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Fact: A basic statement established by experiment or observation. ex) The Earth is a sphere.

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Presentation on theme: "Fact: A basic statement established by experiment or observation. ex) The Earth is a sphere."— Presentation transcript:


2 Fact: A basic statement established by experiment or observation. ex) The Earth is a sphere

3 Belief: A statement that is not scientifically provable in the same way as facts, hypotheses or theories. Scientifically disproven beliefs can still be held to be true ex) ghosts are real

4 Theory:An explanation for why certain facts exist that can be tested to determine its accuracy » Attachment theory

5 Hypothesis: A tentative statement such as ‘if A happens then B must happen’ that can be tested by direct experiment or observation. A proven hypothesis can be expressed theory ex) Neglected infants experience more emotional problems in adulthood than loved infants








13  Classical conditioning  Demonstrates that behaviors can be learned by making an association between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus

14  Operant conditioning  Proposes that reinforcement or punishment may be used to either increase or decrease the probability that a behavior will occur again B. F. Skinner


16 Would You Talk to This Man? Children loved talking to Jean Piaget, and he learned by listening carefully—especially to their incorrect explanations, which no one had paid much attention to before.



19 The intellectual excitement of that zone is the origin of the joy that both instruction and study can bring.

20 Hope and Laughter Maslow believed in the human spirit and that it could overcome oppression and reach self-actualization, where faith, hope, and humor abound. Hope and Laughter Maslow believed in the human spirit and that it could overcome oppression and reach self-actualization, where faith, hope, and humor abound.





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