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Peeking into English Food from Recipes (14 th - 16 th Century) History of the English Language Hannah Jun 3, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Peeking into English Food from Recipes (14 th - 16 th Century) History of the English Language Hannah Jun 3, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peeking into English Food from Recipes (14 th - 16 th Century) History of the English Language Hannah Jun 3, 2011

2 What do people eat NOW?

3 What do You Eat?

4 ? What do English People Eat? Now Fish and Chips English Breakfast Waffle Haggis Pie and Mash

5 What did people eat? Bread Fish Meat Vegetables Medieval ?

6 Form of Cury (1390) Two Fifteen Century Cookery-Books (1430) A Book of Cookrye (1591) A Boke of Gode Cookery Recipes


8 Waffle 1390 Waffres. Take þe Wombe of A luce, & seþe here wyl, & do it on a morter, & tender cheese þer- to, grynde hem y-fere; þan take flowre an whyte of Eyroun & bete to-gedere, þen take Sugre an pouder of Gyngere, & do al to-gerderys, & loke þat þin Eyroun ben hote, & ley þer-on of þin paste, & þan make þin waffrys, & serue yn.

9 Haggis 1430 Hagws of a schepe. Take the Roppis with the talour, and parboyle hem; than hakke hem smal; grynd pepir, and Safroun, and brede, and 3olkys of Eyroun, and Raw kreme or swete Mylke: do al to-gederys, and do in the grete wombe of the Schepe, that is, the mawe; and than sethe hym an serue forth ynne.

10 Black Pudding late 15 th century Germany: Blütwurst France: boudin noir Brazil: Chorizo Argentina: morcilla To make A podyng of A nox or of A shepe Take the blode and swyng hit with thy hand and cast a way the lumpys that kyeneth then take sewet of the same and mynse hit small and put in to þe blode also put in plenty of otyn grytts and fyll up thy ropeys with the same and sethe them and after broyle them When they be colde And serue þem forth.

11 Marcus Gavius Apicius 25BC Small Sausage is Made Thus: Take the yolks of six hard-boiled eggs, chopped pine nuts, onion and sliced leeks, and mix with blood [and forcemeats]. Add ground pepper and fill the casing with the stuffing. Cook in stock and wine.

12 Black Pudding in Taiwan? The Pig’s Blood Cake!

13 Old Recipes vs New Ones No lists of ingredients Quantities were not often specified! Temperature control was not specified! Cooking times were vague Readers would already have some knowledge of cooking

14 List of ingredients/ Quantities Temperature Cooking time

15 Resources

16 Bon Appétit!

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