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Mrs. Kurtz’s Second Grade Class All you need to know!

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Kurtz’s Second Grade Class All you need to know!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Kurtz’s Second Grade Class All you need to know!

2 Reading Daily Five –Minilesson (focus of the day) –Independent Reading (Book baskets) –Guided Reading –Partner Reading –Individual Conferencing –Reading Response (Journal)

3 Word Work Letterland-to learn pattern words and “tricky words” Spelling test on Friday. Practice at home with spelling homework.

4 Writing Writer’s Workshop Model –Minilesson –Independent Writing (Stages of Writing) –Conferencing (teacher and peer) –Sharing

5 Math Math Facts (Addition and Subtraction) Focus on explaining thinking Big Ideas for second grade: place value, addition and subtraction up to 3 digit

6 Science Weather Solids and Liquids Sound Life Cycles

7 Social Studies History Civics and Government Geography and Environmental Literacy Culture Economics and Personal Finance Literacy

8 Homework Students will take home their agenda each night. Read 20 minutes EACH night and record the title of the book in agenda. Math Homework Spelling homework Practice Math Facts *Sign agenda each night

9 Behavior System High-Fives  Positive behavior Think-about-its  If students need to think about the choice they are making. Bright Ideas  Sharing with the class If students do not have any think about- its for the day they get to put their name in our raffle drawing. Two think-about-its  write the wrong

10 Daily Folder Please use to return any forms/letters Sign behavior calendar each night

11 Volunteers If you would like to volunteer please e-mail me/send a note. Make sure you sign up to volunteer with Wake County Schools

12 Field Trips Blue Jay Point: October 8, 2014 Museum of Life and Science (Durham): April 28, 2015

13 Rotating Lunch Track 4 out: 11:40-12:10 Track 3 out: 11:35-12:05 Track 2 out: 11:30-12:00

14 Websites Link on Adams website- Parent Compact: Class website:

15 Questions? Thanks for coming! E-mail:

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