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THE BARRETT BOWL Lord of the Flies Edition. Rules No name calling No whining  No use of any notes Remember to keep your voices low when discussing answers.

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Presentation on theme: "THE BARRETT BOWL Lord of the Flies Edition. Rules No name calling No whining  No use of any notes Remember to keep your voices low when discussing answers."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE BARRETT BOWL Lord of the Flies Edition

2 Rules No name calling No whining  No use of any notes Remember to keep your voices low when discussing answers amongst your teammates… Sheets that are not turned in to Ms. Barrett by “Time’s Up!” do NOT count.

3 Round One

4 1. In what year was Lord of the Flies published? 2. Which characters make up the original expedition party that explores the island? 3. What is Piggy’s real name? 4. How old is Ralph?

5 5. What is the location of the headquarters of Jack’s tribe? 6. What one thing is Piggy NOT teased about?

6 You have 2 minutes to hand in your answers. You have 1 minute to hand in your answers. *****Time's UP!!!!*****

7 1. In what year was Lord of the Flies published? 1954 2. Which characters make up the original expedition party that explores the island? Jack, Ralph, Simon 3. What is Piggy’s real name? Never revealed 4. How old is Ralph? 12

8 5. What is the location of the headquarters of Jack’s tribe? Castle Rock 6. What one thing is Piggy NOT teased about? His intelligence

9 Round Two

10 1. Who is the boy who forgets his own name? 2. Who tells Jack where Ralph is hiding in Chapter 12? 3. How does the first boy disappear? 4. Who is the first boy Piggy and Ralph meet? 5. What is the job of Ralph’s father?

11 6. Who does Piggy live with? 6a. What happened to his (Piggy’s) parents?

12 You have 2 minutes to hand in your answers. You have 1 minute to hand in your answers. *****Time's UP!!!!*****

13 1. Who is the boy who forgets his own name? Percival 2. Who tells Jack where Ralph is hiding in Chapter 12? Samneric 3. How does the first boy disappear? In the first fire that spreads out of control 4. Who is the first boy Piggy and Ralph meet? Johnny 5. What is the job of Ralph’s father? Commander in the Navy

14 6. Who does Piggy live with? Auntie 6a. What happened to his (Piggy’s) parents? Father died; don’t know about Mom but not raising Piggy.

15 Round Three

16 1.What is the conch shell a symbol of? 2.Whose responsibility is it to maintain the signal fire? 3.What does Jack suggest the boys use as the “pig” in their dance-like reenactment of the hunt?

17 4. What is Ralph’s first act as leader? 5. What does Simon’s literal death represent the symbolic death of? 6. Who suggests that there be “lots of rules”?

18 You have 2 minutes to hand in your answers. You have 1 minute to hand in your answers. *****Time's UP!!!!*****

19 1.What is the conch shell a symbol of? Authority 2.Whose responsibility is it to maintain the signal fire? The hunters 3.What does Jack suggest the boys use as the “pig” in their dance-like reenactment of the hunt? A littlelun

20 4. What is Ralph’s first act as leader? He makes Jack leader of the hunters 5. What does Simon’s literal death represent the symbolic death of? Law and Order 6. Who suggests that there be “lots of rules”? Jack

21 Round Four

22 1.What does the “Lord of the Flies” reveal to Simon? 2.According to the littleun, where does the beast go during the day? 3.What quality does Ralph have that enables him to win the election?

23 4. What type of business does Piggy’s auntie own? 5. Name at least two motifs in the novel. 6. What does Golding say is the theme of his novel?

24 You have 2 minutes to hand in your answers. You have 1 minute to hand in your answers. *****Time's UP!!!!*****

25 1.What does the “Lord of the Flies” reveal to Simon? The beast is really the evil present in the human heart and mind. 2.According to the littleun, where does the beast go during the day? The sea 3.What quality does Ralph have that enables him to win the election? Charisma/likeability

26 4. What type of business does Piggy’s auntie own? Candystore 5. Name at least two motifs in the novel. Loss of innocence; Civilization vs. the Wild; Power/Leadership; Responsibility/Maturity; Fear=control/manipulation 6. What does Golding say is the theme of his novel? Defects of society are a result of the flaws/defects of human nature.

27 Round Five (BONUS)

28 1. According to Piggy’s description, what does the conch sound like? 2. What voice does the “Lord of the Flies” use? 3. What happens first: Ralph is elected leader or there is an atomic bomb?

29 4. Name three symbols from the novel. 5. What is Jack’s last name? 6. After Jack goes off to start his own tribe, what does Piggy do to show that he is happy?

30 You have 2 minutes to hand in your answers. You have 1 minute to hand in your answers. *****Time's UP!!!!*****

31 1. According to Piggy’s description, what does the conch sound like? The moo of a cow 2. What voice does the “Lord of the Flies” use? The schoolmaster 3. What happens first: Ralph is elected leader or there is an atomic bomb? Atomic Bomb

32 4. What is Jack’s last name? Merridew 5. After Jack goes off to start his own tribe, what does Piggy do to show that he is happy? He helps Ralph, Sam, and Eric gather firewood.

33 Thank You For Playing! Scores are now being calculated.

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