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Basics Lesson 2. Word Wrap Automatically moving to the next line without hitting enter.

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Presentation on theme: "Basics Lesson 2. Word Wrap Automatically moving to the next line without hitting enter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basics Lesson 2

2 Word Wrap Automatically moving to the next line without hitting enter

3 Default Setting The original setting ◦ can be changed

4 Features FeatureButton/Tab/RibbonShortcuts New Document Office Button, NewCtrl + N Save Document Office Button, SaveCtrl + S Save As Document Office Button, Save AsF12 Print Document Office Button, PrintCtrl + P Close Document Office Button, Close or “x” at top right of screen Ctrl + W

5 Screen Layout

6 The Microsoft Office Button

7 Quick Access Toolbar

8 Word 2007’s Menus

9 Each of the tabs contains the following tools: Home: Clipboard, Fonts, Alignment, Styles, and Editing. Insert: Tables, Clip Art, Smart Art, Shapes, Header & Footer, Text Box Page Layout: Page Setup, Columns, Margins, Watermarks, Spacing, Indent References: Table of Contents, Footnote, Citation & Bibliography, Captions, Index, and Table of Authorities Mailings: Create, Start Mail Merge, Write & Insert Fields, Preview Results, Finish

10 Each of the tabs contains the following tools: Review: Proofing, Spell Check, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare, Protect View: Document Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window, Ruler

11 The Ribbon

12 Dialog Box

13 View and Zoom

14 Document Views Print Layout: This is a view of the document as it would appear when printed. It includes all tables, text, graphics, and images. Full Screen Reading: This is a full view length view of a document. Good for viewing two pages at a time. Web Layout: This is a view of the document as it would appear in a web browser. Outline: This is an outline form of the document in the form of bullets. Draft: This view does not display pictures or layouts, just text.

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