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Thames Valley/Matatoki Water Supplies October 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Thames Valley/Matatoki Water Supplies October 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thames Valley/Matatoki Water Supplies October 2012

2 Summary Supplies Challenges Options Community Working Group Next Steps Maps

3 Supplies Matatoki, Puriri, Omahu and Hikutaia are small rural communities located to the south east of Thames. The water supplied to these communities comes from local streams in the area with minimal treatment.

4 Matatoki The water supplied is from the Matatoki Stream with the intake located adjacent to the Quarry. The water is treated with chlorine only and it is recommended consumers install onsite systems to treat the water. This supply does not currently meet Drinking Water Standards (DWS).

5 Thames Valley The Thames Valley scheme includes the communities of Puriri, Omahu and Hikutaia and parts of the surrounding rural areas. Puriri, the village and the rural community, is supplied from a Hauraki District Council owned take on the Apakura (which is a tributary to the Puriri Stream). Omahu, Hikutaia and the surrounding rural communities are supplied from an intake on the Omahu Stream. These supplies are not treated and it is recommended consumers install onsite systems to treat the water.

6 Challenges Resource Consenting Reticulation Water Demand Drinking Water Standards

7 Resource Consents Obtaining resource consents for water supplies on the Coromandel Peninsula is often difficult due to the small capacity of most Coromandel streams. Challenges have been faced over a number of years, in Matatoki in particular, due to the low flows in the streams during the summer period. Waikato Regional Council (WRC) have confirmed that the Matatoki Stream is not a sustainable take for TCDC in the long term.

8 Reticulation The reticulation network is over 60 years old and was originally installed by the farming community. Parts of the reticulation have come to the end of their useful life and large scale replacements are required. Regardless of the future option selected, renewals will be required.

9 Water Demand The following demand has been established for each township Design Demand CatchmentDesign Demand During Peak Summer Period (m 3 /d) Matatoki1,150 Omahu and Hikutaia1,860 Puriri800

10 Drinking Water Standards and the Ministry of Health Rural/Agricultural standards As part of the Ten Year Plan, decision was made not to pursue treatment due to uncertainties & affordability Latest indications from Central Government – Drinking Water Standards to be applied where practicable.

11 Options A number of options have been investigated for source water over previous years, including: Groundwater Thames Water Treatment Plant Kerepehi Water Treatment Plant New supply on the Hikutaia River New supply on the Puriri River Bankside storage (on small streams) Self sufficiency for water Maintaining existing operation

12 Developed Options Prior to the Ten Year Plan (TYP), the following four options were investigated in more detail: Supply all water from the Puriri River Self sufficiency and hand back of the supply Combination of groundwater and surface water Optimise & retain existing operation

13 Supply from Puriri This option includes the following: New consent & intake on the Puriri River New pumpstation Renew and upgrade reticulation Install reservoirs Minor treatment (solids & colour only) State Highway connection (Matatoki – Puriri) $12.6M over 10 years

14 Discontinue – Hand Back This option includes the following: Process to stop supplying water to residents (in a supply larger that 200 people) Submit plan to Ministry of Health (MoH) Installation of rain tank system to all dwellings Interconnection of Matatoki and Thames Valley supplies Handing back rural supply for farmers to operate Inform farmers of the required CAPEX and OPEX for the supplies

15 Discontinue - Costs Tanks - $1,950,000 (450 properties) Reticulation connection - $417,000 (1.8km) CAPEX (farmers) - $4.5m (retic and consents) OPEX (farmers) - $250,000/year (O&M)

16 Hills vs. River Option Relying on supplying the Waihou River side of the highway from groundwater Supplying the hills side of the highway with the existing takes (Matatoki and Omahu) All of Puriri would remain supplied from the Apakura Renewing required pipework infrastructure $7M over 10 years Due to the unsuitability of groundwater supply, & the capital cost, this option was abandoned & no further investigations were undertaken.

17 Optimise & Retain Existing Operation Retain the existing intakes Interconnection of Matatoki and Thames Valley supplies Renewal of the existing pipelines. Upgrades done where necessary (undertaken as a 25 year programme) Reduce intake volumes over time as losses are reduced Install Chlorine dosing at each intake Upgrades to the intake infrastructure (screens etc.) Input from Council/senior management in consultation with WRC $5.3M over 10 years If the required consent volumes could not be achieved, a link from the Thames network could be installed for an extra ~$1.8M

18 Supply from Kerepehi Water Treatment Plant This option was investigated previously Now being investigated in further detail Drinking Water quality supply Volumes, details & costs currently being looked into further

19 2012-22 Ten Year Plan As part of the TYP (Ten Year Plan) process, funds were allocated for the project based on the ‘Maintain Existing Operation’ option ($5.3M over 10 years including renewals). This is not set in stone and can be amended to reflect the selected long term option as this project develops over the coming months.

20 Community Working Group Council wish to form a Community Working Group. The group will work with Council staff on options, providing sound local knowledge and practical ideas. This group would be a total of 5-7 key practical locals to represent the entire Thames Valley area. This group will meet regularly to discuss long term options and work though ideas. If you are interested or would like to nominate someone to act as a representative, please put there name, address, contact details and occupation in the box at the back of the room. Elected Members and staff will work with the nominations to form the group.

21 Next Steps… Formation of Community Working Group Review existing and/or new options Recommend option – early 2013 Implementation to follow

22 Maps - Matatoki

23 Maps - Puriri

24 Maps - Omahu

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