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Published byPatricia Hopkins Modified over 9 years ago
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, SESAME STATUS TAC 2012 Synchrotron light Experimental Science Application Middle East
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, The means have become available to built up SESAME now! Israel, Iran, Jordan, Turkey committed to contribute 1.25 M$ next four years. Pakistan committed to comparable in kind contribution. CERN/EU contribute 5 M€ for the purchasing of the magnet system
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Financial Aspects till 2016 Income EU-CERN: 5.00 M€ Jordan: 5 x 1.25 M$ Turkey: 5 x 1.25 M$ Israel: 5 x 1.25 M$ Iran: 5 x 1.25 M$ ? Pakistan: in kind contribution? USA? Norwegian? Injector-upgrade0.9 M€ Magnets and PS:5.0 M€ Girder:0.8 M€ Vacuum:3.0 M€ RF:3.0 M€ Diagnostics:1.5 M€ SR-Cooling:0.5 M€ Cabling:0.5 M€ Commissioning:1.5 M€ Control-System1.1 M€ Safety P+A0.8 M€ Front-Ends:0.5 M€ Sum [€]19.0 M€ Sum [$]23.3 M$ 10%25.6 M$ Machine:25.6 M$ 4 Beamlines upgrade: 8.7 M$ Guesthouse+ 1.3 M$ Sum 35.6 M$
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Project-Development
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Operational-Cost-Development Power: Based on 4000 h operation time, 1GWh / y Salary: Increase 35-75 employees
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Organization Design/Mechanics Maher S. Thaer Akrum Mohammad Ahmad Open position 2012 N.N. Machine-Physics Maher A. Open position 2012. Cooling/Vacuum Firas Osama Adel Saed Beamlines XABS:Messaoud IR: Ibraheem Open Position 2012 Computing Salman Mustafa Control Zia Ibrahim Open position 2012 Radiation-Safety Adli Morteza Electronics/Electric Sofian (Power supplies) Ifikhar (pulsed PS) Yazeed (beam lines) Farouq (beam-lines) Open position (Electric) RF/Diagnostics Darweesh Nashat (RF) Alaa (RF) Hussain (D) Administration Majeda (Purchasing) Sonia (Assistant) Ayman (Human resources) Ibrahim (Accountant) Abd Al (Bus-driver) General-Director: Directorate: Yasser (Administrative), Erhard (Technical), Hafeez (Scientific)
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Responsibility of technical sector for beamlines? Strategic Plan: 2.2 Project organization The task of the Technical Sector is to design, build and operate the machine from the microtron to the front ends. The shielding wall between the storage ring and the experimental hall is the border line that separates what falls within the responsibility of the Technical Sector and what lies with the Scientific Sector. Nevertheless, though the installation of beamlines would normally be within the purview of the Scientific Sector it has been decided that provisionally the technical team will be in charge of this due to the lack of staff in the Scientific Sector. Beamlines will be built individually in coordination with the corresponding beamline scientists.
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Mechanical Workshop to be built up Need for doing basic mechanical work! Need mechanical craftsman! Job request for mechanical craftsman on SESAME-web. Built up of a mechanical workshop: machines for sawing, drilling, cutting, milling. Short term alternative: Workshop at universities or private companies (few available) Establish regular contact to these external workshops
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Training IAEA, LOUNDSBURY, ALBA, SOLEIL, JSR, … Training abroad at Synchrotron-Radiation-facility:1-9 month IAEA (2007-2012) : Total: 35 trainee 114 months At SESAME: 6 15 months Problem: Participant leaves SESAME Trainee is needed for work at SESAME (now) Change of concept: More Training at SESAME with SESAME (Microtron / Booster) Invite experts to SESAME for training (Reach the complete team) Limit stay at foreign labs to 1 month (Technical sector) Training is a center point of the SESAME Concept for capacity building
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Response to TAC Recommendations Management Schedule revision (Control system) staffing Initiated tendering process Budget revision In kind distribution Palestine Booster Sextupole component booster ramping Estimate alignment error Energy spread Booster injection Cabling Grounding, cross-talk, noise Vacuum chamber fixation Safety Shutter booster storage-ring Rails on shielding wall SR-Magnets SR magnets field quality Installation dipole Clear up Old cable trays Dissolve Free zone Cleaning AOB Front-end design IR front-end radiation shielding cooled first mirror?
