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SMP, Periodic Table Notes 20141 1. Check HW answers on the side board. Record correct answers in RB & turn in HW. 2. Jigsaw  Report to your colored groups.

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Presentation on theme: "SMP, Periodic Table Notes 20141 1. Check HW answers on the side board. Record correct answers in RB & turn in HW. 2. Jigsaw  Report to your colored groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMP, Periodic Table Notes 20141 1. Check HW answers on the side board. Record correct answers in RB & turn in HW. 2. Jigsaw  Report to your colored groups and BEGIN your PT teachback.  Present (teach) your information to the group FIRST! This NOT a silent lesson – use your “6 inch” voices to teach the other members.  Complete the section of notes cooperatively. Ask your questions to ascertain clarity.  By Day 2, everyone in the group should have the Teachback WS completed and the follow-upo questions started. Cooperation and diligence is necessary….. I will be watching and listening. TODAY: PT Day 1

2 Today: PT Day 2 1.Continue with your group teach back then proceed to answer/check questions #46-90. Transfer answers to the sheet provided.  Answers to the outline are on my website for YOU to review this evening. 2.Transfer #’s 46-74 to the scantron. On the scantron write Periodic Table Teachback 3.Due Thursday: BOTH the answer sheet, scantron, and each member’s research notes. 4.Group Quiz THURSDAY SMP, Periodic Table Notes 20142

3 Today: PT Day 3 1.Transfer #’s 46-74 to the scantron beginning with # 46 on the scantron. Record all group members names in the name section. In the subject area, write PT Teachback. 2.Group quiz – each member should record his/her answers on their own quiz paper. I will collect one random quiz to score. Work together. 3.Transfer quiz responses 1-21 to the same scantron. 4.Submit the following: 1.Answer sheet 2.Scantron (#1-21 and #46-74 recorded) 3.Each member’s research notes. SMP, Periodic Table Notes 20143

4 4 TEACHBACK PROJECT REVIEW  Alkali Metals  Alkaline Earth Metals  Transition Metals  Halogens  Noble Gases Click for song

5 SMP, Periodic Table Notes 20145 GROUP 1: ALKALI METALS 1. The name of this group is ALKALI METALS 2. Does this group contain metals or nonmetals? METALS 3. Alkali metals (lose or gain)l LOSE electrons becoming (positive or negative) ions? POSITIVE 4. Describe the reactivity of the elements in this group as the atomic number increases. INCREASES 5. Are they (more or less) MORE reactive than all of the elements in Group 2 and why? THEY HAVE LOWER IONIZATION ENERGIES video

6 SMP, Periodic Table Notes 20146 Group 1 continued: 6. Can these compounds be found in nature in the elemental or combined state? COMBINED STATE IN THE FORM OF A SALT 7. What type of compounds do they normally form (ionic or covalent)? IONIC (M + NM) 8. If element Y represents an alkali metal, what is it’s general formula for the reaction with a: Chloride: YCl Oxide: Y 2 O 9. What is the most reactive metal in this group? FRANCIUM

7 SMP, Periodic Table Notes 20147 GROUP 2: Alkaline Earth Metals 1. The name of this group is ALKALINE EARTH METALS. 2. Does this group contain metals or nonmetals? METALS 3. They (lose or gain) LOSE electrons & form (positive or negative) ions POSITIVE ? 4. Describe the reactivity of the elements in this group as the atomic number increases (increases or decreases) DECREASES 5. Are they (more or less) LESS reactive than all of the elements in Group 1 and why? THEY HAVE A GREATER IONIZATION ENERGY video

8 SMP, Periodic Table Notes 20148 Group 2 continued: 6. Can these compounds be found in nature in the elemental or combined state? COMBINED STATE IN THE FORM OF A SALT 7. What type of compounds do they normally form (ionic or covalent)? IONIC (M + NM) 8. If element Z represents an alkaline earth metal, what is it’s general formula for the reaction with a: Chloride ZCl 2 Oxide: ZO

9 SMP, Periodic Table Notes 20149 GROUP 15: 1. What is this group referred to as? NITROGEN GROUP 2. Name the diatomic element in this group? NITROGEN 3. Classify each element in this group as a metal, non-metal or semi-metal (metalloid). metals: ANTIMONY, BISMUTH nonmetals: NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS semi-metal: ARSENIC 4. Explain what happens to the reactivity of a non-metal as the atomic number increases. DECREASES. 5. Which is the most reactive non-metal in this group? PHOSPHORUS 6. Is nitrogen a (diatomic or monatomic) DIATOMIC molecule & what type of bond is found in nitrogen? TRIPLE COVALENT

10 SMP, Periodic Table Notes 201410 GROUP 16: 1. Classify each element in this group as a metal, non-metal or semi-metal. metals: POLONIUM nonmetals: OXYGEN, SULFUR, SELENIUM semi-metal: TELLERIUM 2. Name the diatomic element in this group. OXYGEN 3. Define an allotrope? DIFFERENT FORMS OF AN ELEMENT IN THE SAME PHASE WITH HAVING DIFF CHEM & PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 4. Which element(s) in this group is an allotrope? SULFUR, OXYGEN (O 2 and O 3 ) 5. What type of element is Polonium? RADIOCATIVE METAL How can you tell it is radioactive? IT’S ATOMIC NUMBER IS GREATER THAN 83

11 SMP, Periodic Table Notes 201411 TRANSITION ELEMENTS (groups 3B-12) 1. Which element is a liquid at room temperature? 1. Which element is a liquid at room temperature? MERCURY (Hg) 2. What are the four main characteristic chemical properties of transition elements?  MULTIPLE POSITIVE OXIDATION STATES  IONS FORM COLORED SOLUTIONS  Ex. CuSO 4 (due to the Cu 2+ ion)  LOSE ELECTRONS FROM TWO OUTERMOST ENERGY LEVELS  UNFILLED D ORBITALS

12 SMP, Periodic Table Notes 201412 GROUP 17 1. The name of this group is HALOGENS 2. Name and classify the elements in this group: METALS: At NONMETALS F, Cl, Br, I 3. Halogens (lose or gain) GAIN electrons becoming (positive or negative) ions? NEGATIVE 4. Why is astatine not included much in these discussions? NOT ENOUGH AVAILABLE TO STUDY 5. What would the general formula of a Group 17 element (represented by X) combined with magnesium of group 2? MgX 2

13 SMP, Periodic Table Notes 201413 6. What is the most reactive element in this group? FLUORINE 7. Can these compounds be found in nature in the elemental or combined state? COMBINED STATE AS SALTS 8. What type of salts do these elements form? HALIDES 9. For each state of matter, list the element(s) in this group. solid: IODINE liquid: BROMINE gas: CHLORINE, FLUORINE 10. What type of forces of attractions account for the different states of matter that exist and the high MP’s and BP’s as you go down the group? VAN DER WAALS FORCES (weak forces that get stronger as you go down the group )

14 SMP, Periodic Table Notes 201414 GROUP 18 1.The name of this group is called NOBLE GASES. 2.What type of molecules do these gases form? (monatomic or diatomic) MONATOMIC 3.Describe the electron arrangement in the outermost energy level of all these elements. STABLE OCTECT – INERT GAS STRUCTURE 4.Which element has only two electrons? HELIUM 5.Describe the reactivity of the elements in this group. THEY ARE UNREACTIVE (Kr and Xe can be forced to react with F in lab settings)

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