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Canine Distemper Virus (CDV)

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1 Canine Distemper Virus (CDV)
Canine & feline management 5th Period Dr. Brahmbhatt July 15, 2011 Cameo Bua Kaitie Johnson Canine Distemper Virus

2 Etiology CDV is a highly contagious viral infection caused by an enveloped, single stranded RNA virus, of the family Paramyxoviridae, which is closely related to the measles and rinderpest. Paramyxovirus: a genus of viruses that cause respiratory infections in a variety of vertebrate hosts. Included: Mumps and Para influenza viruses. The virus initially replicates in the lymphatic tissue of the respiratory tract, followed by infection of GI, urogenital, CNS, and optic nerves. Disease follows in these affected tissues. (1)

3 Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) 1700-1990
Disease History 1700 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) 1985- First Captivized Ferrets Died of Disease 1760- English Report Case. 1770- Russians Report Case. 1905- First Reported Case 1740- French Report 1st Case. 1974- Northern Canadian Wolves Diseased 1950- Vaccine Created (2)

4 Disease History (2) 1740: The French first reported animals found with distemper, soon after the discovery of America. 1760: Cases reported in England. 1770: Cases reported in Russia. 1905: First reported incidence in America. 1950: Vaccine for canine distemper created. 1974: Serological discovery of CDV in northern Canada wolves. Serological: the science that deals with serums, particularly blood serum. 1985: 6 ferrets were brought into captivity, and soon after all died as a result of CDV. Another 6, later brought in, were vaccinated, quarantined, and determined to be free of disease.

5 Signalment Canine distemper virus infects dogs & other mammals, including ferrets, raccoons, skunks, & foxes. (7) Dogs of all ages are at risk of infection if not previously immunized, although infection is most common in puppies under 16 weeks of age and older dogs. Domestic cats are not at risk of catching the disease, but large felids, such as lions, can catch the virus. (3)

6 Transmission A healthy animal may contract canine distemper from direct contact with or aerosol droplets from an infected animal or its’ bodily secretions/waste. (7) It can survive outside of the body for up to 3 hours at room temperature, and for as little as 30 minutes in 60˚F weather. It can survive for years if kept frozen and out of light. CDV has not been shown to pose a risk to humans. (4)

7 Clinical Signs (4) Respiratory Ocular Gastrointestinal (GI)
Nasal & Ocular Discharge Coughing Dyspnea Pneumonia Gastrointestinal (GI) Anorexia Vomiting “Distemper Teeth” Diarrhea (May be bloody) Dermatological Abdominal Pustules Nasal & Digital Hyperkaratosis Ocular Anterior Uveitis (Inflammation of the front chamber of the eye; may cause the cornea to appear cloudy and/or cause changes in the appearance of the virus.) Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca Optic Neuritis Retinal Degeneration Neurological “Chewing Gum” Seizures Weakness or Paralysis Loss of Balance Muscle Twitching Hypersensitivity Neck Pain Behavioral Changes

8 Clinical Signs Clinical signs vary, depending on the virus strain, environmental conditions, and hosts’ age & immune status. (5) Symptoms of the disease are similar to that of a rabid animal, and are mostly the same in all susceptible species.(7) Other clinical signs include: Diphasic fever Diphasic: having two phases. Lethargy Ataxia Ataxia: loss of coordination of the muscles, especially of the extremities.

9 Clinical Signs Nasal & Digital Hyperkeratosis Distemper Teeth
-often found in dogs with neurological manifestations.(1) Distemper Teeth -the pitted, discolored teeth that may result when young dogs are infected with distemper virus prior to the eruption of their permanent teeth.

10 Diagnostic Tests – Expected Results
IFA for viral antigen or inclusion bodies in cells from conjunctival scrape, urine sediment, buffy coat. PCR of nasal or ocular discharge. Serum lgM or rising serum lgG. CSF antibody detection. IDEXX RealPCR™ Fair to Poor Good to Fair, Possible False Positives. Good, Possible False Positives. Good to Poor (3) >90% Sensitivity & Specificity (6)

11 Recommended Treatment (3)
No specific treatment for distemper has been proven effective. “Treatment” consists of supportive care, and may include: fluid support; nutritional support & anti-emetic therapy for vomiting & prolonged anorexia; nebulization & coupage for pneumonia; antibiotics for secondary bacterial infection. Vitamin B supplementation has been recommended & vitamin A supplementation may be helpful early in the course of the illness. Seizures may need to be controlled with anti-seizure medication.

12 Prognosis (1) Prognosis depends on the strain of CDV and the dog’s immune response. Dogs may recover completely with good nursing care, but despite intensive care, some dogs do not make a satisfactory recovery. Unfortunately, treatment for acute neurological manifestations of distemper is unsuccessful. If neurologic signs are progressive or severe the owner should be appropriately advised, warned that neurological signs can develop weeks to years after infection, and the prognosis for dogs with worsening neurological signs is poor. Even if the dog survives, neurological damage is often permanent. Once a dog has fully recovered, it no longer sheds the virus & is not contagious.

13 Pathologic Lesions of Disease
Lung lesion in an African Wild Dog Viral inclusion bodies (darker spots in the clear shapes) (longer arrows are touching them) • Inclusion bodies are actual clumps of the virus, that are visible under the microscope, within infected cells.(4)

14 Prevention The only prevention is following a good vaccine program, and keeping the pet up-to-date on all vaccines. An effective CD vaccination has been available since the 1950’s. The canine distemper MLV (modified live virus) vaccine is the basic immunization for dogs. It is generally combined with vaccines for canine parvovirus, parainfluenza, adenovirus-2, leptospirosis, & sometimes coronavirus. Puppies are vaccinated beginning at 6 to 8 weeks old, and then every 2 to 4 weeks thereafter until they are 16 weeks old. The next vaccine is given one year later, and vaccination boosters are given every 1 to 3 years after that based on your veterinarians recommendation.(4)

15 Client Education Inform the client that a good vaccination program is the only prevention for all dogs. If neurologic signs are present, the prognosis is uncertain – and usually limited. The most common cause of seizures in puppies younger than 6 months is CDV. After the actual infection, neurologic signs may appear within weeks to years, and last even after/if the disease is survived.(8)

16 References "Canine Distemper: Introduction." The Merck Veterinary Manual. Web. 14 July < "Canine Distemper Timeline." Google - Timeline. Web. < "Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) | UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program." The UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program | UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program. Web. 14 July < "Distemper - The Pet Health Care Library." 01 VeterinaryPartner Home Page - - a VIN Company! Web. 14 July <

17 References, (cont.) Nelson, Richard W., and C. Guillermo. Couto. "Canine Distemper Virus: Chapter 71, Part IX." Small Animal Internal Medicine. St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier, Print. New: IDEXX RealPCR (CRD) Panel from IDEXX Reference Laboratories. IDEXX Laboratories, Oct Web. 06 July < "Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency - Canine Distemper." Web. 14 July < Summers, Alleice. "Canine Distemper: Chapter 9, Section 1." Common Diseases of Companion Animals. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby, Print.

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