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Crane ‘Blue’ Girders had been damaged due to miss-alignment. Repaired: Damaged parts exchanged, girders aligned. Power feeds damaged during installation of air ducts. Repaired. ‘Yellow’ Girder found to be damaged at one end. The crane is an essential tool, which has to work reliable and safe!! We must have an maintenance contract with a firm specialized on crane in duty for repair and inspection, warranty its safe operation!
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Microtron in Operation, Beam in the transfer line Achieved: Energy: 22MeV Pulse-Width:2 µs Pulse-Current:2 mA More: Maher Attal
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Microtron-Next Steps Replace main Power-supply! In progress. Replace gun positioning (motor-drives). Replace Magnetron-Modulator? Modify fluorescent Screen to allow Quadrupole scan (determine emittance) Replace Microtron? Bessy II-Microtron? New racetrack-Micrtron? LINAC? Prof. Dr. Andreas Jankowiak:…In diesem Sinne ist das Mikrotron zur Zeit noch unser „HotSpare“ und wird es auch noch für einige Zeit sein. Eine endgültige Außerbetriebnahme werden wir wohl erst 2014 in Betracht ziehen.
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Pulsed-Magnets Keep Magnets Replace Power-Supplies Buy charging unit Build switch in cooperation with SOLEIL
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Injection Septum Electro-Static Septum U = E g/r Voltage:110 kV Gap:0.01 m Radius:2.00 m C:30 pF T (half sine)250 µs New magnetic septum (50 MeV) ? BESSY II Microtron, LINAC More Ifikhar Abid
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Injection-Kicker Injection Kicker Magnetic Field0.0017T Length0.3m Current200A Kick (22 MeV ~ 0.733 Tm)7mrad Needed kick strength4mrad Needed Current (50 MeV)280A Pulse-length (half sine)4µs More Ifikhar Abid
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Booster-Optics Energy0.022-0.8GeV circumference38.4m emittance170nmrad alpha0.18 Energy loss14keV tune2.2 / 1.3 Chromaticity-2.0 / -0.5 Periodicity6 More Maher Attal
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Booster-Magnets Quadrupole Gradient5.77T/m Length0.25m Bore-78mm Current146A No windings4 x 24 Resistance0.054 Inductance6.8µH Dipole B-field1T Radius2.67m Gap40mm Current1000A No windings2x16 Resistance0.015 Inductance8.6µH
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, RF Acceptance 2 kW in 3 MΩ (Doris-cavity) 100 kV 3 kV0.3 % 10 kV0.5 % 20 kV0.7 %
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Task-List Booster Layout of cable trays, purchasing of cable trays, cabling Alignment of magnets Installation of vacuum chamber Grounding Installation of Booster-RF Layout of pulsed magnets PS, purchasing/built up Layout of Booster corrector PS, purchasing Set up of PLC-controller (vacuum, magnets) Set up of ramped Power-supply control-system (EPICS+ Ethernet Interface) Set up of corrector Power-supply control-system (EPICS+ Ethernet Interface) Set up of Booster-RF-PLC-Controller Set up of timing system
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Grounding ANKA Steel pillars connected to floor grid Ground-copper-strip Bus-bar 3 x 400 V No grounding (concept) at SESAME, to be defined!
