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THE AIR TRAINING CORPS (ATC) Introduction to the Organisation

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1 THE AIR TRAINING CORPS (ATC) Introduction to the Organisation

2 The Squadron This is the basic unit that makes up the ATC – and the place that you will have joined the Corps, is your Squadron. There are two Types of Squadron- Open Squadrons Formed within the local community with a membership open to any young person approved by the Squadron Commander. The majority of Squadrons are Open Squadrons. School Squadrons Formed within a School with a membership restricted to either past or present pupils. Most School Squadrons nowadays have relaxed rules and opened their membership to any young person from the local area.

3 A Squadron is run by: - RAF Volunteer Reserve (Training) Officers. ATC Warrant Officers (WO ATC). ATC SGT’s & FLT SGT’s (SNCO’s ATC). Civilian Instructors (CI). Also, some Squadrons control what are known as Detached Flights – these are units who don’t have enough cadets to form a full Squadron.

4 The Civilian Committee Each Squadron Commander has a Civilian Committee to help organise and run the Squadron. The Civilian Committee is made up of 5 or more local people who meet regularly and look after a number of things for the Squadron including: Raising Funds for the Squadron. Controlling the Squadrons Finances. Obtaining & Administrating Squadron Accommodation. Helping with Cadet Welfare problems. These people do a great deal of work on behalf of the cadets and will often turn to you for help the above activities when needed. Chaplains Some Squadrons have Chaplains – these people meet cadets and join in with the training where required.

5 Wing & Wing Committee Squadrons that are located into a certain geographical area are controlled by a Wing – this is run by a Wing Commander and his Staff. (Wing Staff Officers). Regions & Regional Councils The whole of the UK is divided into 6 Regions, each Region being controlled by a Group Captain who is a retired RAF Officer. He has Regional Staff working for him & a Regional Council for support.

6 HQAC (Headquarters Air Cadets) All 6 Regions are controlled by a regular RAF Air Commodore and his staff who are based at RAF College Cranwell in Lincolnshire. He is called the Commandant of the ATC and is responsible to the AOC and Commandant of RAFC Cranwell for the command, administration, discipline and training of all ATC Units in the UK. For matters connected with the well being and encouragement of the ATC, the Air Force Board is advised by the Air Cadet Council.

7 Air Commodore-in- Chief Air Force Board of The Defense Council AC Council Chaplains Committee Air Cadet Council RAF PTC Command HQAC 6 Regional Headquarters Wing Headquarters Squadrons Detached Flights Corps Chaplain Regional Chaplains Regional Councils Wing Chaplains Wing Committees Squadron Chaplains Squadron Committees ATC Structure

8 Who Pays for the ATC? The money that is available for the ATC comes from 2 sources: Ministry of Defence (MOD) – this is called Public Money. Cadets Subscriptions & Fund raising – this is called Non Public Money. Public Money: Training. Flying & Gliding. Uniforms. Shooting. Accommodation. Squadron Administration.

9 Non Public Money: The General Purpose fund. Controlled by the Air Cadet Council for use with sport & welfare for Corps/Region. The Regional Fund. Used for Adventure Training Equipment for the Region. The Wing Fund. Used for Sporting events & prizes/medals etc. in the Wing. The Squadron Fund. Controlled by the Squadron Commander and used to support: Duke of Edinburgh Award. Specialist Training Equipment. Sporting Activities. General Cadet Welfare.

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