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Mrs. Fredette’s Second Grade Class 2013-2014 Who is Mrs. Fredette?  Education: BA in Comparative Literature from Brandeis U. and post-baccalaureate.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Fredette’s Second Grade Class 2013-2014 Who is Mrs. Fredette?  Education: BA in Comparative Literature from Brandeis U. and post-baccalaureate."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mrs. Fredette’s Second Grade Class 2013-2014

3 Who is Mrs. Fredette?  Education: BA in Comparative Literature from Brandeis U. and post-baccalaureate in Education from Ramapo College.  This is my 9 th year teaching 2 nd grade at Harrington Park School.  This is my 2 nd career. Before teaching, I managed systems analysts in the insurance field.  Family: I have a supportive husband, a daughter, who graduated college in June, 2012 and a son who is on leave from college as he works in the film industry.  I am passionate about teaching.

4 My Guiding Beliefs  Children genuinely want to learn.  If we set high standards, children will strive to meet them.  Children perform best when they know that teachers and parents are working together.  It is my job to find the best way to meet your child’s learning needs.

5 Second Grade Routines  Daily Reading Workshop  Daily Writing Workshop  Daily Read-Aloud  Timed Math Fact Quizzes  Weekly Learning Reflection  Weekly Spelling Test  Weekly Sparkle Game!  Weekly Prize Box Drawing!

6 Math Common Core Curriculum  Operations & Algebraic Thinking  Number & Operations in Base Ten  Measurement & Data  Geometry  Problem Solving

7 Balanced Literacy Approach for Teaching Reading and Writing  Reader’s Workshop  Writer’s Workshop  Guided Reading Groups  Read-Alouds  Shared Reading  Systematic Word Study  Grammar  Vocabulary  Spelling

8 Science Curriculum Highlights  Earth’s Materials  Astronomy and Space Science  Plant and Animal Habitats  Hands-on learning opportunities  Videos  Zoo Field Trip

9 Social Studies Curriculum Highlights  Civics  Economics  Geography  National Holidays  Scholastic News Magazine for current events

10 Shhh! It’s a Secret! The Mystery Reader Program  Opportunity for parents and grandparents to come into the classroom and support our reading program  Bring a favorite read-aloud book to share with the class.  Email me to arrange date/time.  Surprise and delight your child!

11 Homework  Reinforces classroom learning. Never introduces new material.  Usually spelling, math,, and 20 minutes of reading.  Never given over weekends or holidays.

12 Homework  You can help and/or check homework if you’d like. Homework is never graded.  Missed homework must be made up. Homework completion is factored into report card grades.  Written homework should not take more than 20 undistracted minutes.  Your child should read at least 20 minutes each night.  If your child is struggling with homework, please let me know.

13 Report Cards Major Academic Subjects:  Mathematics  Reading  Writing  Math  Social Studies/Science


15 Grade Key for CC Standards 4 Exceeds Standard 3 Meets Standard 2 Approaching Standard 1 Improvement Toward Standard Needed

16 Work Habits/Social Development Follows oral directions Follows written directions Practices self-control Completes homework and hands it in on time Puts forth best effort Works cooperatively with others Is organized and has needed materials Accepts responsibility for own actions

17 How Can You Help Your Child Succeed in Second Grade?  Help your child arrive at school on time each morning.  Make sure your child comes to school well-rested.  A healthy breakfast makes a big difference!  Help your child arrive at school prepared each morning.

18 How Can You Help Your Child Succeed in Second Grade?  Go through your child’s homework folder each night.  Sign graded work on time.  Update your child’s reading log each night. Sign and return it on Fridays.

19 How Can You Help Your Child Succeed in Second Grade?  Model strong reading habits. Set aside a time each night to turn off the TV and the computer and read.  Talk to your child about books. Ask questions about the book he/she is reading.  Encourage math fact practice. Keep it fun!

20 How Can You Help Your Child Succeed in Second Grade?  Ask questions about school. Take an active interest in what we are learning.  Let me know if you have any concerns. We are a team with a common goal.  Spark your child’s curiosity.  Celebrate progress, not just success!

21 My Website  Go to  Click on classrooms.  Click on Mrs. Fredette.  Information on birthday celebrations, ordering Scholastic Books online, and lots of great age-appropriate websites to supplement our curriculum.

22 Any questions? Just ask! Thank you for coming tonight!

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