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Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 1 Performance Evaluations Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE P RESENTATIONS IN N ETWORK M ANAGEMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 1 Performance Evaluations Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE P RESENTATIONS IN N ETWORK M ANAGEMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 1 Performance Evaluations Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE P RESENTATIONS IN N ETWORK M ANAGEMENT

2 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 2 Objectives / Contents Service Measures Delay: Store & Forward Congestion: Circuit Switching Performance Evaluations

3 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 3 Service Measures Faults Information: Loss Security Compression Quantitative / Qualitative Congestion Delay Processing Performance Evaluations

4 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 4 Measures: Q & Q MeasuresDescription Performance Technology Capabilities. User Satisfaction Natural Feel Quantitative Parameters Clearly Defined (Mathematically) Evaluated Numerically Qualitative Parameters Like and Dislike. Ease of Use. Social and Behavioural Factors. Performance Evaluations

5 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 5 Measures: Faults (1/3) MeasureDescription MTBFMean Time Between Failures MTTRMean Time to Repair Availability (should be 99%) The proportion of time when the system is available for use Performance Evaluations

6 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 6 Measures: Faults (2/3) Frequency distribution of 100 mixed faults associated with 4 types ( Measure of “ Strengths & Weaknesses” of Components) Performance Evaluations

7 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 7 Measures: Faults (3/3) WeaknessDescription Logical DeficiencyLack of resources to performing the operations correctly. e.g. Message Reassembly Space in Virtual Circuit Operations Protocol Un-Robustness Lack of “built-in” “fault-tolerant” capability to deal with components failures and stress conditions e.g. Routing Problem : Circulation of Packets. Performance Evaluations

8 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 8 Measures: Congestion MeasureDescription NOSNumber of Successful Attempts NOFNumber of Failed Attempts Congestion Service Levels Performance Evaluations

9 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 9 Measures: Delay MeasureDescription Elements (Point-to-Point) Processing /Queuing / Transmission / Propagation. End-to-End Source to Destination Delay (from Sending to Receiving) Jitter Deviation from Average Synchronization Audio-Video “Lip Synchronization” Delay Sensitivity Audio & Video (Online) Streams Performance Evaluations

10 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 10 Measures: Processing MeasureDescription [i]Instruction type index T[i]Processing time of instruction [i] F[i]Relative frequency of instruction [i] in the application considered TAverage processing time per instruction Performance Evaluations

11 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 11 MeasureDescription Loss of Information Signal-to- Noise Ratio. Signal-to-Interference Ratio. BER: Bit Error Rate. Cell-Loss Rate Jamming: Loss of Communications Loss Sensitivity Data (Text) Streams. Measures: Information ( Loss) Performance Evaluations

12 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 12 MeasureDescription IntegrityInformation: Loss Destruction Modification Confidentiality Unauthorized “Disclosure” of Information: “Encryption / Attack” Blocking “Denial” of Service Measures: Information ( Security) Performance Evaluations

13 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 13 Measures: Information ( Compression) MeasureDescription Video PCM (BW: 4.2 MHz).(Sampling: 2). (Sample:16 bits) = 135 Mbps [Compressed to 45 Mbps] Digital Video (Pixel: 24 bits).(SVGA: 800 x 600 pixels). (Frames: 25 per sec) = 288 Mbps Compression TV Quality = 4 - 9 Mbps Cable TV Quality = 2 - 4 Mbps Low Rate Videoconferencing = 384 kbps – 1.5 Mbps “Ratio”Ratio = Encoded Size / Compressed Size Performance Evaluations

14 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 14 P RINCIPLES E RLANG- B F ORMULA O PERATION T RAFFIC Congestion: Circuit Switching Performance Evaluations

15 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 15 O BJECTIVE: Enabling Sub channels to be Assigned to Users “ Dynamically ” on Demand (Not on Fixed Basis) U SE: Suitable for Burst / Random Use C ONCEPT: Sub channels Assigned on Demand for Active Use and Released when Activity is Completed Principles (1/2) Performance Evaluations

16 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 16 TDM / FDM C IRCUIT S WITCHING USERSUSERS Users Generating Demands Dynamic Assignment / Release on Demand “ N ” Sub Channels Channel Sharing Shared Channel Principles (2/2) Performance Evaluations

