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Published byCandace Stevenson Modified over 9 years ago
CG Agenda Items FGDC Committee Meeting Summaries FGDC Business Update Ken Shaffer FGDC OS Deputy Executive Director 703-648-5740 April 8, 2014 Coordination Group Meeting 4-7-14 v3
Background This presentation contains information that supplements a set of read-aheads on the topics covered in the CG meeting and will be used as a walk-though of all the topics at the CG meeting. Use this presentation before reviewing the read-aheads in order to gain context. Materials will not be presented in full at the meeting, it is the responsibility of the attendees to review the material prior to the meeting, as per CG standard operating procedures. CG Agenda Items - Items on the Coordination Group (CG) agenda with references to any read-ahead materials FGDC Committee Meeting Summaries FGDC Business Update - Current FGDC initiatives/activities 2
CG Agenda Items Standards Work Group Report Metadata Work Group Report NGDA Management Plan NGAC Meeting Summary Geospatial Leadership – A New Message CANCELED – Afternoon Data Theme Leads Meeting 3
Standards Work Group Report Presentation/update on activities 4 Contact: Julie Maitra, FGDC OS, Read ahead: Standards Work Group Report - Julie Maitra.ppt
Metadata Work Group Report Presentation/update on activities 5 Contact: Jennifer Carlino, FGDC OS, Read ahead: Metadata Work Group Report – Jennifer Carlino_20140408_FINAL.ppt
NGDA Management Plan Update on recently FGDC approved NGDA Management Plan 6 Contact: Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC OS, Read ahead: NGDAMP-4-8-14 Update.pptx
NGAC Meeting Summary Update on recent National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC) meeting 7 Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, Read ahead: April 2014 NGAC Meeting Summary - John Mahoney.ppt
Geospatial Leadership – A New Message Presentation on key messages of the geospatial community 8 Contact: Mark DeMulder, USGS NGP, Read ahead: Pending
FGDC Committee Reports Committees’Decisions Summary CG and SC Monthly Membership Changes Steering Committee Executive Committee National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC) Next Coordination Group Meeting Coordination Group Meetings in 2014 9
Committees’ Decisions Summary Executive Committee – 1/28/14 Meeting ExCom Members supported the recommendation on the establishment of the HIFLD Subcommittee as a new FGDC subcommittee; the recommendation was presented at the 3/18/14 Steering Committee meeting. Contact: Arista Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none 10
Committees’ Decisions Summary Steering Committee – 3/18/14 Meeting An abbreviated SC session was held to make up for the February meeting, which was cancelled due to inclement weather. SC approved moving forward with votes on adding the HIFLD as an FGDC Subcommittee Primary focus was on endorsement of the A-16 Implementation Plan 16 members provided their endorsement votes prior to the 3/18 deadline. Quorum needed was 18 votes, so outreach was conducted in the following two days, during which 4 more agencies provided endorsement votes. Contact: Arista Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none 11
Committees’ Decisions Summary Steering Committee – 3/18/14 Meeting, cont’d. One of the comments received (from EPA) suggested changing the title of the A-16 Implementation Plan to the “National Geospatial Data Asset Management Plan,” in order to clarify the content for laymen. As there were no objections to the change, the new title was added to the document. The NGDA Management Plan was endorsed by the FGDC Steering Committee on 3/20 with 20 affirmative votes. Contact: Arista Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none 12
Committees’ Decisions Summary Steering Committee – 4/3/14 Meeting A full session of the Steering Committee was convened on 4/3 Agenda topics included: NSDI Strategic Plan Implementation Transportation Data Theme Report Geospatial Platform Update Report on the April 1-2 NGAC Meeting 2013 FGDC Financial Summary NGDA Management Plan Update 13 Contact: Arista Salimi Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none
