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Step up to Saxion. Selecting students for honors programs: The first results of a long-term quasi experimental study CEEHEB Groningen 4-10-2012 Saxion.

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Presentation on theme: "Step up to Saxion. Selecting students for honors programs: The first results of a long-term quasi experimental study CEEHEB Groningen 4-10-2012 Saxion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step up to Saxion. Selecting students for honors programs: The first results of a long-term quasi experimental study CEEHEB Groningen 4-10-2012 Saxion University of Applied Sciences

2 Step up to Saxion. Research group Dr. Mark GellevijCoördinator Simone van der Donk MSc Jolise ‘t Mannetje MSc Evaluation study Janina Banis-den Hertog MScStudent selection Dr. Karin TruijenTeacher profile Strategic Human Resource Management (Dr. Maarten van Riemsdijk)

3 Step up to Saxion. Overview Honors at Saxion Research goal, design and questions Methods –Literature –Questionnaire Results

4 Step up to Saxion. Honors at Saxion 13 honors programs (HP’s) Most start in 2nd year Most take 3 years Extra curricular Some disciplinary, some interdisciplinary 9 HP’s started in 2011-2012 4 HP’s started in 2012-2013

5 Step up to Saxion. 8 HP’s 2011-2012 ABO = Excelleren is ondernemen ABR = Sapere aude! Durf te denken AMA = Excellent people management APO = Academische Pabo LA&S = Liberal Arts & Science LED = Life Science, Engineering & Design MIM = Marketing & International Management TFNL = Talents for Natural Leadership

6 Step up to Saxion. Honors at Saxion ‘Design and content’ Focus of the honors programs Figure 1 Focus of honors program according to students

7 Step up to Saxion. Honors at Saxion ‘Student role’ Figure 2 Extent to which honors programs elicit student characteristics

8 Step up to Saxion. Honors programs at Saxion ‘Satisfaction with selection instruments’ Figure 3 Students’ satisfaction with selection instruments

9 Step up to Saxion. Honors programs at Saxion ‘Satisfaction with selection procedure’ Figure 4 Students’ satisfaction with selection procedure

10 Step up to Saxion. Research goal We aim to: discover characteristics that predict success in honors in order to develop a selection tool that can be used in the selection procedure.

11 Step up to Saxion. Research design Figure 5 Model of antecedents for the development of innovative behavior and honors performance

12 Step up to Saxion. Research questions On which characteristics do the selected honors students differ from the regular bachelor student? Which ingredients for developing proactive and creative behavior do the 12 honors programs have? Which student' characteristics predict proactive and creative behavior in honors programs? What effect do honors programs have on students’ proactive and creative behavior? How does success in honors programs relate to creative and proactive behavior?

13 Step up to Saxion. Research question 1 On which characteristics do the selected honors students differ from the regular bachelor student?

14 Step up to Saxion. Methods literature Characteristics for excellent professionals Figure 6 Output variables for proactive personality

15 Step up to Saxion. Methods Pilot test (N=74) to develop questionnaire Honors students from 7 different programs (N=47) Control group from 9 different schools (N=119)

16 Step up to Saxion. Methods questionnaire ScalesSample itemsα Proactive personality (8 items)I am constantly looking for ways to improve things.80 Locus of control (6 items)When I get what I want, it is usually because I have worked hard.68 Openness to experience (6 items)I am curious about ideas that are critical of the social structure.80 Conscientiousness (9 items)I perform assignments with due care.85 Extraversion (6 items)I am often surrounded by a group of people.79 Creative self-efficacy (4 items)(If feel very insecure-very secure about) coming up with new ideas.79 Academic self-efficacy (6 items)(If feel very insecure-very secure about) attending additional classes on top of the regular classes.76 Table 3 Seven scales of the questionnaire with sample items and reliability scales

17 Step up to Saxion. Differences between honors students and non- honors students honors Mean (SD) Non-honors Mean (SD) FSig Eta squared Proactive personality3.92 (.53)3.78 (.49) Locus of control3.99 (.58)3.84 (.52) Openness to experience3.88 (.67)3.68 (.63) Conscientiousness3.99 (.57)3.71 (.60)7.11**.008.042 Extraversion4.02 (.73)4.01 (.57).01.932.000 Creative self-efficacy3.62 (.73)3.66 (.54).14.712.001 Academic self-efficacy3.95 (.65)3.65 (.52)9.43**.003.055 ** p <.01 Table 4 Differences in characteristics between honors and non-honors

18 Step up to Saxion. There is more to come…

19 Step up to Saxion. Contact SubjectNameE-mail SelectionJanina Banis-den Teachers profileKarin Evaluation studyJolise ‘t Mannetje Simone van der Donk CoördinationMark Our other presentations: Thursday 10.15-11.45 room A239 Factors for success in Honors Thursday 14.15-15.45 room Aula Implementation of the reflective professional profile in Saxion honors programs

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