17 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 17 1. D IAL- U P 3. C ALL P ROGRESS 4. C ALL T ERMINATION 2. S IGNALLING / R OUTING / A SSIGNMENT 5. R ELEASE Operations Performance Evaluations

18 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 18 T WO R ANDOM P ROCESSES C ALL A RRIVALS: Random Distribution (Poisson Process) C ALL D URATION: Random Distribution (Negative Exponential Distribution / Related to Poisson Process) Traffic (1/3) Performance Evaluations

19 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 19 R [Calls / Time Unit]: Rate of Generated Calls D [Time Unit]: Average Call Duration A [Erlang]: A = R.D B USY H OUR P RINCIPLE E RLANG: “ 1 ” Erlang is Full Channel Occupancy For “ 1 ” Time Unit Traffic (1/3) Performance Evaluations

20 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 20 “ 1 ” E RLANG R = 1 [Calls / Hour] D = 60 [Minutes] A = 1 [Erlang] R = 4 [Calls / Hour] D = 15 [Minutes] A = 1 [Erlang] R = 12 [Calls / Hour] D = 5 [Minutes] A = 1 [Erlang] Traffic (3/3) Performance Evaluations

21 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 21 T YPICAL / S IMPLE C ASE S TUDY S YSTEM: “ N ” (Sub) Channels Fully Available to All Call D EMANDS / T RAFFIC O FFERED BY ALL U SERS : “ A ” [Erlang] P ERFORMANCE / G RADE OF S ERVICE / B LOCKING P ROBABILITY “ B ” Erlang “B” Formula (1/4) Performance Evaluations

22 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 22 B = (A N / N!) / (A i / i!) B = 1 / (N! / (A i (N - i)!)) Erlang “B” Formula (2/4) Performance Evaluations

23 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 23 O THER I MPORTANT F ACTORS T RAFFIC C ARRIED / S ERVICED: K = A (1 - B) A VERAGE C HANNEL U TILIZATION / O CCUPANCY: Q = K / N Erlang “B” Formula (3/4) Performance Evaluations

24 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 24 P OSSIBLE U SE S YSTEM E VALUATION: Given: N / A Find: B / K / Q S YSTEM C APACITY: Given: N / B Find: A / K / Q S YSTEM D ESIGN: Given: A / B / K Find: N / Q Erlang “B” Formula (4/4) Performance Evaluations

25 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 25 P RINCIPLES O PERATION T RAFFIC D ELAY A NALYSIS M ESSAGES: Packets Frames Cells (Switching / Relay) Delay: Store & Forward Performance Evaluations

26 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 26 1 + I 2 N IIII P MM S HARED C HANNEL B UFFER P ROCESSOR S TORE & F ORWARD c c c [bps] c C [bps] Dynamic Channel Assignment (Active Users Only) / Efficiency USERS > N Where N = C/c Principles (1/2) Performance Evaluations

27 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 27 B URST U SE U SE L OSS S ENSITIVE I NFORMATION: “ D ATA / T EXT ” N O D ELAY S ENSITIVE I NFORMATION: “ V OICE / P ICTURE ” ; E XCEPT IN H IGH S PEED Principles (2/2) Performance Evaluations

28 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 28 M ESSAGE: An Information Signal Sent by a Single User Physical Block (Basic Name: for M / P / F / C) P ROBLEM: Fluctuating Size Need for Size Control “ P / F / C ” (Logical Units) Providing Better Sharing Messages (1/4) Performance Evaluations

29 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 29 P ACKET: X.25 / 64 kbps Variable Size H: 8 bytes F RAME: T-1 / E-1 Variable Size H: 2 bytes I NFORMATION H EADER H EADER: S OURCE / D ESTINATION / C ONTROL I NFORMATION: C ONTROLLED S IZE C ELL / ATM : OC-3 / OC-12 Fixed: 48 Bytes H: 5 bytes Messages (2/4) Performance Evaluations

30 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 30 D ATAGRAM : Logical Units (Packets) are Routed Independently Through the Network from Source to Destination V IRTUAL C IRCUIT: Physical Units (Messages) Sent from Source to Destination Look as if they Passed Through a Circuit Example: DATAGRAM with the Packets of a Message Reassembled at Destination Messages (3/4) Performance Evaluations

