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3 EFFECTIVE TEACHERS… Know the content Understand the development of the student Value the diversity of the students Use multiple assessments to evaluate progress Create a suitable learning environment Adapt and modify instruction Use effective communication Collaborate with all members of the learning community Engage in sustained professional growth experiences

4 INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING AND STRATEGIES Plans are developed to provide students with meaningful learning experiences Plans connect to related learning opportunities Teaching is based instructional strategies that focus on best practice and research Teaching is supported by strategies that foster interest and progress

5 Q4-3XSxU

6 GENERAL POLICY Plans are a legal document Usually required weekly to the supervisor Plan books (district, purchased, self- made notebooks) Substitute plans Must include TEKS Objectives Needed materials Bell Ringer Procedures Closing

7 GOOD PLANNING Keeps the teacher and students on track Achieves the objectives Helps teachers to avoid “unpleasant” surprises Provides the roadmap and visuals in a logical sequence Provides direction to a substitute Encourages reflection, refinement, and improvement Enhances student achievement

8 POOR PLANNING Frustration for the teacher and the student Aimless wandering Unmet objectives No connections to prior learnings Disorganization Lack of needed materials A waste of time Poor management

9 TEKS Objective – expected student behavior Warm –up and introduction Procedure Materials – worksheets, film, text, etc. Presentation Practice Application Closure Evaluation – test, assignment, teacher observation, etc. Maximize Instructional Time Integrate Diverse Teaching Strategies Have All Students On Task A GOOD LESSON INCLUDES:

10 LET’S BEGIN… The format of a lesson should.. Go one step at a time Have a picture for every step An effective lesson plan is a set of plans for building something – it “constructs” the learning.

11 dTBep3W9c Goofy cartoon

12 The greater the structure of a lesson and the more precise the directions on what is to be accomplished, the higher the achievement rate. Harry Wong, The First Days of Teaching

13 OBJECTIVES A description of what the student will be able to do at the end of the lesson Provides alignment with district and state goals (TEKS) Use behavioral verbs to describe the expected outcomes (ACTION) No-no’s: appreciate, enjoy, love, etc.

14 WARM-UP AND INTRODUCTION Grab the attention of the students PROVIDES THE INTEREST/MOTIVATION factor Set the tone for the lesson connected to the objective A question A story A saying An activity A discussion starter BE CREATIVE

15 PRE-ASSESSMENT What are the characteristics of the learners in the class? What do the students already know and understand? How do my students learn best? What modifications in instruction might I need to make?

16 PROCEDURES AND PRESENTATION Sets up a step-by-step plan Provides a quick review of previous learning Provides specific activities to assist students in developing the new knowledge Provides modeling of a new skill A picture is worth a thousand words. I do, We do, You do!

17 MATERIALS Plan! Prepare! Have on hand! Murphy’s Law Envision your needs. List all resources. Have enough manipulatives (when needed) for groups or individuals.

18 PRACTICE APPLYING WHAT IS LEARNED Provide multiple learning activities Guided practice (teacher controlled) Use a variety of questioning strategies to determine the level of understanding Journaling, conferencing Independent practice Practice may be differentiated BUILD ON SUCCESS

19 LEARNING ACTIVITIES Graphic organizers Creative play Peer presenting Performances Role playing Debates Game making Projects Cooperative groups Inquiry learning Direct instruction Differentiation Direct Instruction

20 CLOSURE Lesson Wrap-up: Leave students with an imprint of what the lesson covered. Students summarize the major concepts Displays internalized student knowledge Teacher recaps the main points Teacher sets the stage for the next phase of learning

21 EVALUATION Assess the learning-Rubric Teacher made test In-class or homework assignments Project to apply the learning in real-life situation Recitations and summaries Performance assessments Use of rubrics Portfolios Journals Informal assessment

22 REFLECTION What went well in the lesson? What problems did I experience? Are there things I could have done differently? How can I build on this lesson to make future lessons successful?

23 THE SUBSTITUTE… NOW WHAT? The Key to substitute success – DETAILED LESSON PLANS Discipline routines Children with special needs Fire drill and emergency procedures Helpful students, helpful colleagues (phone #’s) Classroom schedule Names of administrators Expectations for the work Packet of extra activities


25 A teacher is one who brings us tools and enables us to use them. Jean Toomer

26 Lesson Plans: Review Reflection/Open Discussion:  Main components of a lesson plan  Critical thinking skills  Characteristics of a good lesson  Teacher responsibilities

27 Use daily in questioning to develop higher order of thinking skills...critical thinking skills. KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION Lesson Plans Bloom’s Taxonomy

28 Lesson Plans Bloom’s Taxonomy KNOWLEDGE remembering; memorizing; recognizing; recalling identification and recall of information Who, what, when, where, how...? Describe COMPREHENSION interpreting; translating from one medium to another; describing in one's own words; organization and selection of facts and ideas Retell... APPLICATION problem solving; applying information to produce some result; use of facts, rules and principles How example of...? How is...related to...? Why is...significant?

29 Lesson Plans Bloom’s Taxonomy ANALYSIS subdividing something to show how it is put together; finding the underlying structure of a communication; identifying motives; separation of a whole into component parts What are the parts or features of...? Classify...according to... Outline/diagram... How with...? What evidence can you list for...? SYNTHESIS creating a unique, original product that may be in verbal form or may be a physical object; combination of ideas to form a new whole What would you predict/infer from...? What ideas can you add to...? How would you create/design a new...? What might happen if you combined...? What solutions would you suggest for...? EVALUATION making value decisions about issues; resolving controversies or differences of opinion; development of opinions, judgments or decisions Do you agree...? What do you think about...? What is the most important...? Place the following in order of priority... How would you decide about...? What criteria would you use to assess...?

30 GREAT TEACHING starts with GREAT PLANNING Characteristics of great lesson plans Clear instructions, explanations, timelines, expectations, and assessment Interactive; hands on activities Engaging and FUN! Allow students to feel a sense of shared exploration and discovery Give students choices

31 GREAT TEACHING starts with GREAT PLANNING Students engaged & motivated Break assignments into small chunks Hands-on manipulatives Ask open ended questions Make lesson relevant Allow students to develop own questions to research Integrate diverse teaching strategies Talk at appropriate level

32 Foundational Habits Be Explicit Model Reinforce

33 SET STUDENT GOALS They’re all about High Expectations Keys to great goal setting Regular Routine – “mini goals”- focus on small, immediate, action-oriented Very Specific Actions-what, when, how?? Level Appropriate Followed by reflection- students need to evaluate- leads to feeling of accomplishment and future goal setting


35 LESSON PLAN Preparation Summary: Optional/Preferred: Indicate… 1.Homework 2.Field learning experiences 3.Guest presentations 4.Highlight interdisciplinary activities 5.Video-aided learning and follow up (reflective) activity

36 Credits EFFECTIVE LESSON PLANNING Presented by Vicki Duff Mentor Training Coordinator Department of Education 609-292-0189 Unit Assessment and Instructional Planning: An Approach to Facilitate Standards-Based Learning Sue Stevens, Tina Scott, Cheryl Gettings 245-3737 Portions of this power point were taken from the following sources:

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