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Ramping-Curve Specification: 340 V, 1040 A Square function for Voltage No smoothing at injection/extraction No smoothing, Injection No Smoothing extraction Proposed ramping More Sofian
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Booster-Sextupole-Components Calculation with FEMM (FEA) and ‘real’ vacuum chamber 10 Hz / 0.3 mm / sin: 1.6 1/m 3 1 Hz / 1-2 mm / sin : 0.9 1/m 3 Square voltage: x 10 Smoothed:x 2
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Booster-Correctors Ordered Power supplies: 12 units: 1.5 A 30 V ???? To be renegotiated with BRUKER Number of Units: 6 Turns: 18/36/18 Resistance: 0.3 Ω Current for 1 mrad kick: 6 A Aturns for 1 mrad kick: 6600 A Turns ? More Sofian Javar
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Radiation-Safety Purchasing of Radiation Monitors in progress 5 movable +2 portable stations: Gamma: 10 nSv/h – 1 Sv/h 30 keV -10 MeV Neutrons: 10 nSv/h – 0.1 Sv/h 25 meV – 100 MeV Request for Tender in preparation for interlock system based on Safety PLC Rules: Keep radiation level < 1 mSv / y (2000 h) 0.5 µSv/h More talk MortezaMansour Offline-Monitoring (TLT) local provider with coarse monitoring
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Girder Design ready Modified ALBA design Achieved tolerances at ALBA: Flatness: 25 µm Position: 50 µm Needed Tolerances??50 µm? In kind contribution from Pakistan? 6 feeds 3 struts used for transverse and longitudinal adjustment 3 jacks used for vertical adjustment and clamping Additional 3 vertical jacks used for clamping Additional clamping Total weight: ALBA: 7 t, SESAME:? Calculated Eigen frequency: ALBA: 50 Hz SESAME: 25Hz More Maher Shehab
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Alignment Main Tools: Auto-Level: 1 mm / 1km? Total Station: 0.5’’, 0.6 mm To be purchased: Measuring-arm or Laser-trecker? 50 µm. Alignment Booster: Measuring done by SESAME staff with Total-Station / Auto-Level Evaluation done at SOLEIL expert (SOLEIL) Comparison of first campaign and present
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Storagering Magnets More Maher Shehab
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, SESAME-CERN-Management EU provides 5M € to CERN for material CERN provides manpower SESAME has done design CERN has optimized design (3d) CERN writes specification 1 ) SESAME releases specification CERN decides 1 ) SESAME contracts CERN follows up manufacturing CERN/SESAME do measuring CERN subcontracts PS to SESAME SESAME does complete purchasing 1 ) In mutual agreement with SESAME More Attilio Milanese
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Constrains from Optics Multipoles: Dipole:dB/B < 510 -4 @ 18 mm Quadrupole:dB/B < 510 -4 @ 24 mm RMS Orbit distortion due to alignment error dipoleqf dxdB/Bdy dφdφ dxdy 0.20.0010.2 mm0.2 mrad0.2 mm 0.61.8 mm4.5 mm1.8 mm2.8 mm2.1 mm More Maher Attal qf: db/dB = 10-4 qf: db/dB = 10-3
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Storagering-Quadrupoles Hyperbolic part approximated by circular arc B6 component optimized for 0.8 or 2.5 GeV? Chamfer size as ANKA QP Gradient17T/m Length280mm Bore-diam.70mm Turns34 Current240A Conductor8.5x8.5,Ø4mm 2,mm Resistance45mmΩ More Attilio Milanes
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Storagering-Sextupoles SESAME: Select experienced manufacturer for complete magnet CERN:Separate production of lamination (EU) and joke (Middle East) Capacity building or qualification For core assembling: machined holes or using shoulders No machining no chamfer S = ½ B’’ = B/r 2 2d b9 = 12 3d ∫ b9 = 0 Gradient17T/m Length280mm Bore-diam.70mm Turns34 Current240A Conductor8.5x8.5,Ø4mm 2,mm Resistance45mmΩ More Attilio Milanese
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Storagering Power-Supplies No of magnets No in series Current [A] Voltage per magnet [V] U-PS [V] P-PS [kW] Dipole16 70034550380 Quadrupole-H32 2401139094 Quadrupole-V32 2002.48517 Sextupole-H32 1002.4858.5 Sextupole-V32 1503.512318 Corrector-H351515170.085 Corrector-V351515170.085 Skew-quad161
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Storagering-RF 2 donated ELETTRA-Cavity old test devices, bad brazing SOLEIL: 350 MHz RF Solid-State-Amplifier Collaboration SOLEIL-SESAME: Development of 70 kW 500 MHz tower 70kW / tower, 500 k€ Low Level Electronics: Collaboration with ALBA?
