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S&I Framework Provider Directories Initiative All Hands Meeting September 09, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "S&I Framework Provider Directories Initiative All Hands Meeting September 09, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 S&I Framework Provider Directories Initiative All Hands Meeting September 09, 2011

2 Agenda Announcements Weekly Accomplishments WG Updates 1 2 3 2

3 Announcements  Use Case 1 - Labor Day holiday/No call  Use Case 2 - Workstreams Kicked off  HPD/LDAP workstream combined  Provider Directories – Wiki revamp 3

4 Provider Directories - Summary of Weekly Accomplishments Use Case 1 Sub-Workgroup Accomplishments Use Case 2 Sub-Workgroup Accomplishments Use Case 2 Sub-Workgroup Accomplishments  Formal Consensus process will start Monday, September 12  Informal consensus regarding the DNS/LDAP hybrid approach was achieved on the last call  Sub-Workgroup recommendations can be accessed herehere  Sub-workgroup leads defined name of data element, definition of data element, data type, occurrence, comments/notes.  Workstream calls kicked off:  Microdata  LDAP x.500/IHE HPD  X12N 274 4

5 Use Case 1 - Sub-Workgroup Update Accomplishments  Informal consensus regarding the DNS/LDAP hybrid approach was reached on the 8/29 call  Recommendations that were reviewed by the group can be accessed here here  Statements in green have reached informal consensus, statements in blue are comments to address as a group, and black statements have yet to be reviewed Next Steps  Review the LDAP/X.500 References  Review the Federated delivery of x.509V3 Certificates for identity management  Continue to review the proposed Harmonization Statement for Query for Digital Certificate Use Case for Direct Project Use CaseHarmonization Statement for Query for Digital Certificate Use Case for Direct Project Use Case 5

6 Use Case 2 - Sub-Workgroup Update Accomplishments  Sub-workgroup leads defined name of data element, definition of data element, data type, occurrence, comments/notes  Data Model spreadsheet was broken down into the following tabs:  Response Data Set  Object Data Set  Query Data Set  All three workstreams have met and began working (Microdata, LDAP X.500/IHE HPD, and X12N 274) Next Steps  Continue work on Response Data Set spreadsheet starting from Organization - Organization Relationship section  Finish listing defined lists in the Object Data Set  Start Query Data Set spreadsheet  Determine workstream lead(s) for Microdata 6

7 Use Case 2 - Microdata Workstream Accomplishments  Kicked off workstream call  Modified spreadsheet to capture Microdata work Next Steps  Identify workgroup lead  Continue working on Data Element mapping to Microdata schema 7

8 Use Case 2 - LDAP X.500/IHE HPD Workstream Accomplishments  Kicked off workstream call  Validated Data Elements on spreadsheet to Use Case Section 12.0  Modified spreadsheet to capture the following:  Query or return  Object Class  Multiplicity  Extensions Next Steps  Continue work on Data Element mapping to LDAP X.500/ISO/HPD standards 8

9 Use Case 2 - X12N 274 Workstream Accomplishments  Kicked off workstream call  Reached an agreement on using spreadsheet provided by the support team with minor changes  Received participation from X12 experts Next Steps  Populate Data Elements mapping to X12N 274 standard  Review populated Data Element spreadsheet line by line on 9/16 9

10 Virtual Round Questions, Comments, concerns? 10

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