Committees’ Decisions Summary Steering Committee – 4/3/14 Meeting, cont’d. One of the actions from the meeting included holding a future discussion with Steering Committee members on best practices for implementation of the NGDA Management Plan actions (what their doing) and internal agency coordination. Opportunity for agencies to share successes and identify challenges. 14 Contact: Arista Salimi Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none
CG and SC Monthly Membership Changes A new CG primary member from the National Science Foundation has been appointed to replace Pam Stephens: Dr. Eva Zanzerkia USAID’s SC alternate, Demian Rybock, has taken another position. USAID is working on appointing another alternate. 15 Contact: Arista Salimi Maher, FGDC OS, Read Aheads: none
Steering Committee Met on March 18 (abbreviated session) and April 3 (full session). Next meeting: Thursday, June 26, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the South Interior Auditorium. 16 Contact: Arista Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none
Executive Committee Last met on: Tuesday, January 28, 2014, 1:00-3:30 at DOI Agenda topics included: GAO Testimony on HR 1604 New GAO Engagement NSDI Strategic Plan – Implementation A-16 Implementation Plan HIFLD/FGDC Next Steps Discussion Geospatial Platform Steering Committee Meeting Planning NGAC Update FY 2014 FGDC Priorities Contact: Arista Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: None 17
NGAC Update Met April 1 and April 2 at DOI Agenda Topics: Leadership Dialogue ExCom Roundtable Review of 2014 NGAC Guidance FGDC Initiatives (NSDI Strategic Plan, Geospatial Platform, Geospatial Portfolio Management) NGAC Subcommittee Activities Development of NGAC Action Plan Public Comment More detailed report later this morning Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none 18
Next Coordination Group Meeting Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT (and Theme Leads session beginning at 1:00 p.m. EDT) Webinar Meeting ONLY Draft Agenda includes: Marine and Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee Update Cultural Resources Work Group Report HUD Enterprise Geographic Information Systems Portal (eGIS) 19 Contact: Arista Salimi Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none
2014 Coordination Group Meeting Dates May 13 – Webinar/Telecon ONLY June 10 – Main Interior Building (North Penthouse) July 8 – Webinar/Telecon ONLY August 12 – Main Interior Building (Rachel Carson Room) September 9 – Webinar/Telecon ONLY October 21 – Main Interior Building (Rachel Carson Room) November 18 – Webinar/Telecon ONLY December 9 – Main Interior Bulding (Rachel Carson Room) * = changed dates Contact: Arista Salimi Maher, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none 20
FGDC Business Update 2012 GAO Actions Update 2014 GAO Engagement NSDI Strategic Plan Update Geospatial Line of Business and Geospatial Platform Update (by task and subtask) 2014 GSDI Small Grants Program Call for Nominations – CG Co-chair FGDC Standards Update 21
2012 GAO Actions Update Action 1) Steering Committee to: Develop a plan with timeframe to facilitate the implementation of OMB’s portfolio management guidance Action 2) Steering Committee to: Develop and implement guidance and timeframe for identifying planned geospatial investments using the Geospatial Platform (Marketplace) Action 3) Steering Committee to: Create and update a strategic plan with timeframe and implement the plan within the established time frame. These actions are complete Closure packages prepared/sent to GAO 2014 engagement likely to track status of implementation 22 Contact: Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none
2014 GAO Engagement New (2 nd ) engagement - GAO letter received January 6, 2014 Study expected to focus on: Implementation of the previous recommendations from GAO Address data Imagery data FGDC met with GAO on 3/6/14 to respond to additional questions GAO performing analysis of NGDA datasets registered in the catalog GAO is engaging with multiple agencies Additional information about the scope of the study and how the GAO team plans to execute the engagement is being developed by GAO GAO stated its approach should be defined by April 2014 23 Contact: Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none
