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Math Standards  NCTM  Common Core State Standards for Math (CCSSM)  Needs of Diverse Learners.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Standards  NCTM  Common Core State Standards for Math (CCSSM)  Needs of Diverse Learners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Standards  NCTM  Common Core State Standards for Math (CCSSM)  Needs of Diverse Learners

2 NCTM Principles & Standards for School Improvement  Produced by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) in 2000 to set forth a national vision for precollege mathematics education in the US and Canada.  Includes The Equity Principle: "Excellence in mathematics education requires equity--high expectations and strong support for all students" (NCTM, 2000,).  As a result of legislation, the standards movement, and the NCTM principles; changes to the classroom mandate the inclusion of all students in the general education classroom.  Teachers need to possess the skills and dispositions to teach a diverse group of students in inclusive settings.

3 NCTM Content Standards  Numbers and Operations  Algebra  Geometry  Measurement  Data Analysis and Probability

4 NCTM Process Standards  Problem Solving  Reasoning and Proof  Communication  Connections  Representation

5 NCTM Goals for ALL Students  Learn to value mathematics  Become confident in their ability to do mathematics  Become mathematical problem solvers  Learn to communicate mathematically  Learn to reason mathematically

6 6 NCTM principles  Equity  Curriculum  Effective Teaching  Problem Solving  Continual Assessment  Importance of Technology

7 C Curriculum Focal Points (NCTM, 2006)  Most critical mathematical topics for each grade in elementary and middle schools  Intended to assist teachers in identifying the most critical content for targeted attention.  A step in the implementation of the Standards  Strongly emphasized the importance of basic arithmetic skills in lower and middle grades  Identifies 3 critical areas at each grade level for pre-kindergarten through Grade 8

8 NAEP Content Strands  Number Properties and Operations  Geometry  Algebra  Measurement  Data Analysis and Probability

9 CCSSM Mathematical Practices  Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them  Reason abstractly and quantitatively  Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others  Model with mathematics  Use appropriate tools strategically  Attend to precision  Look for and make use of structure  Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

10 CCSSM Mathematical Practices  Describe the skills that should be mastered by students in all grade levels.  Combine the NCTM process standards and the National Research Council strands of mathematical proficiency.  The standards are organized by conceptual categories rather than grade level for high school.  Provide opportunities for high school students to apply mathematical concepts and reasoning to real-life problems. (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010)


12 Addressing the Needs of Diverse Learners  It’s important for teachers to be aware of the learning needs of individual students and groups of learners and meet their varying needs.  Teachers may find it necessary to modify their instruction to make it more accessible to students with mathematics disabilities.  When assessing curricular materials, teachers should make certain that they contain effective instructional features.  Evidence-based features have proven to be effective among students with learning disabilities (LD).


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