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Expansion in Italy Roman legion: military unit of 5,000 men Citizen-soldiers fought without pay at first Values of loyalty, courage & respect for authority.

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Presentation on theme: "Expansion in Italy Roman legion: military unit of 5,000 men Citizen-soldiers fought without pay at first Values of loyalty, courage & respect for authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expansion in Italy Roman legion: military unit of 5,000 men Citizen-soldiers fought without pay at first Values of loyalty, courage & respect for authority = strong soldiers Later years --- soldiers were paid a stipend in salt (from Latin phrase salarium argentum = salt money) ---where we get the word salary 270 BC: Rome controlled most of Italian peninsula

2 Rome & Provinces Loyalty of conquered territories occurred because of the following: Enemies treated with some justice --- could keep most customs, monetary system, govt., etc. Also: partial and/or full citizenship awarded Conquered territories owed: Tribute (3 prizes of war): Grain, slaves, treasure Had to acknowledge Roman leadership Had to supply soldiers for the Roman armies

3 Roman Roads Roman armies built a network of roads to link distant territories to Rome. Trade and travel increased but was slow and difficult (word travel related to travail or “torture”) 50-60 miles a day = fast rate of travel 25-30 miles a day = avg. rate of travel

4 Section 2: From Republic to Empire After Rome’s conquest of the Italian peninsula, they inherited the Greek rivalry with Carthage over trade and control of the Mediterranean Sea.

5 The Punic Wars (264-146 BC) 3 wars against Carthage Punicus: Latin word for Phoenician…came from a word meaning purple (they made a purple dye from shellfish) Phoenicians settled in Carthage/dominated North African coast and Med. Sea

6 1 st Punic War (264-241 BC) Fought for control of Mediterranean Sea Rome built up its fleet & defeated Carthage Rome won: Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia Hamilcar Barca put in charge of the city’s defense Set out to conquer Spain…fell in battle Hannibal (age 26) took control of Carthage

7 2 nd Punic War (218-201 BC) Hannibal sought revenge on Rome Led army (90,000 infantry, 12,000 calvary, 37 war elephants) through Spain, across Pyrenees over the Rhone & Alps and into Italy. Hannibal won many battles in 15 years. 216: 50,000-70,000 Romans killed at Cannae (arms & grain depot) Rome awaited Hannibal – Senate closed city gates 210: Gen. Scipio of Rome took New Carthage…Hasdrubal escaped, but was murdered while bringing provisions to Hannibal.

8 2nd Punic War cont. Romans…under Scipio Africanus… attacked Carthage...forced Hannibal and forces back to homeland. 202: At Zama (75 SW of Carthage) Hannibal was defeated. RESULT: Carthage forced to give up all lands outside of Africa (Spain) RESULT: Carthage had to reduce fleet to 10 ships Cato (veteran of 2 nd Punic War) finally goaded Rome into the 3 rd punic war Cato ended every Senate speech with, “Carthage must be destroyed!”

9 3 rd Punic War (149-146 BC) Provoked by the Romans! After 2 nd defeat Carthage returned to some of its former glory. Rome used an ally (Masinissa) as an excuse to go to war….they came to their aid after Masinissa (west of Carthage) deliberately provoked war.

10 Final Results! Rome decreed total abandonment of the city. Carthaginians refused…led to a 3-year long siege Romans eventually breached the walls, burned the city & executed or sold the locals into slavery! Approx. 100,000 killed

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