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Why Amitoj Wears Turban. Turban represents honor, self- respect, and complete commitment to honesty and courage Turban makes a person visible and in Sikh.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Amitoj Wears Turban. Turban represents honor, self- respect, and complete commitment to honesty and courage Turban makes a person visible and in Sikh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Amitoj Wears Turban

2 Turban represents honor, self- respect, and complete commitment to honesty and courage Turban makes a person visible and in Sikh culture turban is a symbol of responsibility, honesty and high moral values. In the Punjabi culture, those who have selflessly served the community are traditionally honored with turbans.

3 In some parts of the world only wealthy men wear turbans as a sign of status and centuries ago many kings wore turbans. Sikh culture believes in the equality of all people so all Sikhs wear the turban as a sign of equality.

4 Turbans have been around for thousands of years. They are part of many cultures around the world. The first mentioning of them was in the fourteenth century in Spain In ancient Egyptian civilization the turban was considered an ornamental head dress. They called it pjr from which perhaps is derived the word pugree, so commonly used in Punjab and India. The Egyptians removed the turban at the time of mourning

5 Turbans also have a big role to play in friendship and relationship Exchange of turban is a custom, in which the men exchange turbans with their closest friends. Once they exchange turbans they become friends for life and forge a permanent relationship. They take a solemn pledge to share their joys and sorrows under all circumstances. Exchanging turban is a glue that can bind two individuals or families together for generations.

6 In Sikh culture kids usually start tying the under-turban, called a patka, when they begin pre-school. They can choose to tie the larger turban, called a pagri, at any age; some start in high school and others when they go to college.

7 In Canada Sikhs with turban are serving in RCMP and other forces. There are turbaned Sikh culture person in Canadian Parliament as well. Prime Minister of largest Democratic country in the world is also a person with a turban.

8 Turban does not pose any risk to the health and is used to keep the hair tidy and clean Colors are often chosen to suit the occasion or circumstances. They are matched with the clothes a person is wearing or chosen as per the season.

9 In Sudbury, there are also other families who wear Turbans and have kids wearing turban. They live in different parts of the city and work at different places.


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