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I will take you to see Ancient Greece COME WITH ME!!!!!!

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1 I will take you to see Ancient Greece COME WITH ME!!!!!!

2 Zeus symboled: The thunderbolt, eagle and the oak tree and he was the king of the gods. Hera symboled: The pomegrant and the peacock and she was the god of marriage and children Poseidon symboled: The trident, dolphins and horses and was the god of the seas. Demeter symdoled: A sheaf of wheat or barley and she represented all plants, day and night. Aphrodite symboled: The roses, doves sparrows, dolphins and rams and she represented loveand beauty Ares symboled: A burning torch,spear, dogs and vultures and represented the war Artemis symboled: Cypress tree, deer and dogs and she represented the hunting and the moon Apollo symboled: The laurel tree and he was the god of light, sun and music Hermes symboled: The winged hat and the sandals and he was the masenger of the gods and the transport. Athene symboled: The owl and the olive tree and she was the goddess of hunting and the moon. Dionysus symboled: a very special stuff caled thyrsus the wine and he was the god of theater and wine

3 The Greeks also believed in people they called them heroes. The heroes were not gods, they were humans who behaved and acted like gods. The heroes were and brave and had exiting adventures. One of the heroes was called Perseus. He had killed a terrible monster. The terrible monster was called: Medusa. Perseus

4 The Greeks believed that dead people went to live in the underworld. The god, Hades, ruled underworld. The body of a dead person was washed and performed. Then it was wrapped in material and flowers were put by the head. It was laid on a bead with its feet nearest the door because it was going to journey. A coin was placed under the dead person's tongue. It was meant for charon, the ferryman who took the dead across the River Styx to the underworld. A story from the underworld is of Dimiter and Persephone. This story explains that when Persephone was in the underworld it was winter and when she was with Demeter it was summer, spring and autumn. In winter Persephone had to go to the underworld because Hades god of underworld was in love with her. Zeus god of all gods and goddesses and Hermes messenger of gods and god of traveling and thieves also were in this story. There are more stories that take place in the underworld.

5 Greeks believed that gods sent messages about the future Those were called Oracles Gods sent those massages to the priests or priestess and then passed it to ordinary people They were like this, they figured the future People from all around Grece came to visit these priestesses

6 Apollo's Oracle Delphi was the grates and most sacred temple of them all, it was said that Apollo sent his magic eagles to find the center of the universeand the eagles meat in a mountain called Delphi Apollos temple was the most sacred of all

7 Each god had a city for himself but they were all honoured the same way Zeus was the god of gods and goddesses. His wife was Hera To enter and see the Oracle you first pay a fee ( to help maintain Delphi) and sacrifice a goat to the gods but before killing it you first had to do some steps First you had to sprinkle some water on top of the goat if it shivered as it always did that was a sign the god was willing to speak Then the prophetess then purified herself at a spring and entered the temple Where she chewed laurel leaves and burned barley flowers at the altar Decending to an underground part of the temple, she entered a small room where she could be heared but not seem She sat upon the prophetic stool and gave her answer to the question

8 Priestesses couldn`t answer questions during winter because Apollo sun god wasn`t here so Dionysus took his place and large festivals ocured

9 Delphi is now just a field of stone broken colums are there but pictures describe what once was a miracle for Grece, fulled with turists

10 Hera, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Apolo, Artemest, Lionrses, Teaphesus, Aphrodite, Hermes and Demeter The gods and goddesses lived in Mount Olympus were

11 In Gece there is mountain calred Mount Oolimus. The people thogught that there was a God for everithing like Poceidon the water or Hades the underworld. They also thought that the imortals came from Gia the Earth andr Uranos the sky. Uranos Gia

12 Made by: Valentina Rodriguez Vicky De poli Nicho Mc Jonh.B.

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