NSDI Plan - Roles & Responsibilities Executive Sponsors: Anne Castle (DOI, FGDC Chair), Scott Bernard (OMB, FGDC Vice-Chair), Dan Cotter (DHS), Ivan DeLoatch (FGDC Executive Director) FGDC Executive Committee: The FGDC Executive Committee (ExCom) will have the lead responsibility for overseeing and monitoring implementation of the NSDI strategic plan. ExCom members will serve as Objective Leads for each of the 9 Objectives in the strategic plan and will be responsible for: Establishing action team leaders and teams Monitoring implementation performance and milestones Providing assistance and identifying appropriate resources as needed Action Teams: Action teams and team leaders will be designated to address the 29 Actions in the NSDI plan. In many cases, existing teams will be utilized, and in addition, teams may be responsible for multiple Actions. The team leaders will be responsible for developing project plans describing how the Actions will be achieved. 24 Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none
NSDI Plan - Roles & Responsibilities Core Team: The NSDI Core Team will provide support to ExCom Objective Leads and action team leads. The Core Team is currently developing an implementation framework, project plan templates, and implementation timeline, and a reporting/monitoring approach. PMO Support: The Geospatial Platform PMO will provide project management support to help implement the NSDI strategic plan. FGDC Coordination Group: Coordination Group members will communicate NSDI plan implementation responsibilities within their agencies, provide interagency coordination, and provide ongoing input into the implementation process. National Geospatial Advisory Committee: The NGAC will provide ongoing feedback on the implementation strategy and approach, and gather input as needed from organizations represented on the NGAC. The FGDC will work with the NGAC and other partner organizations to communicate and collaborate on the implementation of the strategic plan. 25
Draft Implementation Leads 26 Goal 1 – National Shared Services ObjectiveFGDC ExCom Lead Obj. 1.1 Reference ArchitectureDan Cotter (DHS) Obj. 1.2 Geo Platform Web-based ServicesJerry Johnston (DOI) Obj. 1.3 Cloud ComputingJoe Klimavicz (DOC) Obj. 1.4 Acquisition VehiclesAngela Smith (GSA) Goal 2 – Accountability & Management ObjectiveFGDC ExCom Lead Obj. 2.1 Portfolio ManagementAdrian Gardner (FEMA) Obj. 2.2 Collaborative InvestmentsJerry Johnston (DOI) Goal 3 – Convene Leadership ObjectiveFGDC ExCom Lead Obj. 3.1 Standards DevelopmentMichelle Motsko (NGA), Ivan DeLoatch (FGDC) Obj. 3.2 Convene LeadersIvan DeLoatch (FGDC) Obj. 3.3 Raise AwarenessTBD – ExCom to designate
Sample Action Plan Draft 27
Draft Implementation Timeline 28 WhatPurposeWhoTimeframe NSDI Plan ApprovalNSDI plan approved by FGDC Steering CommitteeFGDC SCDec 2013 Implementation Start-upDraft initial project outline & timeline, establish project team, define roles and responsibilities FGDC OSDec 2013 – Jan 2014 Core Team MeetingsProject management, planning, strategizingCore TeamWeekly/as-needed FGDC Coordination Group MeetingsInteragency coordination & communication; provide input to implementation process Coord. GroupMonthly ExCom MeetingsStrategic direction and oversightExComMonthly/as-needed Develop Draft Implementation Framework Framework will include roles & responsibilities, proposed designations of exec. champions and action team leaders, and implementation timeline Core TeamJan/Feb ExCom MeetingReview draft Implementation Framework, designate Executive Champions ExCom/Core TeamJan 28 Designate Action Teams and Team Leads ExCom/Executive Champions to establish action teams and team leads ExCom/Core TeamJan 28 – Feb 28 Develop Draft Sample Action PlansDevelop draft sample action plans for selected Objectives/Actions, following format provided by Core Team Action Team LeadsMarch 31 NGAC MeetingStatus briefing, provide continuing input into implementation strategy NGACApril 1-2 FGDC Steering Committee MeetingValidate Implementation Framework, provide input into strategic direction FGDC SCApril 3 Complete Sample Action