies on Work and Life Balance ① Childcare and Family-Friendly Policy ② Vacation Policy ③ Working Hour Policy ④ Female Worker Policy Planning of Development of Statistics on Work and Life Balance(November, 2010) Policies on Work and Life Balance ① Childcare and Family-Friendly Policy ② Vacation Policy ③ Working Hour Policy ④ Female Worker Policy Polices on Work and Life Balance-2 Statistics Korea 3. Initiatives Taken

17 16 Topics ① Dual Income Couples ② Women in Career Discontinuity ③ Flexible Working Schedule Method : Supplementary Questions in Local Labor Force Survey Topics ① Dual Income Couples ② Women in Career Discontinuity ③ Flexible Working Schedule Method : Supplementary Questions in Local Labor Force Survey Statistics Produced by Statistics Korea 3. Initiatives Taken

18 17 Local Labor Force Survey 3. Initiatives Taken Objective Employment statistics for 156 Si/Gun areas Method Personal interview, Internet survey Sample Persons aged 15 or older of 199,000 households Periodicity Semi-annually Questions Seeking jobs, working hours, employment status, industry, occupation, etc.

19 Dual Income Couples-1 18 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance Source : Statistics Korea, Local Labor Force Survey(June, 2012)

20 Dual Income Couples-2 19 Percentage of Dual Income Couples by Age Groups 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance Source : Statistics Korea, Local Labor Force Survey(June, 2012)

21 Dual Income Couples-3 20 Dual Income Couples by Industry 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance Source : Statistics Korea, Local Labor Force Survey(June, 2012)

22 Women in Career Discontinuity-1 21 Labor Force Participation Rate by Age Groups 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance Source : Statistics Korea, Economically Active Population Survey(2012)

23 22 Act on the Promotion of Economic Activities of Career-Interrupted Women  Any women whose economic activities have ever been interrupted by pregnancy, childcare, care for a family member or any similar reason or who have never been engaged in any economic activity but who desire now to have a job Act on the Promotion of Economic Activities of Career-Interrupted Women  Any women whose economic activities have ever been interrupted by pregnancy, childcare, care for a family member or any similar reason or who have never been engaged in any economic activity but who desire now to have a job Women in Career Discontinuity-2 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance

24 23 Local Labor Force Survey  Married women aged 15-54 who are unemployed or not economically active because of getting married, getting pregnant, giving birth or rearing children. Local Labor Force Survey  Married women aged 15-54 who are unemployed or not economically active because of getting married, getting pregnant, giving birth or rearing children. Women in Career Discontinuity-3 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance

25 24 Women in Career Discontinuity-4 Married women aged 15~54 (9,747,000, 100.0%) Unemployed or not economically active(4,049,000, 41.5%) Women in Career Discontinuity (1,978,000, 20.3% ) Size of Women in Career Discontinuity 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance Source : Statistics Korea, Local Labor Force Survey(June, 2012)

26 25 Women in Career Discontinuity-5 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance Source : Statistics Korea, Local Labor Force Survey(June, 2012)

27 26 Women in Career Discontinuity-6 Married Women aged 15~54( A) Unemployed or Non Economically Active(B) Women in Career Discontinuity(C) (C/A)(C/B) Total 9,747 4,049 1,978 20.348.9 15~29 years 609 336 221 36.365.8 30~39 years 3,120 1,579 1,115 35.770.6 40~49 years 3,989 1,377 511 12.837.1 50~54 years 2,029 757 131 6.517.3 (unit : thousand persons, %) Career Discontinuity by Age Group 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance Source : Statistics Korea, Local Labor Force Survey(June, 2012)

28 27 Women in Career Discontinuity-7 Reason for Career Discontinuity 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance Source : Statistics Korea, Local Labor Force Survey(June, 2012)

29 28 Women in Career Discontinuity-8 Working Period Before Career Discontinuity Total Less than 1 year 1 ∼ 3 years3 ∼ 5 years Over 5 years 1,978100.030615.582441.743121.841821.1 15 ∼ 29 years221100.05725.810447.14118.6209.1 30 ∼ 39 years1115100.017315.546341.524121.623821.4 40 ∼ 49 years511100.05911.519938.911823.113526.4 50 ∼ 54 years131100.01612.25844.33224.42519.1 (unit : thousand persons, %) 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance Source : Statistics Korea, Local Labor Force Survey(June, 2012)

30 Flexible Working Schedule-1 29 ① Part-time ② Flextime ③ Hourly basis ④ Telecommuting ⑤ Compressed work week ① Part-time ② Flextime ③ Hourly basis ④ Telecommuting ⑤ Compressed work week 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance

31 Flexible Working Schedule-2 30 13.4% of wage workers use flexible working schedule. Women, temporary workers, workers in public service and wholesale are more likely to use flexible working schedule. 13.4% of wage workers use flexible working schedule. Women, temporary workers, workers in public service and wholesale are more likely to use flexible working schedule. 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance

32 Flexible Working Schedule-3 31 Flexible Working Schedule by gender 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance Source : Statistics Korea, Local Labor Force Survey(March, 2012)

33 Flexible Working Schedule-4 32 Wage workers prefer part-time, flextime or hourly basis. Wage workers not using FWS would like to use flextime or hourly basis in the future. 8.1% of unemployed and non economically active person would like to be a part-timer even though they could have full-time jobs. Wage workers prefer part-time, flextime or hourly basis. Wage workers not using FWS would like to use flextime or hourly basis in the future. 8.1% of unemployed and non economically active person would like to be a part-timer even though they could have full-time jobs. 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance

34 Flexible Working Schedule-5 33 Flexible Working Schedule by Status 4. Statistics on Work and Life Balance Source : Statistics Korea, Local Labor Force Survey(March, 2012)

35 Korean Government’s Efforts 34 Strengthen public childcare and education for young children, their parents and local communities Provide training opportunities for women in career discontinuity with Center for New Jobs Create a variety of suitable jobs such as decent part-time or hourly basis Strengthen public childcare and education for young children, their parents and local communities Provide training opportunities for women in career discontinuity with Center for New Jobs Create a variety of suitable jobs such as decent part-time or hourly basis 5. Future Plan

36 35 Produce relevant statistics on work and life balance Meet new demands by continuous cooperation with various governments  Experience of job training  The employed who experienced career discontinuity  The working hours of dual income couples with under 7 years children Produce relevant statistics on work and life balance Meet new demands by continuous cooperation with various governments  Experience of job training  The employed who experienced career discontinuity  The working hours of dual income couples with under 7 years children Statistics Korea’s Role 5. Future Plan

37 Thank you

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