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Creative Volunteer Service Pioneering Debt Counselling In Hong Kong Partners: Caritas FCSC, Yip, Tse & Tang, Y T Lo & Co.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Volunteer Service Pioneering Debt Counselling In Hong Kong Partners: Caritas FCSC, Yip, Tse & Tang, Y T Lo & Co."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Volunteer Service Pioneering Debt Counselling In Hong Kong Partners: Caritas FCSC, Yip, Tse & Tang, Y T Lo & Co.

2 欠債情況

3 困擾程度

4 服務內容 24 小時債務專線 跨專業會見及輔導 短暫住宿服務 個案跟進 支援小組 社區教育活動 學校理財教育活動

5 how to come up with the ideas? Citizens overstretched on borrowing Capital depreciation and investment losses: serious negative equity Unemployment and wage slash Need for experts’ financial and legal advice and emotional rehabilitation Undeveloped mechanism in Hong Kong One-stop holistic service to debtors and families: emotional, financial and legal

6 how to utilize the expertise and specialist of the corporation direct face to face counseling with debtors analyse individual cases according to the particular context based on past experience and prior examples training to social workers involving in providing the service

7 how to solicit the support of management and staff volunteer serving as part of staff training on their legal expertise social and professional exposure can brush up their thinking and expertise volunteer work counted as their career performance and is positive in their appraisal

8 views from NGOs partners and service recipient views from NGOs partners and service recipient are both positive reflected by the continuing support from the public and clients attendance popularity of the service increased understanding by the public on the service scope and nature of help offered to clients.

9 how to achieve a win-win situation for corporation, staff volunteers and community enhance corporate image brush up skills and expertise of staff volunteers public will have a better image on the profession community will benefit from staff volunteer’s expertise and experience expertise and experience can be passed to the public and social work profession

10 how to cope with the financial/ management concern volunteer service is offered after working hours consider contribution as part of the corporation contribution to the society management treated volunteer work as works requiring close monitoring, supervision and coaching set out clear guiding principles to staff volunteers liaise closely with NGO

11 views from NGOs partners and service recipient positive reflected by the continuing support from the public and clients attendance popularity of the service Constant media coverage Opinion leaders increased understanding by the public on the service scope and nature of help offered to clients.

12 Thank You

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