PlansComplete sample action plans (Objectives 1.2, 2.1, and 3.1) Action Team LeadsApril 30 Develop remaining Draft Action PlansComplete remaining draft action plans (Objectives 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3) Action Team LeadsJune 15 NGAC MeetingStatus briefing, provide continuing inputNGACJune 24-25 FGDC Steering Committee MeetingStatus briefing, provide continuing inputFGDC SCJune 26 NGAC MeetingStatus briefing, provide continuing inputNGACSept 23-24 FGDC Steering Committee MeetingStatus briefing, provide continuing inputFGDC SCDate TBD FY 14 Status ReportsAction Teams submit FY 14 status reports (FY14 Q4)Action TeamsSept 30 Draft 3-28-14
2014 NGAC Guidance NSDI Strategic Plan In 2013, the NGAC provided extensive input into the development of the 2014-2016 National Spatial Data Infrastructure Strategic Plan. The NGAC’s input was critical to shaping the scope and direction of the plan. The plan includes a set of goals and objectives for the Federal government’s role in the continued and sustainable development of the NSDI. The FGDC will continue to engage with the NGAC during the implementation of the strategic plan, seeking ongoing feedback as follows: Provide continuing input on the implementation of the NSDI strategic plan. Provide feedback and comment on specific strategic goals and objectives as needed. 29
Geospatial Line of Business/Platform Managing Partner Activities: Continued with the Interagency Agreements collection process for FY14 (supports FY15 activities) Please notify with any changes to POCs ASAP. Contact Roxanne Lamb with questions pertaining to the IA document or the process for completion Completed EVM and DOI E-Gov Investment Tracking reports Responded to and submitted BY2016 documents 30 Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, Read ahead: None
FY14 Interagency Document Status current as of 4/7/14 31 Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, Read ahead: None AgencyPartner Contribution Senior Agency Official CIO Point of ContactCG RepresentativeDraft Reviewed Date Agreement Signed Agriculture$225,000Stephen Lowe John M. Bebris & Barbara Lawton Marisa Capriotti Shirley Hall Betsy Kanalley Commerce$225,000Joseph F. Klimavicz Dan Rooney & Tim Trainor Tony Lavoi2/18/14 DoD - NGA$225,000Michelle MotskoJohn Murtaugh Education$25,000Jack BuckleyChanel HicksTai Phan 2/25/14 Energy$50,000Cuttie BaconChristina SantangeloTeddy Dyer3/6/14 EPA$225,000Harvey SimonBrenda Gibson Wendy Blake- Coleman GSA$50,000Angela SmithAutumn WallinJohn Sullivan HHS$50,000Keith TuckerStephanie Foster DHS$225,000Dan Cotter Richard Spires & George Begay Lew Summers HUD$50,000Joyce LittleAngela MorseJon Sperling3/6/14 Justice$50,000Nick LoulouCarla Aikens Labor$25,000 NARA$25,000Paul WesterJohn McIverBrett Abrams NASA$225,000Adrian GardnerGerald SmithMyra Bambacus NSF$25,000Ann E. SmithEdith Truvilion SBA$25,000Deborah AndersonDr. Noor SSA$25,000Lew SandfordMike HigginsDavid Timmons State$50,000Cecelia HendersonCarolyn JohnsonCecelia Henderson Transportation$50,000Patricia HuTracey LancasterMark Bradford Treasury$25,000Jimmy Amoaka-AttaElaine BostonJimmy Amoaka-Atta USACE$50,000James DaltonJean GilleoNancy Blyler USAID$25,000Carrie StokesKen Kertula VA$25,000Dat P. Tran Pheakdey Lim3/6/14
Geospatial LoB/Platform Update Advancing the A-16 Efforts Continue to support NGDA Management Plan with final deliveries of figures and timeline Continue to support Theme Leads and Dataset Managers on preparing NGDA metadata for harvesting in Currently enabling A-16 Theme Communities in Production for internal Theme Lead reviews Continue to support planning and hosting of A-16 Theme Lead Meetings 32 Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, Read ahead: None
Geospatial LoB/Platform Update Site Statistics March 16 -23 was the busiest week to date Over 2,000 unique visitors Associated with the Climate Community 1,186 Users went directly to the Climate Resources page Site Functionality Enhancements Updated News Stories on Home Page Processes and procedures related to user management are being updated Site-wide content review and updates Web Map Viewer Requirements 33 Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, Read ahead: None
