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An accident, an investigation and a case for change A rail safety campaign by the Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union (RTBU) Roger Jowett IRSC,

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Presentation on theme: "An accident, an investigation and a case for change A rail safety campaign by the Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union (RTBU) Roger Jowett IRSC,"— Presentation transcript:

1 An accident, an investigation and a case for change A rail safety campaign by the Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union (RTBU) Roger Jowett IRSC, Denver 2008

2 Background  Industry context: South Australia (SA)  Prior to 1998 ANRC was vertically integrated.  In 1998 ANRC is privatised and sold in “bundles”  Leigh Creek coal line: electricity industry production,distribution,generation  SA Rail Safety Act 1996 “light hand”

3 RTBU Rail Safety Campaign  Australia wide review of rail safety in progress  RTBU argues for review of the SA Rail Safety Act following Deaths, injuries, near misses Incidents and life expired infrastructure Rail companies investigate accidents

4 Australian Rail Network

5 High rail vehicle accident site September 2004 Leigh Creek Line

6 RTBU Safety Demands  Independent rail investigator-ATSB  Systemic issues  Role and responsibilities of the regulator  National review of operating practices  Train control procedures  Working alone in remote locations

7 Hirail vehicle-post accident

8 Accident site

9 Accident Investigation Findings  Large number of contributory factors  2 principal concerns Why did the hirail vehicle derail? The time taken to find the track inspector

10 Investigation Report: safety actions to be taken  Safe working forms  The vehicle  Communications-contact lists  Location devices  Radio network control centres  Overdue track occupancies

11 Code of Practice Developed  Code Management Company (RISSB) develops industry technical standards  Development group Track managers/maintainers, rail regulators, vehicle manufacturers, rail operators, RTBU reps First meeting March 2005 Guideline completed February 2006  Australian Code of Practice Guideline for the safe operation of Road-Rail Vehicles

12 Prosecution of Company  Charged under OHS law  Finding: “culpability of very high order”  Foreseeablity of risk serious injury/death  Several means to reduce or remove risks  Penalty of $US48,000 with 20% reduction for early plea and contrition  Another rail company fined $US24,000 in early 2008 for death of wagon maintainer

13 Wider issues raised  Union studies of OHS fines found Fines actually imposed showed little relation to legislative provisions Value of life studies was variable Fines and sentencing outcomes were inadequate Deterrence ineffective  Pervasive undervaluing of workplace deaths

14 Wider issues raised(cont)  Stronger framework required to improve safety outcomes Corporate crimes involving money attract significant fines and jail sentences – apply similar principles? Relate fines to company turnover? Consider adoption of 2008 UK Corporate Manslaughter Legislation model?

15 Australian Transport Ministers to examine single national regulator and separate investigator  Options for single investigator  Status quo –enhanced status quo and single National Investigator  8 Governance principles

16 Governance Issues  Principles Independence Witness protection and confidentiality Transparency of public reporting Confidential reporting  Current structures 8 jurisdictions 3 have dedicated investigator resources

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