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Presentation on theme: "HEAT AND ENERGY TRANSFER, AND WIND December 4, 2008."— Presentation transcript:


2 Transfer  Energy can be transferred from one location to another  Energy can be transferred in three ways: by conduction, by convection, and by radiation.

3 Conduction  Conduction is the transfer of energy from one molecule to another.  This transfer occurs when molecules hit against each other  Conduction takes place in solids, liquids, and gases  For example, metal is a better conductor than wood or plastic.

4 Convection  Convection is the movement of heat by a liquid such as water or a gas such as air.  The liquid or gas moves from one location to another, carrying heat along with it.  This movement of a mass of heated water or air is called a current.

5 Radiation  Heat travels from the sun by a process called radiation.  Radiation is the transfer of heat by waves.  In addition to the sun, light bulbs, irons, and toasters radiate heat.  When we feel heat around these items, however, we are feeling convection heat (warmed air molecules)

6 What Is Wind?  Wind is air in motion.  It is produced by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun.

7 What Causes the Wind to Blow?  As the sun warms the Earth's surface, the atmosphere warms too.  Some parts of the Earth receive direct rays from the sun all year and are always warm. Other places receive indirect rays, so the climate is colder.  Warm air, which weighs less than cold air, rises. Then cool air moves in and replaces the rising warm air.



10 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 Wind power

11 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 #3.19 Aim: What are the pros and cons of wind power?

12 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 New renewable energy Geothermal, solar, and wind power. What % of our total energy use come from renewable sources?  Sources of electricity in the United States

13 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 Wind power… …drives wind turbines which generate electricity. How is this another way of harnessing energy from the sun?

14 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 Variation in surface temperature causes wind

15 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 Wind power is another type of energy that comes originally from the sun!

16 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 When the wind turbine rotates, it is creating _________ energy which can be easily converted into electricity!

17 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 History of wind power Used for 800 years in the Netherlands to pump water First modern wind turbine created in Ohio in the late 1800’s

18 Video: How do wind turbines work?

19 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 Read the attached article about Wind Power in California and answer the discussion questions!

20 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1.What types of energy have traditionally provided the electricity supply to the grid? 2.When are solar and wind power available? 3.What is California planning to do with regards to wind and solar energy? 4.How will this effect the air pollution in our state?

21 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 What are some PROS and CONS you can think of for using windpower?

22 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 Benefits (pros) 1. Emits no greenhouse gases 2. More efficient than nuclear, coal, and natural gas wind turbines create 23 times as much energy as they consume (for nuclear that ratio is 16:1, for coal  11:1, and for natural gas 5:1)

23 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 Benefits (pros) 3. Uses less water than other power plants 4. Land with wind turbines can still be used for other things (farming, etc.)

24 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 Drawbacks (con ’ s) 1. Wind power varies from time to time, and place to place (unreliable)

25 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 Drawbacks (con ’ s) 2. Some people hate to see land covered in wind turbines.

26 #3.19 Aim: What are the pro ’ s and con ’ s of wind power? Agenda QOD (5) Lesson: wind power (15) Activity: the good, the bad, and the ugly (15) Summary (5) HW #26 Is wind power renewable or non- renewable?

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