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, RF-Amplifier Foreseen: 70 kW solid state amplifier based on 650 W modules. Prototype developed by SOLEIL financed partly by SESAME. SOLEIL has licensed 500 MHz technology to BRUKER. Price BRUKER for SESAME? Number of units needed? Initial plan 4 x 140 kW Start with 2 old ELETTRA cavities (60 kW) Install 4 Cavities (ELETTRA, ALBA, KEKII?) 4 Towers 80 kW enough for Phase 1 and II. Allow expansion to more towers.
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Cavities No cavities P/cavity [kW] Max. current [mA] 2.5 GeV Max. current [mA] 2.2 GeV Touschek 2% coupl. [h] Gas 2 nbar [h] 26030100 28050200 2120200400 480400 2288 4120400 5588
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, 500 MHz Prototype-Module 0.65 kW module 10 kW test-stand More: Derweesh Foudeh 50 V Powersupply
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Diagnostics BPM Electronics: 6 ITECH Electrons purchased for booster (6k€) Option for SR Electron a same price Purchasing? Current Monitors In purchasing process from BERGOZ: 1 DCCT for booster 1 DCCT for storage-ring 3 FCT for transfer-lines To de done: Layout/Design: Fluorescent-Monitors Tune-Monitor Synchrotron-Radiation-Monitor Scraper More:Hussein Al-Mahammad
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Vacuum Design ready, no change since 2010 Some smaller parts (transitions) missingBegin 2013 Specification to be writtenBegin 2013 More Firas Makhaleh
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Cooling Plant Built-up: Chiller / Compressor2200 kW 10° water Heat Exchanger1940 kW 20° demineralized Water Load:Therm.Electr. RF:640 kW 640 kW SR-Magnets600 kW 600 kW Air conditioning300 kW 80 kW ANKA More:Firas Makhaleh Status: Chillers, Compressor installed Pumps Heat exchanger installed Piping for Booster installed Air conditioning installed Next: Storage ring-Piping Layout to be done (Firas)Mid 2013 Specification writtenEnd 2013
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Control-System-Concept Control-Panel Manager Field-controller (ADC/DAC)Devices EDMEPICS PLC+ADC/DAC / DIA / MCValves/FSC/PS Microtron EDMEPICSEmbedded server ITCH-Electron EDMEPICSvirtual server(ADC/DAC/Power supplies) Gauges EDM / CSSEPICS VME+ADC/DAC / DIO / MCDevices Do we need VME? Expensive! Fast! Outdated when fast not needed! A: analog D:digital C: controller M: Motion CSS: Controlsystem Studio EPICS: Exp.Phys.Ind.Cont. Sys. EDM: Editor Display Manager PS: Power-supplies
SESAME, TAC 2012, 9/10.Nov.2012, Erhard Huttel, Control-System Problem is the lack of knowledge when people leave SESAME. ICALEPCS 2011: Saed Abu Ghannam spent one month at CLS, attended the PCaPAC 2010 workshop then spent two months at SLS, one week at SOLEIL and visited IRFU. He was trained in EPICS and discovered the different aspects of a synchrotron radiation facility. He left SESAME 2011. To be done general: Cooperation with Computing Concept (VME?) Back up Documentation Logging Data-base To be done next: PLC Booster vac.-/mag. interlock PLC RF-interlock Done: Control by PLC: Microtron, Transferline 1 (Valves, Screen, PS) Set up of (virtual) Servers. Graphical interfaces (EDM) Serial connection to EPICS Timing System VME running
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