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Safe and Effective Use of Herbicides for Melaleuca Control Ken Langeland UF/IFAS Agronomy Department Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants.

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Presentation on theme: "Safe and Effective Use of Herbicides for Melaleuca Control Ken Langeland UF/IFAS Agronomy Department Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safe and Effective Use of Herbicides for Melaleuca Control Ken Langeland UF/IFAS Agronomy Department Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants

2 Safety –Personal protection –Environmental Non-target vegetation Wildlife Effectiveness –Application technique –Herbicide selection

3 Personal Protection Equipment Eye protection Long sleeves Chemical resistant gloves Follow label PPE instructions!

4 Methods Of Application Hack and Squirt Cut Stump Foliar

5 ImazapyrTerrestrial: Arsenal Aquatic: Habitat Foliar, Stump, Hack and Squirt HexazinoneVelpar L, Velpar ULWSoil GlyphosateTerrestrial: Roundup, Glyphos, Glypro plus Aquatic: Rodeo, Glypro, Aquapro, Aquamaster, Aquaneat Foliar (+ imazapyr) Stump, Hack and Squirt (+ imazapyr), Triclopyr amineTerrestrial: Garlon 3A Aquatic: Renovate 3 Stump Triclopyr esterGarlon 4Stump ImazapicPlateauFoliar Herbicides Used for Melaleuca Control Active IngredientBrand Name(s)Application Method

6 Inactive xylem  Active xylem  Cambium and phloem Bark  Woody Stems

7 Cut Stump Applications Cut as close to ground as possible If possible cut stumps level! Concentrate herbicide just inside bark Treat entire circumference Use dyes to keep track of what’s been treated Treat within 15 minutes of cut

8 Hack and Squirt Cut all the way around stem Cut all the way in to cambium Apply herbicide to exposed cambium Use dyes Treat within 15 minutes of cut

9 Foliar Application Mature leaves very leathery Most herbicides will not penetrate Surfactants very important

10 Bobwhite quailLaboratory Rat Glyphosate >4,640 4,300 Hexazinone >10,000 1,690 Imazapic >2,150>5,000 Imazapyr >5,000 Triclopyr amine >10,000 2,574 Triclopyr ester 9,026 1,581 Caffeine 192 Acute Toxicity The lower the number, the higher the toxicity (i.e., it takes a smaller amount to cause toxicity)

11 Herbicide Behavior in Soil Root UptakeHalf-life Mobility Glyphosate None47 daysBound Hexazinone High90 daysHigh Imazapic Moderate120 daysModerate Imazapyr High25-142 daysModerate Triclopyr Low30 daysModerate

12 Current Control –Aerial w/ 3qt Arsenal + 3qt Rodeo + 4 MSO –Girdle w/ 25% Arsenal + 25% Rodeo, 50% Arsenal –Cut-stump w/ 25% Arsenal

13 Prairie Pines Treated 1/05 Holiday Park Treated 3/05 US Sugar Treated 1/05 Arsenal + Rodeo 3 qt + 3 qt 80 95 Rodeo 7.5 pt 0<50x Garlon 3 A 3 qt 50<5065 Velpar 8 qt 99 60x Plateau 12 oz 99xx Aerial Herbicide Applications to Melaleuca at TAME Demonstration Sites Estimated percent control

14 Prairie PinesHoliday ParkUS Sugar Arsenal + Rodeo 25% + 25% 95100 Rodeo 100% 95 99100 Arsenal 100% 95100 Hack and Squirt Herbicide Treatments at TAME Demonstration Sites Estimated percent control

15 Prairie PinesHoliday ParkUS Sugar Arsenal + Rodeo 25% +25% 100 85100 Rodeo 100% 99 50 95 Arsenal 100% 100 95100 Garlon 3A 100% 95 80100 Cut Stump Herbicide Treatments at TAME Demonstration Sites Estimated percent control

16 TreatmentLee 1Lee 2Broward Garlon 3A 5%100 70 Garlon 3A 20%100 90 70 Brush-B-Gon100 80 90 Brush Killer100 90 Garlon 3A 50%100 50 Garlon 3A 100%100 90 70 Roundup SC 25%100 80 60 Roundup SC 50% 70100 Roundup SC 100%100 Arsenal 25%100 Untreated 0 50 20 Results: Mortality (%) of melaleuca stumps

17 HerbicideLaborTotal Arsenal + Rodeo 25% +25% 2,1663,1925,358 Rodeo 100% 2843,1923,476 Arsenal 100% 1,7083,1924,900 Garlon 3A 100% 4363,1923,628 Arsenal + Rodeo 25% + 25% 9211,4662,387 Rodeo 100% 6881,4662,154 Arsenal 100% 9681,4662,434 Herbicide Treatment Costs ($/acre) for Cut stump (shaded) and Hack and Squirt

18 Conclusions Roundup SC best homeowner recommendation Brush-B-Gon, Brush Killer provide adequate control for homeowners Arsenal (>25%) provides most consistent results To minimize non-target damage –Cut close to ground and level –Apply 50-100% Rundup solution –Put enough (?) on Cost comparison (per gallon) –Arsenal $260 –Garlon 3A $65 –Roundup $20 –Rodeo $40

19 Slanting cuts reduce control with glyphosate

20 Cut as short as possible for best control with glyphosate

21 This is difficult to walk in ------- and dangerous

22 Non-target damage can be site specific!

23 Questions?

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