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Anatomy & Physiology TM 1 Directional Terminology Anterior the front of the animal.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy & Physiology TM 1 Directional Terminology Anterior the front of the animal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy & Physiology TM 1 Directional Terminology Anterior the front of the animal

2 Anatomy & Physiology TM 2 Anterior

3 Anatomy & Physiology TM 3 Directional Terminology Posterior the rear of the animal

4 Anatomy & Physiology TM 4 Posterior

5 Anatomy & Physiology TM 5 Directional Terminology Cranial towards the head

6 Anatomy & Physiology TM 6 Cranial

7 Anatomy & Physiology TM 7 Directional Terminology Caudal towards the tail

8 Anatomy & Physiology TM 8 Caudal

9 Anatomy & Physiology TM 9 Directional Terminology Dorsal along the back or uppermost surface

10 Anatomy & Physiology TM 10 Dorsal

11 Anatomy & Physiology TM 11 Directional Terminology Ventral along the belly or undermost surface

12 Anatomy & Physiology TM 12 Ventral

13 Anatomy & Physiology TM 13 Directional Terminology Proximal part of the limb closest to the body

14 Anatomy & Physiology TM 14 Proximal

15 Anatomy & Physiology TM 15 Directional Terminology Distal part of the limb furthest from the body

16 Anatomy & Physiology TM 16 Distal

17 Anatomy & Physiology TM 17 Three-Dimensional Planes Frontal Plane body plane that divides the animal into dorsal and ventral parts

18 Anatomy & Physiology TM 18 Frontal

19 Anatomy & Physiology TM 19 Three-Dimensional Planes Median Plane body plane that divides the animal into equal, symmetrical right and left halves

20 Anatomy & Physiology TM 20 Median

21 Anatomy & Physiology TM 21 Three-Dimensional Planes Sagittal Plane any body plane that is parallel to the median plane

22 Anatomy & Physiology TM 22 Sagittal

23 Anatomy & Physiology TM 23 Three-Dimensional Planes Transverse Plane body plane that divides the animal into cranial and caudal parts

24 Anatomy & Physiology TM 24 Transverse

25 Anatomy & Physiology TM 25 Surface Planes Superficial closer to the surface Ex: superficial flexor tendons

26 Anatomy & Physiology TM 26 Superficial

27 Anatomy & Physiology TM 27 Surface Planes Deep further from the surface Ex: deep flexor tendons

28 Anatomy & Physiology TM 28 Deep

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