31 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 31 P ACKET: Point-to- Point & End-to- End F RAME: End-to-End Only E RROR C ONTROL C ELL / ATM : End-to-End (Header Only) L OW N OISE: Eases Error Control Protocols. H IGHER S PEED: Reduces Delay and Helps Information Integration (Data / Voice / Picture) Messages (4/4) Performance Evaluations

32 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 32 P MM M [bits] N EXT N ODE D ELAY E LEMENTS P ROCESSING D ELAY “ p ” Q UEUING D ELAY “ q ” T RANSMISSION D ELAY “ s ” P ROPAGATION D ELAY “ g ” pq sg M ESSAGE D ELAY: d = p + q + s + g C [bps] l [km] v [km/s] / Sec. Operation (1/3) Performance Evaluations

33 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 33 P ROCESSING D ELAY: Dependent on Processing Independent of Traffic Q UEUING D ELAY: Dependent on Traffic (Drive) / Capacity (System) Analysis Required T RANSMISSION D ELAY: s = M / C Dependent on Message / Capacity (System) Independent of Traffic Volume / Fluctuation P ROPAGATION D ELAY: g = l / v Dependent on Channel / Distance (Geography) Independent of Traffic / Capacity Operation (2/3) Performance Evaluations

34 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 34 P ROCESSING D ELAY: Significant in High Speed Links Q UEUING D ELAY: An Essential Element, as it is Associated with the Capacity / “ System ”, and Traffic Volume / Fluctuation / “ Demands ” T RANSMISSION D ELAY: An Essential Element, as it is Associated with the Capacity / “ System ”, and the Message Length / “ Demands ” P ROPAGATION D ELAY: Significant in Satellites g = 36 / 300 = 0.12 sec Operation (3/3) Performance Evaluations

35 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 35 T WO R ANDOM P ROCESSES M ESSAGE A RRIVALS : Poisson Process M ESSAGE L ENGTH: Negative Exponential Distribution / Fixed Size Messages (Deterministic) Traffic (1/2) Performance Evaluations

36 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 36 R [Messages / Sec]: Rate of Generated Messages M [Bits] : Average / Fixed Message Length B USY H OUR P RINCIPLE T RAFFIC R ATE: A [bps] = R. M Traffic (2/2) Performance Evaluations

37 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 37 Q UEUING D ELAY: Variable Message Length q v = (RM / C) / ( (C/M) - R) Fixed Message Length q f = (1/2). qv Delay Analysis (1/4) Performance Evaluations

38 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 38 E SSENTIAL D ELAY E LEMENTS: d = q v + s = 1 / ( (C/M) - R) L IMITATION: RM < C U TILIZATION / O CCUPANCY: U = (RM) / C Delay Analysis (2/4) Performance Evaluations

39 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 39 D: N ORMALIZED D ELAY: ( M ESSAGE T RANSMISSION TIME “ s ” ) IN T ERMS OF U TILIZATION “ U ” : D = d / s = 1 / (1 - U) D [Unit-less] : Number of Messages in the System (queued & transmitted) Delay Analysis (3/4) Performance Evaluations

40 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 40 P OSSIBLE U SE S YSTEM E VALUATION: Given: C / M / R Find: d / U / D S YSTEM C APACITY: Given: C / U (d/D) / M Find: R S YSTEM D ESIGN: Given : R / M / U Find : C Delay Analysis (4/4) Performance Evaluations

41 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 41 P ERRFORMANCE C OMPUTATIONS: Congestion / Delay Conclusions P ERRFORMANCE U DERSTANDING: Q&Q / Faults / Congestion / Delay / Processing / Information P ERRFORMANCE M ONITORING / M ANAGEMENT Performance Evaluations

42 Saad Haj Bakry, PhD, CEng, FIEE 42 References Telecommunications Management: Operation & Management of Networks, National Computing Centre (NCC) Training, UK. David Etheridge and Errol Simon, Information Networks: Planning and Design, Prentice Hall, UK.  Gruber J.J., Transmission Performance Of Evolving Telecommunications Networks, Artech House, Boston-London, 1992. Performance Evaluations

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