Geospatial LoB/Platform Update Community Updates On-going development of enhancements to the A-16 Theme Lead Community Coordinating the review of the A-16 Communities 34 Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, Read ahead: None
2014 GSDI Small Grants Program Awards for spatial data infrastructure or Earth Observations Systems related activities in economically disadvantaged nations Awards: $2500 - up 4 awards (funded by Canada and GSDI) GISCorps volunteer professional services available Sponsored by GeoConnections in Canada FGDC Secretariat staff is managing the program Awards should be announced by May 2014 More information at Contact: Gita Urban-Mathieux, FGDC, Read ahead: none 35
Call for Nominations – CG Co-Chair No nominations have been received after 3 months. Call for self nominations for new Co-Chair: Deadline extended to May 13. Self nomination of primary CG members. SAOGIs must submit a statement of support for each nomination – resource commitment. Nominations will be compiled and put out to the CG for a blind vote via email. ~ 4 to 5 weeks of commitment annually. 36 Contact: Arista Maher, FGDC OS,; Ken Shaffer, FGDC OS, Read ahead: none
FGDC Standards Update – March 2014 FGDC Standards Activities To be discussed in Subcommittee/WG briefing INCITS L1/U.S. TAG Standards Activities OGC Standards Activities GWG Standards Activities Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS,, 37
INCITS L1/U.S. TAG Standards Activities 2014-04-11 next L1/U.S. TAG meeting. Meeting votes: ISO/CD 19104 Geographic information — Terminology Systematic Review of ISO 19115-2:2009 Geographic information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data New Work Item Proposal (NWIP), ISO 19107 Geographic information - Spatial schema (revision of ISO 19107:2003) NWIP, ISO 19157-2 Geographic information - Data Quality - XML schema implementation of ISO 19157 Text for DIS, ISO/CD 19162 Geographic information - Well known text representation of coordinate reference systems FDIS 19101-1, Geographic information - Reference model - Part 1: Fundamentals Text for DIS, ISO/CD 19160-1 Addressing - Part 1: Conceptual model Comments on WD 19610-4, Addressing – Part 4: International postal address components and template languages 38
INCITS L1/U.S. TAG Standards Activities Upcoming meetings 2014-05-09 L1/U.S. TAG 2014-06-02/06 ISO TC 211 plenary & meetings – Berlin 2014-06-16 L1/U.S. TAG 39
OGC Standards activities 2014-03-24/28 OGC TC/PC meeting, Lockheed Martin, Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia. 2014-06-10/14 next OGC TC/PC meeting, Geneva, Switzerland No outstanding RFCs Voting results OGC I15 (ISO19115 Metadata) Extension Package of CS-W ebRIM Profile 1.0: 29 yes, 61 not voting OGC OpenSearch Geo and Time Extensions Candidate Standard: 33 yes, 57 not voting 40
GWG Standards activities TBD 14-2 GWG voting meeting “On-deck” standards Mandate OGC Geopackage OGC OWS Context OGC SensorML 2.0 OGC WCS 2.0.1 with Corrigendum OGC WCS 2.0 KVP Protocol Ext., v.1.0.1 41
GWG Standards activities “On-deck” standards Emerging OGC WCS Scaling Extension OGC WCS Interpolation Extension OGC WCS Processing Extension OGC GML Application Schema - Coverages - GeoTIFF Coverage Encoding Extension OGC WCS 2.0 Earth Observation Application Profile OGC WCS Range Subsetting Extension ISO 3166-1:2006, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions, Part 1: Country codes, 20 November 2006 – Admin detail ESDS-RFC-002v1, Network Common Data Form-4 (netCDF-4) / Hierarchical Data Form (HDF) 5 File Format, March 2011 - RFC to consider status change to this emerging standard 42
31 March1 April2345/6 789101112/13 141516171819/20 212223242526/27 2829301 May23/4 5678910/11 april 2014 CGL1/U.S. TAG Deadline for SC/WG chair comments on GeoRSS, ISO/IEC 15144-1:2004 Corrigenda, AIXM 5.1
28 April29301 May23/4 5678910/11 121314151617/18 192021222324/25 262728293031/1 June may 234567/8 2014 L1/U.S. TAG CGDeadline to submit documents for consideration at June 19 SWG meeting
26 May2728293031/1 June 234567/8 91011121314/15 161718192021/22 232425262728/29 301 July2345/6 june 2014 ISO TC 211 CG OGC L1/U.S. TAG ISO TC 211 OGC
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