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Create a FACTBook Page for Atomic Theory Scientists.

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1 Create a FACTBook Page for Atomic Theory Scientists

2 Chemistry Project Since Facebook is all the rage let’s create pages for those fine scientists who gave us the Atomic Theory You will draw the name of one of the scientists we will briefly talk about during lecture Create a FACTbook page for them using content criteria and the model attached (link)link

3 Content 1.Scientist Name 2.Date of Birth (or era they lived during) 3.Where were they born, where they were educated, and/or the location where they made their discovery 4.Comments section: 1.By the scientist –describe their experiment and a summarize of their discovery / theory 2.By others – if they agreed/disagreed with findings, if the work of your scientist influenced their work 5.Friends – peers, colleagues, students, research assistants, supporters, etc.. At least two others must be atomic scientists or relevant historic figures.

4 Content (continued) 6.Likes / Dislikes – individuals and/or groups, school subjects, etc. 7.Events – those that drove the discovery / theory, those the resulted from their discovery / theory, key events around the world at the time 8. Photo gallery 9.Relationships – people, organizations 10.Ads – for the equipment they used, products or processes that came from the discovery 11.Keep it tasteful and school appropriate – and have fun

5 Grading Rubric This is worth 2 day grades The project is due Mon., Oct. 31 – Content – 85% – Creativity – 15% One FACTbook page for each scientist will be selected from those in all my classes. The winning entries will be compiled in a book/test study guide for all to have

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