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 RB Bennett had just taken over as PM of Canada  Bennett promise to end unemployment  He would use tariffs to blast onto the world market  Spent 20.

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2  RB Bennett had just taken over as PM of Canada  Bennett promise to end unemployment  He would use tariffs to blast onto the world market  Spent 20 million on the provinces for make work projects

3  By 1933 the depression was worsening still  Hundreds and thousands of farms and businesses were ruined  Mines, mills and factories from coast to coast were shutting down  A quarter of all Canadians were out of work  In 1928 farmers had purchased 17,000 tractors, in 1932, 832 were bought


5  For Canada, railways had represented growth and development  In the 1930’s they represented despair  Thousands of men rode the train back and forth across Canada in search of work  Transients were considered bums or hobo’s

6  The provinces could not cope with unemployed workers  Major General AGL McNaughton, head of the Canadian Army came up with the idea of relief camps  He calculated that for $1 a day including 20 cents pay a man could be housed, fed and put to work with simple tools

7  At first everyone welcomed the idea  The mood soon changed  Liberals branded Bennett a dictator with Army run camps characterizing his rule  Some termed them slave camps  Men felt like they were being cheated of their lives and working for what reason

8  In April, 1935 communist organizers persuaded half the 7000 workers in BC to strike for work and wages  Having no success in Vancouver they decided to lobby the federal government  BC strikers would lead unemployed people from Vancouver to Ottawa

9  The 1200 young men who began the trip grew at every stop  The government viewed the trek as a start of a revolution  The government decided the trekkers should be stopped in Regina

10  Regina was chosen because it was the location of RCMP headquarters  The trek was halted and the leaders were allowed to continue on to Ottawa  Bennett was appalled  Strikers in Ottawa remained peaceful for a few days. Under the close eye of the RCMP they remain calm in Regina also.

11  Rallies were held in Regina’s Market Square  Suddenly violence erupted  By midnight a policeman was dead and 80 people were injured  Bennett later insisted that he had defeated a communist revolution  Led to the Bennett government being defeated in the fall of 1935

12  Bennett's tariffs helped out Manufacturers but not farmers  The 1930’s brought economic and natural disaster to the parries'  The drought of 1929 continued and by 1931 the topsoil of Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan began to blow away in the wind

13  Dust clouds were blown so far they could feel the dust on the ships in the Atlantic Ocean  In 1932, a plague of grasshoppers devoured every green living thing  The next year it was wheat rust and frost, followed by drought and hail  Farmers often lived off a bag of flour and a few vegetables to serve an entire family

14  In 1930, Canadians had voted for Bennett because he had promised them a cure for the depression  By 1932 four provinces were bankrupt  The liberals did not have the solution either  Canadians were looking for something new to ease the suffering

15  In 1932, William Aberhart from Alberta turned Social Credit into a political movement  Stated that it was the difference between the price paid to the producer and the price paid by the consumer which led to poverty  This difference would have to be made up by the government.

16  Meant to replace the injustice of capitalism  JS Woodworth was the leader  Organized infighting Labor parties, along with the progressives into the CCF  Outlined its policies in a document known as the Regina Manifesto  Gained much popularity in Canada


18  Introduced in US by Franklin Roosevelt  Canadians were exposed to him via radio  Even Bennett was impressed  The New Deal of 1935 called for unemployment insurance, minimum wage, maximum hours, marketing boards to raise farm prices and government intervention


20  The liberals won the election of 1935 easily following Bennett and the conservatives inability to lift Canada from the depression  In 1938 King and the Liberals put the bank of Canada under government control  The economy was beginning to improve under a new reciprocity agreement with the United States

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